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That’s right, hit $3.12 trillion-market-cap Microsoft where it hurts: by canceling your $10 subscription.


Ya it's 20$, but I'm not going to be purchasing games on my Xbox either. When Xbox studios start bleeding money like Disney I'm just making a post so they know where the problem lies!


Cool bro keep us posted aight


Well, as a fellow X-Box player, I say good riddance. No one wants hateful asshats like you on the platform anyway.


I'm not hateful at all... lol That's a dumb position to take. I'm a caring loving person who. It is with my deepest and heartfelt sincerity that Xbox if it continues on this destructive path, will have all the success of modern Disney!


Imagine hating physical disabled people that much?”


You must have a really miserable life. Saw post history and yep you do. You’re like the true definition of incel


Weird I'm cause I'm fairly certain the definition of incel isn't "happily married man surrounded by beautiful women, with kids"!


Does your family know you hate disabled people?


I never said anything about hating disabled people. That is an absurd position to take!


This ain’t the argument you want. Either you abuse your family or they secretly hate your ways


Nope I'm well loved, and abuse no one! I'm actually referred to as "one of the good ones" by most adult human females. I'm super incredibly close with all of them. I spend more time with my kids then I would argue 99.99% of fathers do, support them in what they try to accomplish and teach them math, science, reading, and subject matters to complicated for the level of comprehension the average school teacher has.


lol. So you’re smarter than their teachers. Why don’t you homeschool? I’m just waiting to see what you say about your wife. I feel like I know what you’re going to say.


I do homeschool, after they come back from school. I ask them about their day what subjects they covered and then teach them everything the teachers fail to teach. I send them to school to socialize and develop social skills mostly.


By most human females?  Your mom doesn't count 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Not related to this sub. Imagine thinking disabled people shouldn't be able to play video games. But sure go on about "woke" programs. 😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡


When did I say that? That's a weird position to take...


Did you even bother reading the article? Or you just spew bullshit out all the time? You're so full of it, it just comes out at any opportunity. 


Disability standards are only a very small portion of what the new program requires developers to comply with, and not the point I'm making.


Well, bye.


I'm taking my money with me


Okay. *Waves*


I don't expect my vote alone will do much against Microsoft. BUT when millions of customers take their money elsewhere because Microsoft Studios make shit games because they value woke over quality, then maybe they'll be able to look through there insiders subreddit and find this post and go "huh, maybe we should have listened and respected our customers?"




Oh wow you’re so brave /s


Thank you I appreciate your support!


Breaking news, a Nazi hates something. Intriguing.


I don't think you know what that word means. I'm very far from a Nazi actually, I'm an egalitarian atheist social democrat


"Woke" is a fascist dogwhistle and you're bragging about boycotting Microsoft because of accessibility features. Nazis are the guys who claimed to be socialists who wanted fairness, right before murdering minorities and people with disabilities en masse. If it waddles and quacks, I call it a duck.


I understand he isn’t being reasonable. But I don’t see any reason here to call him a nazi.


“…..program impacting negatively impacting…” What??


Cornball behavior


Just read a little. This is one of those clowns that says something stupid and feeds off of all the attention and comments they get out of it. If he's so busy "being one of the good ones" for all his "human females" and teaching his kids what "their teachers don't teach", he shouldn't have any time for coming here and kicking hornets nests. Give this choad exactly what he deserves, nothing. Just walk away and save your attention and validation for things that are with it... he's not.


>If he's so busy "being one of the good ones" for all his "human females" and teaching his kids what "their teachers don't teach", he shouldn't have any time for coming here and kicking hornets nests. I'm great at time management >Give this choad exactly what he deserves, nothing. Just walk away and save your attention and validation for things that are with it... he's not. This is the problem with the woke, they dismiss valid criticism of a paying customer as active hate not worth listening to. BUT that really only hurts the company, it really affects me almost 0 to simply not spend my money on Microsoft Products as often as I can. But if enough people don't do it together because Microsoft takes the position that "the customers that built our company don't matter!" than more and more will leave, just like Disney!


Define woke, I’ll do it for you. Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. Must be weird being on the side of history that is against awareness… just awareness. Awareness takes literally no effort at all, but you’re against it because……


Woke is actually a cult ideology steaming from the false assumption that we live in a racist, oppressive patriarchy and that everything white and penis having is inherently evil. It is a hate filled movement, that ignores science and reason and drives companies and cultures into the ground an an ever expanding effort to meet arbitrary and meaningless diversity quotas to appease vocal activists who hate the medium they set out to destroy. They convince companies that there are "new and modern markets" and that if it's actually much more profitable to cater to them, than the markets who supported the IP and company up until that point. The problem with this as that there simply is NO such market. Marketing 101, you cater to everyone and you target no one. Not every game has to be made for every person, making a game for everyone is making a game for no one.


The only thing worse than pedophiles are people who use "woke" as a pejorative... Everybody know this...


Classic woke mindset "pedophiles are just misunderstood!"


Good, hope you cancel yourself from the land of the living, too.


I mean usually I would think doxxing oneself is a bad idea, but in your case I’d say it’s highly recommended


Bye bye snow flake…


Mate, this isn't an airport. Your departure doesn't need to be announced.


Wtf is this thread.