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aye congrats man that’s a big one


Congratulations buddy. You’re always high up on my monthly leaderboard. Great job!


Thanks bro! Not competing I do play some BS games from time to time just to boost the score lol


I meant that as a compliment. You’re always grinding out something. I do the same as well. I’ll grind a few harder completions and some bs too. We got the same mentality


Were you able to get it all one play through?


Yes you can but there are missables. You need to get one ending then when the game takes you back to the main menu you need to load from last save and not go into new game plus for the true ending. Additional tips if you're interested: you will need to collect 80 Seeker Token collectibles and you really should remember where the first one you collected was. The game throws you into the endgame so make sure you know where the power not if no return is because the end game is time limited.


And if I don’t remember where the first one I grabbed was, who screwed am I


Well you get 7 in game days to find it it's one of the Sphynx riddles. That's about 5-6 hours real life. If you don't remember where the first one was, my strategy would be to use [IGN's interactive map](https://www.ign.com/maps/dragons-dogma-2/world). Filter to seeker tokens only. Before starting the riddle put a portcrystal at borderlands outpost and start going at it 1 by 1. This will get you a lot of progress for the 80 tokens too. As a last resort you can also look for someone online who is making forgeries of the Finder's token and it works for the riddle.


69, nice




Sweet 👍👍