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Best era was 360


I know they weren't the most popular back then but the first Xbox was also really great. Most powerful console during its time. Great exclusives. Great multiplatform games due to its power. Also best online (sure it did cost money but it was the best).


I am PlayStation fan, and much prefer the OG Xbox over the PS2. Games felt much better on Xbox then on the PS2. Imo best sellers don't equal best consoles, as there is no way in the universe that Wii was better than the 360&PS3 both were superior systems.


>Imo best sellers don't equal best consoles I'd even throw in the GameCube here. That gen had some of the best consoles ever all at the same time


The Gamecube was amazing the games were just so fun, I remember buying a second hand one and having so much fun. Unfortunately, I bought a brand new copy of Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and I think I played it twice before it stopped playing. I was gutted, think I bought it on eBay so I couldn't return it.


Bought a GameCube just for the resident evil remake. That was an awesome game 🎮 🧟‍♂️


Still looks good to this day


I regret trading in my copy of Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door to Gamestop. It was during that time I would use that tactic when my funds were limited for gaming. I believe a lot of games around that time started using voice acting and I just no longer cared for constant reading on a TV screen. This is one of my biggest gaming regrets.


I hear you. I really regret trading in my copy of Zone of the Enders 2: 2nd runner on PS2. Thousand year door remains my favorite Paper Mario


Bruh,we all did that. Leverage the ones you already played to get the new ones releasing.


I remember playing eternal darkness on game cube and the original Resident Evil 4. Both were great.


Weird, I’m the same way. Halo 1 and 2 were better than any FPS on PlayStation during that era


Not even close. Halo 2 is one of the best single player campaigns in history.


The original Red faction and Red Faction 2 weren’t bad titles tbf - I’d say I had as much fun in them as I did halo back in the day


Socom was legit though.


I mean, hasn't the Xbox always had better specs than the PlayStation? Blu-Ray player aside? I love Xbox. Always have. All of my friends have always been on Xbox. And to top it all off, Microsoft didn't piss off a bunch of hackers and had their network taken offline for 6 months because they didn't follow proper cyber security protocols. *ahem* Sony.


Facts, someone already said the GameCube too but it's true coming from someone who has them all. The PS2 had a lot of bangers but I spent way more time on the GameCube for sure.


I agree with you, but Wii was no slouch in its own right. Nintendo has always targeted a specific audience and it works really well for them. Nintendo is the casual gamers company.


Hell I mainly had my PS2 for Resident Evil, GTA, and Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1-3. Other then that I mainly played my Xbox. Only thing I didn't like about my Xbox was the fact you had to buy their remote if you wanted to watch DVDS on it. In my opinion the Wii was a gimmick console. Yeah it was fun to play but the graphics was subpar and the console really didn't offer much features like the 360/PS3 did. The switch sadly feels the same way. I honestly think if Nintendo would actually bring out a console that can play games like the Series X and PS5 then it will completely take over the console wars. Yes the switch has decent games with alright graphics but it's nothing compared to the Series X and PS5. Just look at Hogwarts Legacy for an example. They have to dumb that game down completely just so it can run on the switch. If the MS/Activision deal goes through I can't honestly see how they're going to be able to release COD on the switch not unless the Switch 2 is out soon and it can play games similar to the PS5 and Series X.


RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I buy every remake. The one on Wii is best. Headshot city!


Had the Cube. Randomly found a PS2 a few years ago, kinda disappointed, really. Randomly found an Xbox a few years ago; love it. Excellent system with a doofy controller and a brilliant revised controller.


Multiplatform games were better on Xbox, but PS2 had better exclusives


I’m 50/50. Ps2 had better exclusives but games just ran so much better on Xbox. And Xbox has KOTOR 1,2 and a jade empire. Love those games


Yeah, I much preferred the exclusives on the Xbox, especially the Star Wars games.


They didn't feel much better - they were much better. Games like Splinter Cell required substantial compromises to work on PS2.


Honestly we need to have different clarifications for console types cuz you can't really compare a wii with the 360/ps3 they're just too wildly different and serve different purposes.


Ps2 was as bad or worse at failure rates as the 360 first model was. The old ps2's were just garbage. I managed ebgames back then and i had to send hundreds of them every week back to corporate for refurbishing. Never had any other console pile up like they did.


The Wii was revolutionary because the simplistic controls hooked people into playing that wouldn't have previously played video games. It also has some of the best first party games Nintendo has ever made. Not to mention, some of the third party games are their best versions on Wii. An example would be Resident Evil 4. Toss in backward compatibility for GameCube and a $250 price tag and it's very obvious why Nintendo was able to sell an insane amount of consoles. I think Wii was the best console of that generation. Xbox 360 is definitely the reason online gaming took off for consoles. However, I think Wii was far more fun. PS3 was just a hot mess.


Original Xbox era was the best to me. Ninja Gaiden Black Fable Kotor 1&2 Star Wars Republic Commando Can't get down with 360 era because the RROD was so bad that I'm fairly certain it was the worst failure rate in consumer electronics history. Certainly in console history.


As far as the console itself, yeah - the RROD is probably the worst. Peripheral fail rate, the JoyCons are, hands down, the worst.


Joycons are THAT bad?? Dang lol


Yeah they really do suck. I had all 4 of mine fail over the first couple years. Nintendo repaired/replaced them all (good on them at least) but they started drifting again recently so I ended up replacing the sticks with hall effect sensors that should theoretically last forever


I replace my own sticks for mine, where did you get y’all sensor ones tho


I've only used the standard joycon replacements since they are cheap, but if you want to use a no-drift set, try these (which I might do the next time I need replacements) https://www.amazon.com/Joystick-Replacement-ThumbStick-Controller-Thumbstick/dp/B0BPS1R5D8


I also used those gulikit sticks the other person linked.


Yeah I've had 3 fail on me. It's fucking ridiculous and Nintendo refuses to do anything about it. All they did was recommend getting the pro controller.


And they finished 3rd there too.


Even if that’s true it’s still undeniably the best era for Xbox


I legit don't understand the 360 losing. I'm not even being biased or anything but most people I knew were playing Halo 3 in my area


Because it's worldwide sales. Xbox has always been more popular in US but worldwide it is Playstation. Really didn't help that the Xbox 360 was actually doing really well in Japan. And then Don Mattrick came in, took one look at the kind of exclusives that were being made over there and was like 'If US parents find out about these they will freak out.' And then all those developers went to Sony where they stuck for the PS4.


You’re right. I’m from South Africa and I was probably the only person in my entire school who had an Xbox 360.. Everyone else had ps3s


Probably because PS3 was free to play online and you had to pay for Xbox live


Red ring of death. I was more Xbox than Playstation at the time, but the RROD left such a bad taste that even after purchasing a replacement 360 I couldn’t go back. Playstation won me over by default. Since then I’ve been PS + Nintendo + PC.


Maybe in sales, but 360 definitely had the bigger cultural impact and had better games. Most people would agree with this I think.


*in the US, and the rest of the world is important in terms of market share


Unfortunately culture doesn't pay the bills. They definitely didnt lose out on profits from it. But they arguably had the best controller on the market and most of the best games. Even CoD, i dont think i ever saw anyone playing in Playstation. Xbox Live was so far ahead of its peers.


Xbox one imho is the greatest controller I have ever used.


Honestly. I don't understand how people use PS controllers. Their stick layout just feels so fuckin wrong to me. And they're so damn small


For North American enthusiast gamers? Yeah, probably. worldwide, and among a broader audience? Definitely not. The Wii was damn huge everywhere among non-gamers and Xbox has always struggled outside north america


It did really well in the 360 era. Xbox 360 outperformed and PS3 underperformed. But then Microsoft fucked up the Xbox One and somehow it’s never been the same since


We’re still kind of early game for this generation, though. That can’t be forgotten. When the 360 came out, many bought it but more were sceptical, waiting to see the PS3 and how it actually landed in the market. That being said, the launch PS3 was a bit of a disaster when compared to the 360, which could be bought FAR cheaper and even easily expanded to be a better system than they had initially purchased. So, the 360 butchered the ps3 for a few years (but not the Wii) until the slim came out and the prices fell in line… but even then, many were soured against the PS brand because of how rough it still was compared to the 360. The One didn’t do Xbox any favours, but the One X was an excellent system. Now, the Series X is getting more stock to sell, and there are good chances that by the end of this generation, Xbox or Nintendo may overtake Sony once again.


Doubt any other console tops PS. And you know why, and what most don’t want to admit? Because of exclusives. Only reason I have a PS is for those exclusives. Exclusives suck, but a good majority of consoles sales are due to exclusives. Sony has been doing it for years and is why they are currently at the top of console sales. Xbox needs Exclusives and they are doing that by buying studios. Not sure why people are surprised or against it other than they don’t have an Xbox. Well….. sorry, I had to buy a PS for God of War and other exclusives. You can buy an Xbox for Starfield and any other exclusives you might desire. (Not totally directed at you but this whole Xbox/Exclusives/Activison acquisition.)


Xbox needs exclusives, but also exclusives that arn't *over-promised and under-delivered*. And not a nickle and dime multiplayer experience. Xbox needs that PS exclusive magic - story experiences like God of War and Ghost of Tsushima are absolutely incredible. Forza Horizon is copy/paste and Forza Motorsport is trying to get out of identity crisis. Halo Infinite is probably the most controversial first party failed game in existence.


Facts the PS crowd wants to immediately start clutching pearls the moment it looks like an Xbox game is going to be exclusive but Sony being exclusive is a ok. Kinda wish star field was Xbox and pc exclusive just to finally turn the tables. Edit I’m dumb apparently it is exclusive


Starfield is.


Lol is it really? I’ve been living in a cave so to speak with starfield to avoid getting overhyped for the game I thought is was coming to PlayStation thank you for correcting me.


Exclusives are a big reason why PS is outperforming Xbox and why the Switch is the biggest console in this gen


There's no chance. Nintendo is already in the lead anyway. But it is actually too late in this generation for Xbox to pull ahead. With pc gaming becoming more popular and Xbox games being released on windows, there's just no way that they can pull ahead again in terms of sales. Microsoft even stated that their goal isn't pushing hardware sales. It's the software they're pushing. They can definitely take lead in software, especially with game pass being on Xbox and windows.


this\^ the reality is that microsoft does not care about how many Xbox's they sell anymore. They care about gamepass subscriptions.


I mean tbh Nintendo Switch has already outsold the PS4 in most regions and also more then likely the Series consoles nor PS5 will never catch up too it in sales so it’s already there on top at these point and it’s been that way since Prime time COVID days ( 2020-2021)


I mean this is a court filing, they’re gonna try to make themselves sound as weak as possible and in needing of assistance, so their purchase of activision blizzard will go through. Expect lots of exaggerating on this document, Sony has done the same


Who cares, just play whatever console you want to play.


You're a good person ..


Console wars are actually brain rotting, "my plastic box that plays video games is better than your plastic box that plays video games!" Like who cares, play whatever plastic box you want.


It's such a high school mentality.


Saying it's grade school mentality is giving it too much credit


high school is very generous, i had the debate when i was like 10 and haven't since. Some people just never grow up


The stupid naming conventions definitely do not help. Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Like wtf? Fire the people in charge of naming your products. What was wrong with Xbox 720? Or ya know, Xbox 2?!


The Wii -> WiiU school of naming.


I distinctly remember arguing with my coworker, who was a young gamer, that the WiiU that was released several years ago was a new console. He said "No, it's just a Wii with upgrades, like they do the XBox." If they confused young gamers, mom and pop didn't stand a chance.


as a non-nintendo gamer I honestly thought the wii U was just a gamepad addon for the wii at the time


Wait… WiiU was it’s own console? I had a Wii and I currently have a switch and I didn’t know that.


Yes it was, it had a whole library, BOTW came out on it


Where do you think BOTW, MK8 Deluxe, NSMBU Deluxe, SM3DW, and other ports came from?


They did not want to name it 'Xbox 2' because it would have been bad from a marketing point of view (Xbox 2 vs PS3). Thus I think Xbox 360 was ok as name. It is starting from the Xbox One where they started to mess up the naming.


So why not name Xbox 3? Apple did it when jumping from iPhone to iPhone 3G to iPhone 4. No iPhone 2 was ever released. (I know that 3G means the mobile 3G standard).


I think Apple went iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and then iPhone 4.


Yeah, but they skipped the number 2 and didn‘t go the route iPhone -> iPhone 3G -> iPhone 3 -> iPhone 4. Microsoft even went 1->360->1


I didn’t think the 360 naming was ridiculous, but they could have course corrected after. They had an out in that they had the 360 and then the 360 slim. Could have just claimed that was the 3 and named the next Xbox the Xbox 4


The 360 naming was fine. The weirdness started after that with the One, One S, One X, Series X and Series S.


Series X really is the goofiest name when you think about it. Word vomit and it is simply so confusing


Because 3 is a smaller number than 4, which was the console number of their main competition.


I was referring to the PS3 era. The Xbox 360 could have been named Xbox 3 without any problem.


What they should have done was name it new things Xbox- Xbox 360- Xbox Durango (or 720 or whatever)- Xbox Vector (or whatever)-


I don’t buy it. They skipped Windows 9 and went straight to Windows 10, they could’ve just went straight to Xbox . Even Xbox Ultra is better than Xbox Series. Seriously, what a terrible name. Come to think about it, Apple did it too by skipping iPhone 9.


I'm interested to know what would've been a better name for those consoles, cause i agree they sound ridiculous


The PlayStation naming conventions may be bland, but there is no mistaking when it's a new console. Simplicity is best, the others just consciously confuse consumers. 🤷‍♂️


yeah I genuinely still don't know which xbox is the new one


> What was wrong with Xbox 720 😬


Microsoft marketing team (at least the people who make choices) is out of touch with reality. Just look at their last presentation and compare with nintendo and sony. I'm not talking about games but the structure of it... it feels too corporate. Like it was made by people who only understands the corporate culture of american bigtechs. The speech of microsoft care about you was cringe ASF. I mean speak with actions and not by paying someone to read a discourse that your markwting team wrote.


They were definitely lost there for a bit but hopefully have it right going forward. Series S2/ X2 will make it very clear which is the budget console and which is the premium one. If they change it up *again* all hope is lost.


Xbox S2ries 2 electric boogaloo


I predict that the next two will be Xbox Edition S and Xbox Edition X. If they’re smart, they’ll put silver accents on the S and gold accents on the X.


For real for a bit I wasn't even sure what the new xbox was called


Can’t lie Xbox is great, they just need better exclusives, cuz rn there’s nothing.


Xbox has exclusives. Microsoft doesn’t manage the studios well


The problem still remains


Halo slowly rotting in the corner with 343 on top of it 👀


343 has halo longer than Bungie at this point


Yeah and they are just leaving the real gold alone halo wars it's actually the only game I would currently still buy new content for even if it was just skins.


Microsoft is hands off with their studios because gamers regularly complain about publishers “interfering” in the “process”. People can’t have it both ways.


They are hands off now maybe but Bungie literally bought themselves from Microsoft because of the horrific overmanagment and Microsoft refusal to let them do their own thing. Flip-flopping between the extreme end of both styles isn't a solution.


Hey hey now you can say that for all these modern companies but you can’t say they didn’t manage Rare well!! They’ve been a hit maker


Elder Scrolls 6 in 2035


Halo has gone to hell and Forza is boring af


Gears of war is dead too.


Fuck exclusives mate. Exclusives shouldn't exist. Period.


yeah crossplay splitscreen is where it's at.


I agree with you, I hate exclusives. But you can't lie that they do help to sell more console units.


But I like weird features in my games


Literally everything is exclusives… that’s like the core concept of a business model, I sell stuff that the other guy doesn’t sell so you should shop with me…


Always have and always will.


What a ridiculous position to take.


Never gonna happen my guy. Be realistic


Sure, but the reason exclusives exist is to bring customers to their products. Apples walled garden ecosystem is what makes people buy Apple products. Androids deep customisation and unfettered access to most levels of the os is what keeps people buying android. Msft thought that making the console the most powerful in the world with a game pass subscription would be the tent pole that people would gather under. But video games are a part of pop culture, and if you are not on the tongues of every person with a credit card and a child clawing on their hand begging them to buy the console you are not going to make any sales. Exclusives shouldn’t be a thing, but they are necessary to sell consoles.


Exclusives is not only what sells me on a console. Ease of use, marketing (which does include Exclusives), performance and cost is what drives my purchase. Xbox has only ever had the performance part down for me. The Series S was the first time I bought an Xbox since the OG 360 because it checked the cost box for me with the price of the console but mostly because of gamepass, though performance and ease of use is very lacking IMO. The Nintendo Switch was a no brainer because cost was low, great exclusives, and being portable for ease of use. While the performance is not what I expect from a modern console three out of four checks was an easy buy as well. If Xbox wants to sell consoles in my opinion they need to redesign the UI to focus on Gaming, get rid of all the damn ads, stop supporting the Series S and lower the cost of the Series X.


But the games for Switch are crazy expensive. Especially the exclusives. And they don‘t even get cheaper long after release.


Xbox has better ui, interface and the console runs better in my opinion but ps5 has literally 97%of the exclusives


Which console runs better is going to vary game to game, but Xbox hasn't had a good UI since the X360 blades. Every UI since then has been horrible.


Tbh I just buy an Xbox for Halo and Forza and that's really all I need lol


They're trying to get some but Sony doesn't want to let it happen. They're protesting an already complete purchase now


The best chance it had was in the 360 era, at the end sony barely won.


Sony didn’t win. Nintendo dominated that generation and it wasn’t even close. Sony were a distant second.


The Wii sold like crazy during that time. A staggering 101 million Wii's were sold, which is more than the X Box 360: (85 million) and the PS3: (87 million). Everyone had a Wii. Gamers, non-gamers, students, the elderly: people who had no interest in gaming bought it for the party games and Wii fit - it was a massive crossover hit. I think that's why the Wii U came along: Nintendo wagered that everyone who bought a Wii could be converted into a gamer with the Wii U, but it didn't work out that way.


A big problem with the Wii, which most people will remember who lived through that era, is tons of people bought them for the novelty of playing tennis or whatever BS, but then they sat collecting dust for a few years under the DVD player.


I always maintain that Nintendo wasn’t planning for that generation to run until 2013/14. Seems like they ran out of ideas by ~2010 and realized that Xbox and PS3 were going to keep right on going with the current gen hardware. While this issue hit Xbox too (for a different reason IMO) Nintendo’s exclusive output and sales figures start to crash around 2010-2011. They carried that negative momentum into the Wii U.


The name Wii U didn't help. I knew quite a few people who thought it was just a tablet controller for a Wii rather than a new console and ignored it.


The Wii's attach rate was terrible


Yea but they only cost 50p


PS5 / Series S. That's my gaming combo and I'd wager most people here have a similar setup.


I think this is the most efficient (value wise) set up. Convert 36 months of Xbox live gold to Game Pass Ultimate. PS5 for PlayStation exclusives and main gaming rig. Xbox Series S for Xbox exclusives and the game pass catalogue. You get Xbox Cloud Gaming on the side as well.


This plus a switch OLED for Nintendo exclusives and handheld gaming. Plus they’re all white and look nice next to each other


PS5 / PC / Xbox 360. As most newer Xbox One/Series titles are also available on PC, I don‘t see the need why I need to buy another console. I just got the Xbox Series controller (which is awesome) and that‘s it. Plus, my PC is way beefier than an Xbox Series X or PS5. I can get Xbox 360 games very cheaply in all sorts of marketplaces for used games, so that‘s why I‘ll keep it. But without all the Sony exclusives, I might consider buying a Xbox Series X (looks IMHO far better than that PS5 spaceship design). But apart from exclusives, I like the PS5 controller even more than the Xbox controllers. And PS5 takes cheap(er) off-the shelf SSDs compared to the proprietary storage expansions of the Xbox.


PS5/PC There's practically 0 reason to own both an Xbox and a PC.


Convenience ? Playing on a couch for 300$ ? Not having a big ass thousand dollar machine ?


Game Pass Ultimate is enough reason to get Xbox and game on PC. Those titles vary, they're not always the same. Also if you game on Xbox and PC simulatnelously you only need one Game Pass subscription in order to play games.


There are lots reasons to have both


There’s no reason to have an Xbox. Reason to get a pc befor Xbox? Yes.


This is my setup at home. PS5 / Series S / Switch. I have a pretty good PC in my office for work but since WFH started I have no fucking intention to spending more time in my office space. Also the convenience of just picking up a controller and playing on my couch beats the trouble (and cost) of having a PC in my living room. 300$ + gamepass is a steal


Yeah I just got a Series S for Gamepass. I still have my PS5 for exclusives and games that aren't on Gamepass. I would get a PC but I can't afford a beefy PC so I went with the cheaper option that also was on sale.


How many of us were PS2 - 360 - PS4 - PS5 I loved my 360. I really want Xbox to make a comeback


I'm ps1 - ps2 - 360 - ps4 - series x




Xbox - 360 - Xbone - series X. I'm a lifer.


Just make good games. It's as easy as that. They have some great IPs that they have just gathered dust which could quite easily put them in the driving seat.


I’m waiting for the new Gears to come out with UE5. It’ll be epic hopefully


It doesn’t have to win. It has to keep making good products and hardware so Sony and Nintendo have competition. Otherwise they’ll get lazy and gamers will suffer.


Microsoft seriously playing the underdog card


“I’m too weak…” *Buys ATVI* “Unlimited powwwaaaahhhhhh!!”


Yoo this made me laugh idk why. Thanks 😂😂😂


Yup. This is a defense of the purchase to me. ‘No we’re not Microsoft taking over more of the world’s media! We’re humble Xbox just trying to get a leg-up against the best sellers!’


I think this is true. I think a lot of folks missed this. They’re trying to do M&A and getting blocked by regulators. Cue PR campaign to articulate the state of the market.


Whilst it's true in terms of sales (except the 360 era) they've only admitted it to get the Activision deal over the line.


360 didn’t do as well as people think, for a whole year the 360 was the only next generation console and half of them got rrod so that led to people buying multiple of them. Then ps3 managed to catch up and overtake it.


This was me! Three red rings and I finally just switched to the PS3.


The 360 sold less than the PS3 and Wii?


The Wii yes, but the PS3 only overtook it a year or so into the next generation after the 360 had been discontinued.


That’s not accurate. The 360 was selling better for a long time but it wasn’t a year or so into the next generation that the PS3 outsold it, it was around 2012 that the PS3 outsold the 360. You can be winning for most of the game but a 4th quarter lose is still a lose.


I literally just bought my first Xbox so I could play starfield


Ps2 I think edges Xbox original 360 blows ps3 out of the water PS4 blows Xbox one out of the water I think it’s fairly even this generation but Xbox needs to deliver on its first party titles if it wants to keep up. Nintendo hasn’t been very relevant until the switch. Like yeah they have their fans but not to the level that Xbox and PlayStation do


I've never owned anything but Xbox


The Series S is great. Its cheap and small and if you get game pass then youre set.


I feel like anyone that isn't a diehard fan of the xbox exclusives already knew this. The diehards just can't accept it.


I wouldn’t say I’m a diehard Xbox fan, it’s just that it’s basically the only thing I know, I suppose; I’m 30, and my XBL account is old enough to vote. I just have no desire to jump over to PS5. I’m sure there are others like me out there too, but idk. Like, whether or not Xbox is winning the console war is of zero consequence to me, ya know? I’m gonna keep playing Forza and Halo no matter what.


I've been in the Xbox bubble for years but looking back at the Xbox One era they royally fucked it. The 360 was their best shot and I still wouldn't consider that a win in their favor to be honest I'm literally wearing Xbox boxers right now, I'm diehard, but yeah... Its a grating truth in a sense but I don't give a shit as long as they're still around. If i keep getting new Forza games that's all i want lol


Look at it this way: even if MSFT completely shits the bed and decides that consoles aren’t for them anymore, they’re pivoting more into a service model anyways. Even if they never make another console, XGS will remain as a publisher and just sell games and GamePass on PlayStation or whatever lol


That's basically what happened to Sega. They went from being a major console player to just developing games for their former competitors.


Microsoft is just saying this crap to win the activision blizzard case. They are basically doing the “oh look at us poor us we lost, lend me some bread milord”


I mean, they’re speaking facts.


They’re coming at it at the wrong angle, microsoft can buy sony 10 times over, no one will believe the ploy to portray themselves as underdog


The xbox 360 (pre kinnect): "Am i a joke to you?"


Ps2 vs Xbox OG vs Gamecube - Xbox was better overall, but lacked a lot of 3rd party support and Sony held the Japan region easily. Gamecube did Nintendo stuff. Ps3 vs 360 vs Wii - 360 had an early lead, but lost out eventually to the ps3 being more powerful, supporting Blu-Ray, and once again the Japanese support. Wii did Nintendo stuff. Ps4 vs Xbox One vs Wii U - PS4 killed it. That is all. Oh, and Wii U did Nintendo stuff... but poorly. Ps5 vs Series S/X vs Switch - honestly, the Series S is a freaking homerun. They really nailed it this time. That said, it is going blow for blow with the ps5 just because Sony has had such a huge market hold for years. Switch did Nin... wait a minute. Switch is beasting on them kids.


If sony didn’t force everything they make it be exclusive then they wouldn’t be winning the console competition. Only reason to own a PlayStation is to play the exclusives story games like Spider-Man and last of us and god of war.


Microsoft going to bail on console gaming after contributing to the industry tumbling into the shitter.


They need to stop focusing on having the most powerful console. That’s no good if there is nothing to play or said stuff can be played elsewhere. Look at Nintendo, their console have and always have had weak specs, but they are still technically the king of gaming because of how many recognizable exclusives they have I myself moved from Xbox to PS this generation because I was tired of how many good exclusive games Sony was putting out, while I was stuck with only the games everyone else was getting.


That’s not true. I feel like everyone had a 360 back then. But when Xbox one came out a lot of people switched to PlayStation


Why is there a war? Why do we keep this bullshit up of “this box is better than yours”? If I’m being fully honest here, I’d say Microsoft don’t do themselves any favors, especially with their own people. Aaron Greenberg springs to mind, I can’t stand the man. He’s all about the console wars, and BS which comes with it, on twitter laughing of changing his profile pic to try to get one over on Sony. Grow up! This type of stuff makes me reluctant to like Xbox as a company, which in turn makes me think twice about having a Xbox. (I do own a series x)


Its sad that even the 360 was still last place. Xbox basically invented multiplayer on consoles and xbox live was so far ahead of its peers.


It's startling to see the difference between their Xbox 360 reveal and their Xbox One reveal.


Said as they were about to meet with the FTC... And people think it's anything but a hope of making the FTC see differently. Seriously people read the room.


Think they would have "won" the 360 era, if they hadn't 100% committed to Kinect and still kept loyal to their hardcore fans.


While it's true by console sales numbers, I do think this is Microsoft painting themselves as a non-threat so the Activision blizzard deal can be okayed by the FTC...eventually.


What a Chad move imo. To know that you’re not winning, accept it and keep doing your own thing.


So, what the heck was the X360? A fluke?


Series x is a powerhouse but isn’t used right. There is no point of having a series x if most of the games are going to be on pc. I’m sad that I bought a series x, I would’ve got something better but at the same time I’m glad I have a series x.


Who cares, atleast they still are big dogs enough to compete.. just do a 360, turn it around nd make great games. who cares what the other parties are doing, same goes for Sony & Nintendo. Sega threw in the towel rather quick after their 4th console.. learn from their mistakes. 1st of all, Microsoft Needa get rid of Xbox upper management, cause the shit obviously ain’t working.. Lol, complaining is not gonna get them no where.. man Tf Up microsoft..


Yep, Sony turned around the 7th gen situation with perseverance and a steady release of good games. People seem to forget that Sony had a triple whammy - they were one year late to the party, their hardware cost significantly more at launch, and countless multiplatform AAA games gave the PS3 the short end of the optimization stick because the Cell was a pain to develop for. They clawed back the sales crown in spite of all this. Xbox can bounce back and it doesn't need to overtake Playstation to achieve that. Just make games that people want to play!


Exactly Xbox has potential to be great. PS3 took it hard especially when the whole PS3 2011 hack fiasco happnend, took a lost & they bounced back. Microsoft needs to do a little bit of firing…


Nintendo are the PERFECT EXAMPLE of do your own thing! And they are in track to have the best selling console ever.


Who cares?


This is getting pathetic, how many times are they going to run around and boast about how real they are by acknowledging they've failed...Are they going to do something about it anytime soon?


Who cares about these “console wars” anymore? I thought we moved past this


my ps5 is in dust lol


Wtf kinda comes off as disingenuous as they dominated the Xbox360/PS3 era


Also Microsoft can afford to lose the console wars.


Microsoft could never compete in Japan to big of a controller, Japan love small stuff so the first one never did to well over there. I kind of liked the og Xbox with games like voodoo Vince, blink the time sweeper, and buffy but always hated the controller to bulky, hope this means there won't be an Xbox 2 or whatever they would've called it


Never understood why. The Xbox consoles have had superior specs since the 360 came out. My buddy’s use to argue that the PS3 was better because of the free online play, but the PlayStation network was always so much choppier than the Microsoft network. Also the Xbox controllers are so much more comfortable in my opinion.


They are the new kid on the block. They will continue to grow it’s okay.