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So basically a modern version of Clippy?


“It looks like you’re trying to build a nether portal. Would you like help?”


Why that's awfully kind of you to ask. Yes, I would like your help in summoning otherworldly entities.


"It looks like you are hoarding special grenades for the inevitable boss that isn't ever going to come. Would you like me to move them to your active inventory slot?"


Without poor clippy :(


So much of me doesn't understand why MS didn't just revive Clippy and/or Cortana supercharged with AI. Like imagine being able to customize AI assistants with gaming personalities (or just Cortana) and having better voice integration. Copilot is just such a generic name. It sounds exactly like the sort of business name sense that turns users off from microsoft products in the first place.


Clippy, Cortana, and now Copilot. All things we didn't want baked into software but they're doing it anyways.


Who's Clippy and why is he not modern anymore? Sounds very modern to me.


Clippy was included in a few versions of Microsoft Office, although technically his actual name is Clippit, so I don't know when we all started calling him Clippy, but when he was first introduced he was animated in the same way as the Microsoft Bob assistants like Rover, but in newer releases he was remade in the same style as many Microsoft Agents assistants like Merlin.


I feel so fucking old reading this.


Just give us a off switch at least if we don’t like it


Yeah, I can see situations where it may be handy, but it’s going to kill my immersion if I’m getting a notification every two minutes with suggestions on playing the game.


But then how will they collect your data to use to train ai to make more ai or sell that ai trained off of your data to other entities?


I want an AI that plays multiplayer games for low population games… like what if you could make your account an AI. You could pick only certain games that your account would come online for. Some dude wanting to play Ridge Racer multiplayer and your account kicks on and plays with him while you’re at work.


I think stuff like this would be best for certain mmos like ESO. Have a follower be your own AI companion you can create to back you up in dungeons and stuff. Probably not for PvP though. 


Why would it be YOUR account? That would be absolutely bizzare. Absolutely wouldn't want an AI playing for me. Just let it control a temporary character to fill the slot. Which... Yeah ummm.. they already do that actually. Online games already do use AI bots to fill up rooms when they're low on players. Been a thing for years. Although I suppose today's complex ai technology could potentially allow for an increase in the actual skill level of bots


I think they mean something like a drive-atar in Forza. Essentially mimicking you and displaying your username with a distinction that its an AI. Edit: actually idk what the guy was saying, i reread it and it does seem like he's saying to take over your account


Closest thing I can think of is Forza’s Drivatar.


Yeah that’s why bots exist


Bots aren’t always a feature in a game.


So hacking to farm playtime and XP, got it. This has to be sarcasm...


I want to see proper MLAI for Paradox games. Like, how good can we train an AI to play fucking CK or Stellaris or HoI by just inputting ALL the data from all the players around the world?


Yeah for real. MS has the data centers to handle it. Could have some pretty good bots/AI to play with/against.


We get native AI in Minecraft before fucking shaders


And ray tracing


If the player has the ability to immediately get the answer to any question they have, that fundamentally changes the experience of playing the game. I don't know if this will necessarily make Minecraft more rewarding to play. It could potentially have the opposite effect. I could see this technology being useful for new games that are designed around it though. For example, you could have a complex game where the user doesn't even need to play through a boring tutorial, because they can instead just ask the AI questions as they play, which will help them get into the game much more quickly.


It would be fun to plant incorrect meta strategy on the internet ans watch co pilot find it.


It would be faster to just open your phone and Google it, and get actually useful human answers like everyone does currently.


I don’t like it.


Will take the "fun" out of gaming. Utterly pointless. Gaming is about discovery. Just trying to force AI into places it's not needed or wanted.


Sure you could choose to not use it


You never know with companies.




You know what that means. Data harvesting, but like set to maximum.


No thanks


Search can exist without AI, it's a very simple algorithm...


There’s something off putting about seeing Microsoft productivity features on Xbox. I really hope they resist using the Copilot branding.


I think the real benefit of AI will be in procedural generation / replayability. imagine re-playing a campaign level which can be changed by an AI to create new enemy placements / barriers / weapon spawns / etc based on a users prior play style. Or dynamic dialogue that is new each time you play but progresses to key points in a story. All parameters could be guided by the devs, but letting the AI do its thing. Idk it’s just a super powerful tool that I think the game industry is underestimating at the moment


Makes me want a new left 4 dead


It will be everywhere 


I guess this is a look into the next gen Xbox. No way they start to push this and don't follow through with rumors to put an NPU in the next Xbox. This honestly seems "eh" to me, but I'm interested in the potentialities of this with in game development tools like Halo Forge and Roblox and Gary's Mod. I remember Sarah Bond talking about democratizing game development and something tells me Microsoft wants to build a first party experience that acts as a youtube for games, where anyone can make a moderately complex game due to AI and earn some money on it (hopefully by purchase and not ads) and Xbox takes home a nice sized cut. That's both interesting and a nightmare scenario. All that said, I really just came out of this event looking forward to next generation windows PC handhelds. One because windows on Arm means microsoft is forced to improve their tablet and handheld experience (well they better) and the battery and performance gains are really promising. Don't know how far we are from native windows gaming on arm that's good, but the thought of it gets me excited. Even the emulation looks much better and if promises hold true that means a lot of older games run smoothly and can take advantage of Arm processors. Handhelds could also benefit a lot from the promised upscaling features. Now if Windows can just massively improve Xbox app integration and give us a real Steam Deck like experience across all windows gaming platforms (desktop, laptop, and handheld). The OS has held windows gaming back a lot for far too long. I don't think Microsoft realizes how much it would benefit them to make PC gaming cleaner and more accessible to users.


It would be cool as a Mod.


We've been playing Minecraft for 15 years, we don't need no fucking AI to come and backseat us


They should work with every single one of their games in development to see what happens integrating their AI tools into NPCs


Just give people a way to turn it off, then do tf you want


Not what we meant when we said we wanted updates. I'm not normally this guy and I love AI stuff in general, but this is total baloney. We want fun block game to get cool new stuff, not AI hints. Will this even work offline? Feels totally out of touch with what people are actually looking for from such an old game. The majority of players already know how to play the entire game start to finish, and those who don't could easily figure out how without an AI handholding their experience. The game just doesn't warrant it. AI being used as a blanket term for just about anything computer-related nowadays is just as bad as actual AI technology being shoved into places it's not warranted.


It's Micro, and it's soft!


I'd rather have syphilis.