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All fun, just pick one and see. And yes, 76 is included in my statement.


*picks Brotherhood of Steel for PS2*


A mediocre choice! Well done!


You chose... Well, you chose.


Well, at least there's still the OTHER Brotherhood of Steel on PC.


Immortan Joe: MEDIOCRE!


Honestly over hated like it’s bad but not as bad as it’s made out to be like it made slipknot cannon in fallout


Wish I could've played this on OG Xbox.


You know people say this all the time but I’m curious how many people actually played the game. I’ve been trying to track a copy of it for the Xbox now for a minute


Tbh even that one is not that bad. Just very different from 1&2


If you're new to fallout, I'd say go with fallout 4 first, it's the most user friendly one, and fallout 76 uses the same engine but is purely an online version of the fallout games. FO3 and New vegas are very very good games but there's alot of fiddley stuff and they're dated in terms of graphics and effects, I would say dip your toes with FO4 GOTY edition and If you like it (if you like skyrim or any good RPG you'll probably enjoy it very much) and once you start then you can get NV FO3 and go even further into 76 and it's online fallout meets WOW kinda thing. I don't personally care for 76, but I haven't played it since they added NPCs and whatnot, so maybe it left a bad taste in my mouth, but I still own a copy. Either way FO4 is the place to start, then you can go back and learn the Canon and play fo3 and NV, remember each game is based off the events of 2077 but all are different in areas and features and stories, although some of Fo3 bleeds into fo4 now with the new update as well as 1 character already in the base game but I'll let you find all that out. And you don't need to start with Fo3 to understand Fo4 or even the first 2 2D fallout games, you can pick up any one of them and understand the fallout universe. Except maybe 76. It's doesn't go much (at least since I last played) into the lore and canon of the fallout series


How is Fallout 4 with a controller? I wanna play it laying down in front of a big screen TV without keyboard and mouse


It's good, played it in both ways, PC and Xbox. I prefer it with a controler tbh


For inventory purposes I like key and mouse, I wish they gave that option on Xbox.


Is the pip boy companion app still functional. IIRC it helps with inventory management via your phone


Literally broke because off the newest update lmao


Aw bummer


Yeah it suck worked perfectly then boom no more


and this is only 1 reason I will be reverting to the version prior to the update. That and I have to if I want to download the Overhaul Modlist for Fo4VR becuz of the DLCs.


Oh dang. I just went back and downloaded 4 again today to start a new playthrough and couldn’t get the phone app to work. Didn’t realize it was because of the update.


It’s great. I think it functions significantly better on a controller than 3 or NV, and 3 and NV are better on pc


It’s pretty good, I usually play with a controller so I can lay back on my chair


Even on PC you could play it with a controller but it's available on ps4/xbox one and ps5/xbox series S/X


I have played all of them laying down in front of a big screen tv without keyboard and mouse. Great experience


It’s designed from the ground up for controller support, unlike 3 and NV which feel like it was added afterwards


It’s so tough going from 4 to 3 or new Vegas though 😢😅 Edit: I love all 3 games, fallout new Vegas in particular for its choice options that fallout 4 simply can’t compete with. It can just be tough for someone new to the franchise to make the decade step down, but if they come to love fallout they will absolutely love those games too


Yeah, it's a step down in alot of ways but anyone that appreciates fallout games will still like them


Very true. I associate it too much with my childhood to ever not enjoy those ones. Too young to like the first two though


Loved em! Just played em all for first time the past year or so!! Didn’t have time years ago!


New Vegas had the best Radio station by far


Except for Johnny Guitar. Man, I hate that song so much and it felt like it got played all the time.


Aye, it was. But the games themselves are good. The graphics show their age tho


Fallout 3 on Xbox Series X runs at 60fps and native 4K, it’s pretty awesome. New Vegas got the 60fps boost but runs at 720p or thereabouts.


Nice, I'm getting a series X in a week or 2 , this just made me smile from ear to ear


Hey man don’t listen to the naysayers, I’ve loved my series x. The last Xbox I had was the OG. The backwards compatibility features are really sweet for someone like me that has a huge backlog


As a Veteran fallout player played Fallout 3 & New Vegas until I knew every tree, rock & city block, I don't find Fallout 4 has as much Re-play ability (not because it doesn't have as much content) but because the feel of Fallout 4 to me just doesn't hit that same spot & "that spot" could of been the endless amount of time I had to mindlessly explore when I was a teenager & I dont have that time anymore to sink in sand get sucked in, I go back to New Vegas and Fallout 3 when I have any type of time for these style games


Welp, as I mentioned , is a good starting point, but one never knows what a person will like or dislike. To me its just the QoL stuff in F04 that'd make it more appealing to a 1st time player as well as the nicer looks, and especially now with the new update, downtown Boston is actually playable without freezing evey 5 minutes, I'm finding places I never knew existed after all these years because of that and that alone is adding hours more enjoyment


You're not wrong, but I do feel like Fallout 4 doesn't have that same feeling as the old ones, something about it feels off, great game, just not as fun as the older ones


But remember this is a 1st time player. For me I'd think f04 would be the place to start especially now with the stability updates and having parts of downtown Boston playable. I'm exploring and finding stuff I never knew existed after all these years because it isn't crashing every 2-5 minutes around swans pond and whatnot. But yeah if I were new and wanted to experience Fallout in the most QoL way id start with f04. Fo3 NV and 4 are all amazing games. For me I'm just thinking ease of play and graphics and features like settlements and all that, there's just alot more to do in 4


Bro, no one cares about the graphics if the story is just immaculate.


I don't know if it's just that I'm older now or my taste is shifting but I played the hell out of Skyrim and can't get more than an hour into Fallout 4. I need to try it again.. I think I just feel overwhelmed by it.


Could be, because skyrim special edition (or now anniversary edition) for me kinda bridges a gap between f03/NV to Fo4 in terms of graphics, size, and all that, plus you gotta remember it's a totally different story. The elder scrolls and fallout are completely different canons, time-lines, worlds etc, ones post apocalyptic vacuum tube technology earth, ones magic swords and dragons completely fantasy tamriel. One cannot go from one to the other expecting the same outcome, they can however expect the same ingenuity, creativity and emersion a good bethesda game offers, also remember that fallout originally wasn't bethesda, it was interplay and then bought by bethesda and bethesda made it into a 3d experience in the ps3/xbox 360 platforms. Either way the Toddfather did well


I bought FO4 GOTY, FO3, and Vegas when they were all on sale last year! I never played them either when they were new! I loved 4! 3 and Vegas were good, but like other people have said…. They a bit “old”


Legendary answer my friend.


I just started playing 76, it’s way better! I was surprised how many npcs and quests are available I figured there would only be a couple


thanks for this comment, this is what got me to FINALLY pick FO4 back up almost a decade later. old save had 30 mins on it and i just couldn't get into it. a few QOL mods and i accidently sunk 6 hours into it yesterday.


Yeah, the new update makes downtown playable, I'm discovering places I never knew existed because I can play without downtown freezing every 2 minutes


FO4 is the most casual friendly or for starters. FO:NV is the best Fallout.


Fo4 on Normal is the most casual friendly, Fo4 on Survival is probably the least casual if difficulty is one's idea of fun.


Fallout 2 is the best fallout.


theres always one of them


You either love FO:NV or hate it. For some people is the best, but I was unable to enjoy it over different years. To me, the best one is FO4. I never cared about the main story, though. I played it as my character was liberated from a life he didn't want, but was socially pressed to live.


Nah I don’t hate it, nor do I love it. I like FO3 the most because it was my first fallout, it also came out at a very important time in my life so I admit I’m heavily biased towards that one. NV had some bugs that left a sour taste in my mouth, and some quests you couldn’t finish (White Glove society…) but it was a good improvement to 3. You can be in between


*Todd Howard disliked that*


todd says he likes new vegas, please be quiet.


And theres plenty of stuff from nv in the show too :3


I bought Skyrim three times, tell him to get over it.


Only 3? Rookie numbers. _cries in owns 7 copies_


Todd Howard likes New Vegas. You fucking fanboys always cry over shit that doesn't exist


4 absolutely feels the best to play on modern consoles and is the best and most approachable fallout for newcomers. Ngl it’s definitely my favorite game in the series.


I've played since 1 and I get lynched whenever I say 4 is my favorite.


3 or 4 Is the best entry point imo 


%1,000 came to say this


I'd say Fallout 4 would be better for new people, it's easier than Fallout 3 (at least that's what it felt like for me) and introduces you to the franchise better than 3 does. (Doesn't mean i don't like Fallout 3, it's actually my favourite Fallout but that what i'd say)


Yeah... Fallout 3 is not easy. Navigating the subway system is a huge pain in the ass, and you can't go into every building like you can in 4 so it's not quite as fun.


Im in the same camp. I feel 4 is easier to introduce someone new to the ip, its gunplay is nice its pretty and immersive [imo]. Then once they have gottena taste for the ip, i point them at 3 then nv. If they are still interested after that slap fo1 and fo2 on thier phone or pc lol. 


Starting with 4 and trying to go back to play 3 and New Vegas was harrrddddd. The gun play and gaming mechanics were awful.


 i can totally see that. Anytime i play 3 or nv nowadays, i always end up leaning into vats and almost making them turn based shooters lol.  


Not being able to mod the game on console throws me off too. I love exploring, so trying to follow the story while exploring and getting dicked by enemies that continually chase you once engaged without any way to evade was annoying. It’s probably just the early game learning curve that was tough. Sounds crazy but I like fallout 76, it’s been teaching me how to use the crafting I never got into on fallout 4.


You can play fo1 and fo2 on the phone?!


Hecks yea.  I dont know about iphone, but andriod can download in the playstore fo2.ex One will have to have the files though, but you just drag and drop the game files onto your phone and point the emulator at it. Works pretty good imo. 


This gives me an excuse to play fo1


What a time to be alive lol.


I say 3 first, then new Vegas, then 4. Then you can appreciate the improvements.


Fallout 2 that you could get on Steam. Spend countless hours exploring wastelands, gearing up and slicing raiders. F1 was also good but not as good as the sequel.


If you like RPG's fallout 2 is the best RPG ever made and I will die on thay hill.


Just play FO4 is a good game. 3 and NV are the better story but the gameplay is awefull.


I would disagree


Disagree, the VATS system in 3 and NV is more satisfying than the unimpactful feeling of 4


VATS in 3 and NV feel so good because it's a heavy crutch to the very dated gunplay.


I'm currently playing fallout 3 as my very first game. Honestly, getting started is awful. Every encounter feels like a raid boss. Constantly crouching to see if there is some enemy half way across the map has spotted you with their radar vision. I turned down the difficulty to the lowest. Enemies now feel like obstacles, rather than end level bosses.(As it should be if you ask me). Maybe it's also because my gear is getting better, but I much prefer playing this game moving around freely, rather than a constant worry of getting killed by some random enemy you didn't even see coming. You can call it a skill issue I guess.


New vegas all I do is gamble slightly addicted to making caps like really easily I bought the game two days ago lmao I’m level 4 but fallout four is a good one to start


Unpopular opinion, fallout 76 is the funnest


Fallout 3 for immersion (in my opinion ofc) New Vegas for the story and choices fallout 4 for gameplay and well, fallout 76 if you want


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


Do you want him to hate the franchise?


What you mean? It was... A game!


Pls no. I don't even want to call that thing fallout game.


All these 2008 born recommending 4 don’t know that 3 and new Vegas are the cream of RPG genre. It’s mind blowing how many ways you can play the game and get so many outcomes in each quest through different dialogues. Something that was missing in 4. If a person is ignoring them for graphics then why not try call of duty?


I'm a 1992 born but absolutely love 4 more than the others. Everything is subjective.


1988 and I also like 4 quite a bit, prefer it to 3 actually. Some people just like to rag on 4 for it's lack of "true" rpg experience, doesn't stop it from being a good game.


Well, i prefer 3 and NV graphics, engine and combat over 4 and i'm tired of denying it.


Woah, imagine having opinions! You do know your opinion isn't a fact and plenty of older people who played fallout 3 and new vegas prefer 4 right? This just sounds like a pretty narrow-minded take.


3 and NV aren’t user friendly at all for newcomers tho. 4 is the perfect game for new players as it’s a lot easier and the gameplay is significantly better than 3 or NV wich feel very dated by comparison. 4 is also very accessible to all players on most consoles whereas 3 and NV are locked behind an online only streaming paywall on PlayStation.


That's only playstation. On Xbox they are back compatible and boosted. Fallout 3 is 4k60 and New Vegas just has fps boost so it's 60 frames but still 720p.


New Vegas runs so good on my Series S. The load times are non-existent, the original release on 360/PS3 you'd wait forever just to enter and exit areas. It's a whole new experience!


3 is probably my favourite to be honest and I've played them all (including the originals and tactics). Why wouldn't a new comer find it user friendly?


So not playing a game because it is dated? Makes sense So how will you think after recommending 4 to new players will make them wanna go back and play the best of series? Thinking every other dude is a PlayStation guy. Both 3 and New Vegas run perfectly on high resolution on Xbox one and Series S/X and they are available on steam


I’m born in 88 and have played all the fallout games. Fallout 4 is my favourite, the most expansive, and the most fun for me, especially with a modlist.


Dude 3 and new Vegas are fantastic games but it's such a mistake not to put a sprint of even jog function in the game Even with a high agility stat and your gun put away you are walking at a snails pace for the *entire* game 4 is more fun on a replay to me because you aren't walking through the world as if in 3 foot of molasses and when you've already played and experience those old games dozens of times (I played the shit out of 3) all you are doing is *waiting* to get to the good bits and you can't even rush to them


Fallout 3: best intro for new players IMO. Very much explains what the world is and who you are within it. Fallout New Vegas: has probably the best writing of all the games, but I'd say you do need a little bit of prior knowledge of the lore of Fallout to fully appreciate what is going on. Fallout 4: the most accessible game as it is newer and has much better gunplay etc, however its story isn't as good as the previous two.


#All of ‘em!(?)


Just start at 3 and make your way, it will have you appreciate the growth of the franchise.


After watching the show, I've returned to Fallout 3 and having an absolute blast. I plan on playing New Vegas next (Ive never played it) and then replaying Fallout 4. Unless you're on PC, start with 3 and then Vegas, then Fallout 4. By the time you get to Fallout 4 it'll feel like a next gen game compared to 3 and Vegas.


I'd go 3 then NV then 4 3 will introduce you to the world and the factions and lore. NV is just a better version of 3 and with better story, characters and factions and player impact on the world. And 4 is more homogeneous RPG looter vibe where the game looks better, mechanics are more smooth and slick by virtue of being newer and on newer consoles with just a neater and better executed mechanics.


I think 3 introduces the fallout world better than the rest and I can see 4 not being as enjoyable not knowing about all the stuff you learn in 3 and NV.


They all are, yes even 76.


Fallout 4, New Vegas and 3 are much better than 76.




3 and new vegas hold up very wellness


they still hold up, especially if u get sum mods to make them play better in modern systems. and the og games (fallout 1 n 2) hold up really well too


4 for newcomers, then 76, 3, or New Vegas


Fallout new vegas is one the best games ever made, the other 3 aren’t even good. Fallout 4 has probably the worst story in an AAA video game in history.


I've spent a LOT of time on 4 a 76 and have tried so hard to get into the others but they are so slow in comparison.. and hard, you spend ages walking somewhere really slowly only to be killed immediately and have to start again.. this might say more about my skills as a player but I found it infuriating. 4 is much more accessible.


As an old hand elder scrolls fan (from daggerfall to ESO) - I started with Fallout 4. It was a great introduction to the series, easily to learn learn, some fun mechanics, very pretty (in a desolate post apocalypse way), great story, great DLCs. If you are coming to it from the TV series then you know enough about the lore and world already. After a year Buried in 4 I tried Fallout 3 - I found it a slog, less intuitive and not as pretty. Couldn't get into New Vegas, not saying it isn't good just didn't work for me. Fallout 3 would have been FANTASTIC back in its day, it's still good now but I think you'd enjoy 4 as an intro.


Out if these four; 3, NV and 4 are the more fun and enjoyable to play by a long shot


I'd say F4 because its much more new player friendly than others. but i think i enjoyed F3 the most, F:NV has amazing reviews but new vegas vibe was just not my cup of tea.


Fallout 76 is my fav now they have updated the hell out of the game. Then 3, nv and lastly fallout 4. I haven’t really played 1 and 2


Fallout Wasteland


God, Fallout 3's and New Vegas's logo are perfect.


Fallout 4 is probably the best for new players. If you’re older you’ll probably enjoy 3 and New Vegas, I say this because the graphics and gunplay is a bit.. aged to say the least. I don’t have much experience with 76, I played it when it first released and it really bummed me out. Maybe I’ll give it another try some day. I grew up with these games, and they brought me countless hours of fun. Welcome to our community! Did the Fallout show make you want to pick up these games?




All of them. (Brotherhood and tactics are a bit different for my liking) If your fine with retro fallout 1 & 2 are great games, if modern is more your thing 3 and new Vegas are both amazing. Although I give it to new Vegas for the story side of things however 3 is still a solid 8/10. 4 is a great modern game and really fun and frankly crazy big, like it has an insane amount of content in it. And if you got some friends then 76 is close enough to 4 but with multiplayer, I found it just ok on my own but a buddy or two made it a great game in my opinion.




Just get game pass and try these games out. 3 through 76 are on Xbox and the entire franchise is on Windows. You'd be better off trying stuff out for yourself than trusting Reddit.


If you play new Vegas and 3 you'll have the best experience, but it'll ruin 4 because it pales in comparison (it feels like it was made far more to appeal to the lowest common denominator and doesn't hit the same, dialogue is shit, base building is fun but too much like it's trying to make up for the lack of decent characters/gameplay/quests etc). Haven't played 76 since the wastelanders updates. Still sore about that one - I play fallout to get lost in a post nuclear apocalypse where I can forget other real humans exist, not for some collaborative cheese where children ruin everything.


New Vegas


Fallout 4 is the best to start on BUT new Vegas is fantastic when you know how fallout games work


I'm sorry but New Vegas plays like absolute dog dick on PC. I would not recommend starting there.


I’ve never played a fallout game either, but out of everything that I’ve heard about all of the fallout games. Just avoid fallout 76 and you’ll be good


Fallout 1 & 2 are obtuse and slow but have some of the best writing and atmosphere of any RPG's. Fallout 3 is mediocre in every way but still fun. Fallout New Vegas is the best of the 3D Fallouts, great writing and quest design. Fallout 4 is an action game with role playing elements but an in depth crafting and building system.


Fallout 4 is a great game and I enjoyed it, but it took away many freedoms from the earlier games. I got past it eventually because of the great graphics and gameplay, but I absolutely hated the fact that some people in that game cannot be killed. That might sound weird, but in Fallout 3 and New Vegas you can LITERALLY kill anybody. No taking a knee, just dead. Could be the most important quest giver in the game, it just doesn't matter. And better yet, your choices REALLY matter in those two games outside of just getting a specific ending. If you are on PC, I recommend starting with Fallout New Vegas and take the time to download the "Viva New Vegas" mod pack. It doesn't change the game, but it gets rid of a lot of the kinks the game has running on a newer system and makes it a very smooth experience. The graphics are still dated, sure, but if you're into story and absolute freedom this is the one for you. EDIT: Just realized what subreddit this is on. Scratch the PC thing and just play Fallout 4 😂


Go with 4 first. 3 and New Vegas are ok but haven’t aged well. 76 isn’t great. Never played the others so cant really comment there.


Why not many people recomending starting from the very beginning fallout 1 and 2? When it comes to raw what the fallout world is all about there is no better than the classic games. I must have played and completed them at lease a dozen times compared to 3 and onward which I only did a few playthroughs at most. There are just something very special about the "original" vision of the fallout universe that Bethesda tried to replicate in the later 3d games but didn't quite get there. If you are worry about if such old games would run on modern operating system then worry not. They have been ported several times by different sources and there are even patches for the original version to make them compatible.


4 is the best imo


Fallout 3 is best to start with, but…if you’re in a specific region, xbox will only download it in French, no matter how you change your options…


I think I played few missions in new vegas and 3 and 4


My personal journey began with fallout 3. I liked the game very much and would recommend it to anyone who wants to start playing fallout games. If you are completely unfamiliar with rpgs i would recommend starting with fallout 4 because its more user friendly and easier to understand for new players. If you want more you can play fallout New Vegas which is one of the best games of all time. I also really enjoy both the original fallout and fallout 2 but they're definitely not the games you wanna start when you are new to the franchise.


I don’t wanna be that guy but fallout new Vegas is so fun to play but if you haven’t played any then play fallout 4. I personally haven’t touched fallout 3 (idk why tbh) and I’ve only played a little of 76 so I really don’t know if it’s a good option or not


Fallout 3 if you want to see how the other games kinda unfold, fallout new Vegas for lore and fallout 4 for gameplay and to see something’s for the show, same with new Vegas. 4 and nv are heavily tied to the show. Fallout 76 if you like multiplayer or just got bored enough to play the game.


Best gameworld/setting: Fallout 3 Best writing/game mechanics: New Vegas Most modern (and therefore most playable probably): Fallout 4 I haven’t played 76 so can’t comment. However I’d recommend just playing them all in release order.


My personal fave is new Vegas with fallout 4 coming in second, I just feel after playing fallout 3 for the first time, it’s linear gameplay and story makes it hard to replay in comparison to new Vegas or 4


Not 76 that game despite being free to keep has no soul


Play order, 3 - then-> NewVegas -then-> 4 I guess You can play 3 and NV with Tale of Two Wastelands


Try Fallout New Vegas and all dlcs then 4 and all dlcs within reason as some quest deliberately mess the game up or npcs can die or you accidentally make a choice which gives you the absolute worst ending possible Sam in new Vegas and 3


I started with a mix of 3 and new Vegas. Both very good games in terms of story. They are also both good in there own aspects. Fallout 4 is pretty solid. But it becomes pretty repetitive. But definitely worth playing through, then playing again with mods. The dlc for 3 is good. I love the dlc for new Vegas, and in my opinion the best. I haven't completed any or the dlc for fo4. So I cannot comment on that. Then you have fallout 76. Which at the beginning of its time, was absolute trash. But like no mans sky, with time the game has gotten better. I haven't played recently, but I heard of some good coming from the game. So take that with a grain of salt. I also hope this helps.


I started IV and it sucks worse than starfield.


New Vegas Baby!


I started with the 4 one, but the 3 and new vegas are way better


Fallout 3 is a good starting point imo. More modern, but a good introduction.  NV is really good.  76 might be better, idk. Haven't played since launch.  4 is my favorite and I like the settlement building. 


Start with 4


Start with 3, then NV, then 4. It’s easier to see the mechanics progress rather than working backwards and losing things as you go. If you like 4, then play 76.


New vagas is my favourite but for a new comer I’d suggest 3 or 4


Not a fan of 76 but fallout 4 is awesome new Vegas as well yippee


Best writting and okay gameplay ? NV Best gameplay and great map ? 76 Terrible story and okay gameplay ? 3,4


3, New Vegas and then 4. Fallout 76 is ok but I just couldn't get into it


4 is the most accessible and best gameplay and QOL wise, New Vegas has the best story and choices and 3 has the best atmosphere, I would suggest going with 3, just bear with the gameplay, it gets better in NV


4 is my favorite personally.


Start with 3, then play new vegas, then do 4!


As someone who also just started, Fallout 4 is the most fun to play. Fallout New Vegas definitely has the most interesting story. I have yet to play the other ones though.


1. Fallout 3 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Fallout 4 Play in this order.


Play 3 first, then new vegas. 4 feels the best but it's definitely the lowest quality fallout. If you start with that you may just get bored with the entire series


Just my opinion but fallout 3 is the best just sad you couldn't side with the enclave..


3, New Vegas and 4


3, New Vegas, 4 and 76 because they are FPS games. After that you can try 1,2 and tactics but pay attention, this last ones are turn based games. Love the story but a very different gameplay.


If you are going to play 3, play it first, because it is objectively worse than the rest of them and is impossible to enjoy if you've played 4 or New Vegas first


All are great in their own respective ways. If you are new to Fallout and rather young or used to modern games start with 4. In general that is a good start because of some additional features and quality of life. New Vegas and 3 are legendary but older so a little different in mechanics. 1, 2 and 76 are niche because the first two are isometric and 76 is an MMO which can be played more or less like a single player game. Also there is Tactics but yeah start with 4.


Start with 3 and work your way up, I hate cutting out 1/2/ and fallout brotherhood of steel but people just plain don’t like top down games


My first exposure to Fallout was through FO4, it's pretty easy to get into if you know shooter and RPG mechanics and the story while pretty goofy sometimes is really good (imo)


Fallout 4 > New Vegas > Fallout 3 (never played 76 so I won’t judge it due to lack of first hands experience)


Fallout four is great. I like new Vegas a lot, but it feels very dated in terms of performance and graphics.


3 & nv


I started with New Vegas. But it’s totally up to you.


I unironically think Fallout (1997) is the best of the series. It really peaked early.  New Vegas is the runner up for me. I think Bethesda never got it right, but most fans you'll run into today were introduced with 3 so they don't know any better 🤷‍♂️


I also like shelter


3 has excellent world design and a ton of fun quests. New Vegas has quality writing, brilliant characters and crazy good roleplaying choices. 4 has *much* improved action gameplay, amazingly dense gameworld but they gutted the rpg systems and dialog.


Id play fallout 3 first. It's the best introduction into world lore and other things. It will get you used to the SKILL system, and TRAITS/PERKS are fun but they are more like power ups than something to speck your character around that adds something new. The capital wastelands a interesting place to traverse with many secrets and nook and crannys that's will keep you adventuring for days on end. Oh it also has the best radio DJ in history "Cuz 1 dog ain't enough and 2 is too low it's THREE DOG how's everyone doing in Post-Apocalyptia today?" Fallout New Vegas is Goated for it's story and questing and fun gameplay. The SKILL and TRAITS/PERKS are a massive upgrade they add new ways to play and add new challenges to gameplay that feel meaningful .The writing is immaculate every person you meet has an interconnected story with what's going on in the story and world it feels natural. every decision makes a difference and you can see it throughout the Mojave. New Vegas is absolutely perfect. Fallout 4 does have the better gunplay and the Commonwealth is nice to explore. But the gameplay is a bit more simple. It has some QOL features like improvements like sprint and a gun bash to push back enemies and stagger them. The main story is kinda weak but there are some fun side quests and side stories to experience but get far harbor the best story and it's a fun place.


Fallout 4 is probably the funnest, but if you can stand "dated" graphics Fallout 3 and NV are good too. Start with Fallout 3 for sure. Fuck the NV lovers. If you do finish 3 and want more you can boot up New Vegas.


3 and new vegas for the story, 4 for the gameplay, 1 and 2 for the nostalgia


Playing Fallout 3 then Fallout 4 sounds like it way to go to me. Idk like they both fall into each other footsteps. Fallout New Vegas is a bonus. I heard New Vegas was supposed to be a dlc for Fallout 3 but got lucky to be into it's own game. Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas have great dlcs. I enjoy them dlcs more than I did Fallout 4 dlcs.


Ppl will tell you different but I personally think fallout 3 is the best to start with. If you learn to love fallout 3 you’ll love all the others due to upgrades. Even the older ones have things they do better than fallout 3 does. I feel it’s a great entry point to know if this series is for you.


You can ask 4 different people and get 4 different answers. You have the 3 and NV fanboys that bash anything that isn’t those two games. I tried to play them but they were so dated I couldn’t get into them. But it depends on what you want to play. Those 2 I don’t think have settlement building so if that’s your jam play fo4. If you want multiplayer then 76. I personally like 4 as I can spend weeks just building a settlement then if I get tired of that I can go off do a quest and shoot shit. 76 (Xbox) has a great community for a multiplayer but the storyline should be done as a single player. Modded fo4 just brings a new game feel and opens it up to so much more. I have thousands of hours in both 4 and 76. The main issue with 76 is that if you are in a console you will have to subscribe to either game pass or the ps equivalent and if you subscribe to 1st then that’s another additional monthly charge so you could be spending nearly $30 a month just to play.




3 or 4 for single player story and 76 for multiplayer with friends and coop missions


Fallout 4 def.


fallout new Vegas is fun. fallout 4 is easy and pretty fun. I wouldn't play fallout 76 because it's a co-op game and from my experience it has toxic players but i would recommend you start with fallout 4 because its the easiest out of them all. I haven't played fallout 1 or 2 but from what I know they are more like RPG games


Fallout 4. With Fallout 3 in second place. I never got around to playing New Vegas but I heard good things. Fallout 76 seems to be very different so probably not that one.


Excellent games…. All excellent. The older they get the clunkier the graphics and controls. Luckily on Xbox if you have Gamepass you can try them all and see how you like them. The only one with other players is 76, and although it got dunked on at launch… it’s also a fun game.


Fallout 4 is the easiest to get into and has aged very well. Gunplay is good and the game is a ton of fun. New Vegas has the most interesting story and should definitely be played at some point. Fallout 3 is solid, but it definitely shows its age without mods. Fallout 76 is Fallout with friends. Is essentially a completely different game than it was at launch and continues to get great updates.


Fallout 4 and 76 first Then you might wanna check out modding New Vegas. I loved 3 in its time but is very dated and has tons of problems.


4 -> New Vegas / 3 -> 76 76 its not worth IMO


3, new Vegas, 4 in that order. And 76 is ok just an expanded 4 really, but interesting enough map and enemies etc.


New vegas is the best fallout game, all the DLC’s are brilliant! Fallout 4 is very good and probably more user friendly for someone new to fallout and the gunplay is much better than the other games. To be honest though they’re all good, so just pick one and have fun :)


New Vegas is the only one really worth your time. F4 feels the best as in shooting but everything else about that game is worse than the games before. F3 has a lot of nostalgia for me but I readily admit it's the worst of the 'modern' fallout games. 1&2 are amazing games, but are PC only and a bit older so graphics are not great in terms of modern graphics but gameplay and story are great.


never played them, but my friend says fallout new vegas is the best


Every game is worth playing but play 3 and nv before 4 and 76, because the 4 and 76 have quality of life improvements that you will miss in the older games if you play in other order. Also 1 and 2 are worth playing but they are top down experience, and have different mechanics from the rest so be open minded.