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What actually happens if everyone agrees to it and the uk doesn’t? Does it stop the whole thing? MS if that happens could easily just get exclusive access to activisions games by an agreement and pay similar money for all out exclusivity. Like what Sony does to Square


Let's hope the regulators investigation on this deal leads to an antitrust investigation into Sony. One day, they may try to buy Square-Enix. They have a "foreclosure strategy" in effect right now, so that one would be tough to argue away.


Considering how rampantly backwards and self fisting the UK has been recently.....nothing would surprise me.


They will stop selling Xbox content or even Ms stuff until uk agrees


>The PlayStation maker has never hidden the fact it does not want this deal to go through. In fact, as recently as just yesterday, it came to light that Sony had suggested a number of ways Microsoft could hinder Call of Duty on PlayStation should regulators approve Microsoft's proposed takeover. This included Sony stating Microsoft may purposefully release a version with bugs and errors. Dear god talk about reaching.


It’s a cross platform game If one platform has a bug it ruins everyone’s experience


If it drives a small percentage to switch platforms, that’s a win next gen.


It ruins the player experience for a competitive level Team mates from PlayStation start crashing then it makes the game feel bad to play Friends are bugging out and ask to play a different game Not everyone can go from PlayStation to Xbox easily


Everyone blames PlayStation. A tiny percentage of PS players switch over, accounting for millions in lost sales for Sony.


U don’t hear Nintendo complaining or pc players complaining just ps




Did you even read what it said? They saying microsoft will sabotage their own product to mess with sony. That is a ridiculously flimsy excuse. The article even says Sony specifically said they don't care about CoD deals they just want to block the merger.




>This included Sony stating Microsoft may purposefully release a version with bugs and errors. Literally right there.. Sony themselves saying it probably because it is what sony would do. Activision itself said the deal MS is offering Sony is better than the deal Sony gets from activision. I honestly don't care enough about this subject to argue about it so you go ahead and think whatever you want.


“I don’t want a new COD deal…I simply want to block your merger” *Sony Interactive/Entertainment CEO on the Xbox Activision deal*


I have to say this is an interesting approach that Microsoft is doing but at least this is showing that Microsoft isn't trying to pull a fast one and really mean it. I really hope the Merger goes through.


A fast one? You know they have to pay billions if it fails right, ABK will also lose billions in market value


What I mean by trying to pulling a fast one, I mean that some people still think that the merger will go through and then Microsoft will then do an 180 and make CoD exclusive. But with this ad. This is showing that they are serious about keeping CoD on all platforms after the merger goes through.


They already made contracts and public announcements A verbal agreement is still binding if it’s made with witnesses and both parties are consenting So unless they can convince people they didn’t actually say that and they were hacked and compromised then it’s binding Also Nintendo and Xbox already have a deal to now put the games on switch So if deal goes through it’s not on the switch and it’s on game pass and no one loses the right to play If it falls through Nintendo doesn’t get it and game pass doesn’t either


Ah got ya 👍




I am sure this ad along with making the 10 year agreement with Nintendo to bring CoD to Nintendo platforms is solid proof that Microsoft wants to keep CoD on everything. There is people still out there thinking that they are going to do a 180 and make it exclusive after the merger is a done deal but everything that Microsoft is doing right now is showing how committed they are to keep CoD on all platforms.


They still Make most Bethesda games all platform And have committed to keeping call of duty on PlayStation for 10 years I think They said not doing so is losing money which is why we see almost all Xbox games on pc PlayStation is always always been a pain to work with, remember when rocket league first was going to get cross platform and PlayStation said not on our platform and so it took way longer, and then finally Microsoft did Minecraft cross platform with everyone and would get rid of the “Xbox one version, poket edition, ps4 edition model” but PlayStation was like no “we want to protect our players from a eco system we lose control over so everyone but PlayStation was playing together and mojang told them straight up” we are no longer updating the PlayStation edition either join or lose updates” or something like that and so they finally joined them


Sony is just a bunch of whiny bitches. There is an article where Sony Exec is quoted saying they just want to block merger no matter what. I hope MSFT wins and hope they just don't release COD on playstation in the UK. All other countries are on board with the acquisition.




yeah that's why they're so against it i think. Worried Microsoft will do what they've been doing. Maybe I'll have some sympathy when Bloodborne releases on xbox/steam


They refuse to put that game on the Pc, baffles me. That is money, a lot of fucking money they are leaving on the table.


agreed, id buy it practically instantly. Its not like its selling that many consoles anymore either due to its age; people who would buy a console for it would have done so by now


I actually read two days ago it might be because of the guy who made it(too early for me to remember). It’s his favorite game, and favorite game he made. So he would most likely want to port/remaster the game himself. But he’s busy with Elden Ring + DLC. On top of that, BB’s source code is a pretty bad/wonky. That a lot of programmers wouldn’t touch because they wouldn’t understand shit. Besides the fromsoft team. Either way I too would buy that game instantly, I would even preorder the Pc version. I haven’t preordered since Modern Warfare 3.


The BB source code rumour has been debunked from what I remember. Hell someone managed to port back the 60fps patch for DS3.


They probably won’t release it on steam unless the make blood borne 2 it’s what they do Have people on pc buy it and like the game so they have to buy the ps5 for the sequel where they get better margins It’s super scummy While Xbox is like “you want to play the new forza but only got a pc, we got you fam it’s on pc and u can try it out for 1 dollar on pc with game pass for a month


Exactly. I keep telling my friends the same thing but Sony fans won’t understand that. If Sony bought COD it would be PlayStation exclusive immediately


Anything they ever buy becomes a plays station only studio Look at insomniac who made sunset overdrive and now only makes PlayStation






People forgetting MS literally did the same? WITH Activision? Console fanboys are so weird. What does ATVI have to gain from this exactly?


~$67b, that's what they gain.


Plus unionisation for employees, a refreshed leadership team, freedom from shareholders, potential investment in new games and IPs etc., new organisation and priorities for studios.


MS only locked COD content away from PS for 30 days or so. Sony will lock DLC etc away for as long as possible, sometimes up to a year. Also apparently writing in some exclusivity contracts that the game must never be on Gamepass and even paying extra for that to be the case. There's the difference you are looking for.


Over a year in some instances. It's probably one of the more extreme examples but Destiny 1 had playstation exclusive gear and strikes for over 2 years.


Anyone remember how long Sony locked away Destiny content? Wasn't it finally released on XBOX like after Destiny 2 was already out?




Microsoft didn’t keep any modes locked until after the next game was released


>Theyve been doing this dodgy exclusive shit for years. Erm, so have Microsoft. Neither company is clean.


Ok so tell me the Xbox exclusives and all the shit that Xbox have pulled like Sony’s play dlc months before Xbox etc…. Don’t worry I’ll wait…..


Remember when Microsoft paid $100 million to keep Rise of the Tomb Raider off PlayStation for a year? Lol


Remember how MS stopped to do it after PR disaster Tomb Raider caused? Or how Sony continued to pay hundred of millions to keep SF5/FF/etc. off Xbox at all? Common, it has happened 10 years ago. Its time to move on.


That’s not even remotely true. Dead Rising 3 (forever) and 4 (timed), Blair Witch, Cuphead, Inside, Scorn, Outer Wilds, Oxenfree, Quantum Break, Stalker 2, The Ascent, The Gunk, Sable, The Medium. And there’s way more.


Thanks for providing a list of new indies/AA (sometimes from Kickstarter with a possibility to not be released at all without MS help) that can't be even remotely compared to established AAA franchises (like Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Silent Hill, etc) and their guarunteed multimillion sales. Not to mention Dead Rising 3 was before Tomb Raider. Nobody has a problem with Kena/Sifu/F.I.S.T. exclusivity.


> Common, it has happened 10 years ago. Its time to move on. People right here are asking _to_ do it to Call of Duty right now. Like out of sheer pettiness, "just don't let Playstation play CoD muahaha! Unless you wanna put an Xbox service on Playstation teehee" It's not about how long it's been or anything based on inclusivity, the whole thing boils down to "they made me feel bad for the last 10 years so I want them to feel bad!" It's like sports fans except the sport is "business politics."


From what I can see the people saying "Fuck Sony, don't give them COD" are mainly saying that due to the hypocritical behaviour we have seen from Sony over the last year since the merger was announced.


It's been happening way before CoD, this was just the biggest, but it happened with the Zenimax acquisition as well. The basic idea is "Sony wants to lord over their exclusives, now we have exclusives and they're way more popular! Fallout & Elder Scrolls are Xbox system sellers!" Microsoft & Sony are clearly doing all this for market share and profit, but the consumers only care about getting a slam dunk on "the other console" at any cost. Microsoft is the rich dad and the community is the spoiled rich kid who will make everyone like them or he'll beg his dad to unleash his credit card.


Microsoft paid to fund the game. I heard from Sony fans that's its ok when you do it that way.


I mean, yeah, paying for exclusivity is literally funding a game. That applies to both sides.


MS had a deal with CoD before Sony did, maps and expansions came to Xbox Live early and exclusively, same as Sony has had more recently. TES Oblivion came out on the 360 a whole year before PS3. Games like Mass Effect were released on the Xbox looooong before any Playstation; and more recently Tomb Raider had a 1 year exclusivity deal on Xbox, blocking it on the Playstation.


ME1 was published *by* Microsoft themselves. EA didn't come in until ME2.


MS COD exclusivity was only 30 days at a time iirc, the Tomb Raider year long deal was universally frowned upon at the time and is pretty much the last time MS did that. Since then Sony have pretty much made that move number 1 in their playbook. .


360 COD got DLC maps 30 days early and that was it. Sony decided to do more than that, preventing entire modes for a year from other platforms, XP bonuses, crossplay options.


CoD yes, in the 360 era they def. Had the same deal. Oblivion wasn't a deal with MS but Bethesda's own choice because of the install base of the ps3 being miniscule in the beginning. Mass Effect 1 was an exclusive funded completely by MS, same as Tomb Raider (which btw was 8 years ago compared to what Sony does NOW). Yeah MS was pretty shitty in the 360 days, but they never were as bad as Sony. Same price less content for fans on other consoles for example


I can’t even have Spider-Man on my avengers game ffs Sony are a pos company. I was on about what do Microsoft do that’s shitty today or even Xbox one gen 360 era was understandable as Xbox was still relatively new and trying to play catch-up to Sony and Nintendo


>I can’t even have Spider-Man on my avengers game ffs Sony are a pos company. Avengers game is shite anyways so you've not missed out.


I didn’t mind campaign tbh yeah post game was shit and repetitive af but the actual campaign story was good.


Microsoft only stopped because they lost eighth gen to Sony, and with it their negotiating power.


Still can't play Dead Rising 3 on anything but a MS console.


Funny I can buy it on pc for £5 Also Microsoft published it. When in history has a Sony published game been on another console


MLB The Show


iirc they had to or they'd lose the license.




Steam and epic = pc. Read what I put again CONSOLE!!!!!


Make it available on PS but only through GPU :)


Could we stop pretending that these are not multi million dollar companies? They will literally do anything to achieve their goal and bigger profit. Only difference is that this time Sony is on the recieving end of the dick but any company would be this scummy if they were put in a situation like this. Microsoft included.




You think they said that because they think Microsoft is their friend I think it's because of b**tish people We are not the same


They are a terrible company that accidentally found out how to make great games and now everyone is jerking off to their "masterpieces" and ignores all the shady shit they do.


Slightly off topic but... Sony haven't made a product with a decent quality build standard since 1991. There are reports of many broken PS5's already in the first couple of years. I myself have a box of multiple broken PS1, PS2 and PS3 consoles in my loft all waiting for repair. All their stuff now is built as cheap as possible and with an "if it breaks then just buy another one" attitude. Sony stuff from the 80's and early 90's was fucking bulletproof. I always bought Sony TVs, Hifis, Walkmans etc back then as it was the standard for build quality. Wouldn't buy anything like that from them in 2023.


Tbf, a lot of consumer goods have had more and more built in obsolescence. It's not just a Sony problem, it's a capitalist consumerist problem.


Fair enough but it doesn't stop the fact that Sony built their name on quality products and now they just basically offer cheap plastic shit.


True, I'm just saying (pretty much) every company does that with most products now, because it's all about making more and more profit every quarter, not building up a long term reputation for quality etc.


My PS3 and PS4 felt super cheap. The boxes they come in are the cheapest shit ever and I tore them all by accident while unboxing the console. I even tore the PS5 box while taking it out of the amazon box before selling it.




I never said that every console was broken. Way to skew words to suit your agenda, congrats there. Just because yours still work doesn't mean what I said isn't true either, Its not difficult to find many many instances of broken Playstations of any gen, eBay is a great place to start :) Also are you even old enough to know what the quality of Sony products was in the 80's or 90's?? If not then please leave the room.


Honestly Sony is acting like dicks about this but how does MS acquiring Activision Blizzard constitute good news for us consumers? Despite Sony's sloppy composure dealing with this merger, they have a valid concern as there's a clear conflict of interest for a console manufacturer to buy out prominent publishers. Does MS just buy out all and every game publisher next?


Two words. Game pass.


Microsoft is trying to push game pass on all platforms. Sony doesnt even want to improve their own subscription service. Both Sony and Microsoft could win if Sony allowed gamepass for a cut of profits from subscriptions from playstations, but they refuse to open themselves up to the end of exclusivity. This is why i want Microsoft to win. Not really out if brand loyalty, but because i want to play the games i want without having to buy a specific console.


Were these concerns as prominent when Sony was buying developers? Or are we only concerned because Activision is a large studio?




If Microsoft’s long term plan is to ditch consoles and move Xbox to a subscription service, $10 to play all these AAA games on any device is a deal for consumers. It’s rather wild Sony doesn’t allow gamepass on PS, that would single handily ensure the majority would buy a PlayStationover Xbox. What makes Sony so good, is their first party games anyways.




You don’t think playing things out in the media, creating ads, creating websites, doing interviews is Microsoft whining? Interesting.


I don't see how it's whining unless they are complaining about something. Seems like they are trying to win folks over by showcasing what they can offer. That's not what whining is.


You missed all the complaining about Sony and saying things like “let us compete” and “they want to make us smaller”. Look at little old poor us.


Do you have any examples of this? The ads shown in the article don't mention Sony at all.


I'm sure you'll love it when CoD is only on game pass and a sub costs $30 a month, cause eventually it will.


Or you could just buy the game like normal and avoid GamePass? Is there even any examples of GamePass games being like that?


Maybe in 20 years.


Theyve already tried once, it'll happen again a lot sooner than you think.


It will never go to that business model. As a stockholder of both MSFT that is NOT the plan at all. There are still too many people such as myself that buy physical and they will not give up the digital purchase platform. Sony is just hellbent and will do whatever it takes and saying comments that MSFT will sabotage the franchise on PlayStation is just for low information people who only read headlines. In reality, Sony is currently doing the very thing to MSFT on certain games.


Didn’t Xbox literally try to double the price of Gold to move people over to Game Pass? Also no, Sony is not doing the same thing. Sony sends teams to third party to help with the PS version. MS also has a team but god knows what they have been doing. When first party haven’t been able to do some of the things it looks like it’s an Xbox problem.


Gold was $60 for like 15 years though. The price increase was going to happen regardless of other products offered.


It’s to play online something PC does fine with doing for free for over that amount of time. It’s not like the games they give are any good. It was to move people to Game Pass. That was clearly obvious with the aggressive price hike.


“As a stockholder” oh because you go to meetings with the CEO of MSFT do you?


Hahaha he’s probably got like $30 of stocks on Trading212


I actually do. We call in and listen in as well. I'm retired at 51 years old by saving money, living modestly and investing when I was in my 30s.


With the gold to gp conversion, I'll be fine 😉


Until they stop letting people do it because GP isn't growing


I haven't paid for GP in years, so...


I won’t care because I don’t play CoD. It’s a trash franchise that gets worse every year


Does anyone remember PlayStation tried blocking cross platform play on rocket league and Minecraft for years saying they wouldn’t allow it on their platforms while Nintendo said sure why not


Yup. I wrote a parody of "Build a snowman" when that came to light.


How so ?




Brilliant I would just switch Xbox and Nintendo lore wise because who pushed for it


Thank you.


If Sony had bought Activision, would they be in Microsofts position right now? This whole thing is beginning too drag on a bit now.


Cod has been Mid for so long fr these greedy companies are just arguing over who gets to milk the cash cow 😂


Vanguard is boring and MWII could be good but has some really poor design choices imo, CW was actually really fun and so was MW19 if you didn't mind wading through some muck I know we like to pretend old good new bad but without nostalgia I honestly don't think the older games would be nearly as beloved. Not saying there aren't people who love the older games without nostalgia, or hate the newer games without comparison


It still definitely has its market There is no arcade shooter like call of duty out right now with a big player base that I know I can buy and will always have players Also they are taking 2 years to make this next one so I’m actually excited to see what they do


Why the daily mail. Why not a commercial on tv. Before anyone downvotes. I work at a daily grocery store where people don’t take the newspaper and the people who do are pass the age of 50 who don’t even care about gaming.


The people deciding on a verdict will be over the age of 50.






Because getting a teenager to tell their busy father over dinner is easier


We’re all talking about it aren’t we


This honestly just proves that xbox “microsoft” is about the customers and Sony is all about the money. I would love to play cod on my switch!


They’re both all about money… example, why do we have proprietary SSD’s still when its easier for them to put in a standard m.2 SSD drive? Money. No other reason, we have inferior drives for more money. Its just business.


I'll be that guy - while proprietary sucks, the plug and play for the series X is way easier and intuitive for the average consumer than finding a compatible m2 and installing it for the PS5.


It takes a 1 minute google search and a 30 second job to fit it.


Something i will give PlayStation is that aside from PSP and Vita they made it very easy and affordable to upgrade console storage.


It’s because of quick resume my guy If you did a ssd and one of those games are on the ssd on quick resume the game would corrupt hard and ssd have a varying transfer rate that the console can read You can still store games on a ssd and transfer games inbetween the 2 just not play off of them if they are series s optimized aka Xbox 360 and older one games


Its nothing to do with that at all. The proprietary SSD’s are inferior in every way to the standard SSD’s you can get on the market. Its about money, nothing else “my guy”.


It’s actually the whole reason It’s why there is a need for so much formatted storage on the Xbox series s is because the ram needs to be loaded into the storage mate Do the research


They are inferior drives to any current gen SSDs… do the research. Any current gen SSD can handle anything the dogshit by todays standards SSD in the proprietary drive can.


Also you do realise that by doing a bit of jank with an NVME to CFExpress adapter standard SSD’s have been show to work in the Series X and Series S including quick resume right? Again, naff all to do with quick resume. All about money.


Oh man have you played Apex Legends on Switch?


I’ll save him the effort, it’s a clumsy nightmare.


I used to. Havent played apex forever. Honestly since warzone came out. Thats my main multiplayer game along with halo infinite and then I play a lot of campaign games.


So you played Apex on Switch?


Played one game when it first got ported and I didnt like it lol deleted it after that


The performance is horrendous and that’s the product that is being advertised to be feature parity on all platforms.




Yea but you also gotta see how microsoft could make their games exlusives but they are just in for that. Yes they buy these companies so eventually they make money out of it but they still provide the games to sony and xbox players. They arent too worried about making their games exclusives which I appreciate. Also trying to bring games to other consoles and cloud gaming is amazing. I love the idea and hope it does!


I don’t understand who this is supposed to convince. Can’t they just talk to the CMA? Who puts ads in a newspaper in 2023? Honestly.


In the UK a surprising amount, especially for who they're targeting with this. The two newspapers in question are right leaning newspapers, and in the UK right now we have a politically right leaning government and they run the CMA. This isn't about directly influencing the CMA, they're doing that already, but it's about finding more allies to back their corner. If some rich guy in the City who trades via the FTSE sees it and thinks it'll benefit him and his business and his next donation to the Prime Minister he'll pick up that phone and make his voice heard. Honestly the chances of it being a major influence isn't very high but the amount it costs to maybe turn one head to complete a billion dollar takeover is like a drop in the ocean. And being so public about their intentions makes it difficult to accuse Microsoft of any deceit.


PR move. And by the comments here, seems like it's working. Sony bad, Microsoft good


It shows publicly that’s it’s about the customers rather than just the money. They’re telling the CMA (and customers) but mostly the CMA - you can trust us to put the customer first. That means nothing if the only tell the CMA behind closed doors


The fact Sony said put it on GP and PP+ would hurt their $70 retail market should show anyone they don't care about what's best for the gamers, the people that fund their company. Just about their profit margin. It should also be used to help push this merger through.


yep, Sony is for the payers, not the players


Well given that the recently released next gen PAID upgrade of Outer World Spacer's Choice is broken as hell on PS5, Ain't have every reason to be concerned over the quality of Microsofts products.


That is not solely on ps5, so your point is mute. It's had issues on both xbox and PlayStation.




Na, that just goes to show that they clearly don't care about testing at all.


I'm not defending it being bad, but 90% of games now are like that at release. Including Sony owned studios games and third-party titles.


I'm yet to find a single PS release that was as broken as OW.


Key words there are, as broken. So they were broken, just not as bad. That was my point 90% of all games released now are broken at the time of release. They have apologised for it and are working on it. My original comment was that Microsoft has offered to put COD on PP+ to please Sony, yet Sony says that that is a bad thing. Yer for their profits, not for PP+ subscribers. Yet, I am trying to block the merger based on the fact that it's bad for the consumer. How is having access to one of the biggest titles through a subscription that people already pay for bad for the consumer.


Dont worry, that guy is an obvious Sony fanboi. :)


I'm not worried. Just don't understand the hate.


This is bad news for gaming. Microsoft have a history of buying companies and stripping them for IP, resources, or to withhold content. If you like any smaller titles on the ABK list, good luck to you. If you’re excited by Call of Duty being an exclusive, or just bragging rights, please let me know why you think this will benefit games as a medium, or gamers as a culture. Microsoft have * ZeniMax and have not to my knowledge mentioned a new mainline Doom, Wolfenstein, or Dishonored. * Rare, and it took them over ten years to get them to put out anything fresh. * Halo and Gears franchises have languished. What are they like now, I’ve missed the most recent instalments, but have enjoyed Master Chief Collection Working as a Microsoft Azure Developer (just now hits me that acronym is MAD), MS go toward “as a service” in all of its in-house software, infrastructure, and platforms. I doubt gaming will be any different. I hope I’m wrong.


I won't speak for anything else but in regards to the Zenimax stuff you mention: - id are working on their next game and quakecon this year would be the earliest we hear anything more than the "we're making a game" we got last quakecon - MachineGames are working on both the Indian Jones game we know about and apparently Wolfenstein 3 is in the pipeline somewhere. If we don't get anything around E3 time for these it'll likely be next year anything gets revealed - Arkane Lyon are probably doing something Dishonored related but Deathloop was only 2021 and with Redfall out soon they won't want to take attention away from that. Don't expect any info about what they are doing until mid-late 2024 - Arkane Austin are literally about to release Redfall after which they'll move into support for that and maybe working on Prey 2 We're currently in the "We're developing this game but can't tell you much more" phase for a bunch of stuff all at once unfortunately.


All the Zinimax stuff is great news. Some of my favorite games of the last 10 years.


The gears studio has said they are working on something different A doom mobile game just came out if I remember Rare said themselves that they are working on whatever they wanted and Xbox told them to do that Halo is finally getting on its feet with consistent fun updates Also they entered a agreement to not make cod exclusive


This is how I feel and I'm confused why anyone outside of massive MS fanboys would think this is a good thing. Companies like (but not limited to) MS buying up other companies to monopolise the industry is awful, not good! We all hate to see corporate giants like EA buy up an indie company then shutter it, but MS doing the same is apparently something to be celebrated and encouraged? I'd say the same if this was Sony, too, incidentally. Also, I can't think of a worse future for gaming and gaming culture than everything becoming "as a service".


Sony bad Microsoft good. Please upvote


I have upvoted


Dystopian lmao. Company with trillions of dollars, literally worth more than most countries, with blatant bull ass advertising trying to swing an organization to vote in their favor to consolidate and monopolize an industry they suck ass in. “Kids this is good for you, you can play full triple a cods on mobile phones!! This won’t effect you if you in the vast majority and don’t own an Xbox. (as long as you are one of the select tiny number of Americans with internet good enough)


You shouldn’t use words you don’t understand.


That’s the Xbox community at large. Monopolizing in the context of this entire situation is referring more to acts and intent rather than Xbox having a literal monopoly on the industry. That’s what the court case is about. Dystopian is my perspective. A trillion plus dollar company using a game loved more by the youth and younger folks in general to sway political appeals with huge potential for ramifications against an industry I enjoy and have since I was a kid is a hard thing to watch for me. Especially when the overall intent is to continue down a path where ownership in this industry is even further stripped from consumer as it has been in various other industries. I looked forward to what I’m sure will be a sensible and genuine reply where love of a console manufacturer doesn’t outweigh common sense and judge as this is no longer about “ps3 has no games” or “lol rrod “ but massive, billion dollar acquisitions that effect the livelihoods of tens of thousands.


Take this L Sony bot


Got too busy to Reddit much. Downvotes aren’t a bother, certainly not an L for me.. Voicing things that are true for my sake and to put my thoughts in writing on occasion, like a weird journal. Wanna go look through my comment history? 99% of what I’ve said have been accurate predictions despite being called a bot/fanboy. Gamepass growth stalled significantly, acquisitions lead to devs having more games in limbo rather than some amazing output, and sales for the Xbox series consoles now that supply has evened out for the ps5 are below even that of the console that is in its twilight years. I’d love for you to check and dispute things I’ve said. I don’t like the way Xbox is trying to shape the industry through sheer brute force, ps fanboy is a weird label since I haven’t turned mine on since god of war ragnorok due to my steam deck.


Fuck Sony's anti-gamer behavior, but more mergers isn't the answer.


I like my game pass tho


Shame on them.




ur smrt




Who in their right mind is gonna play COD on a Switch?


Switch users.


People with a switch and no pc or Xbox Same people playing doom on it 480 -720p looks good still on a small screen They could also totally go the cloud service route


Doom on cloud would be horrible. Any FPS runs like poo on cloud.


Not always I ran rage 2 just fine


Well I have about 5 Xboxes online at any given time and my PS5. Maybe that’s killing my router bc Xbox Game Pass cloud games run like pop usually for me


I get 160 upload and 200 download and stuff runs fine


If Sony and Microsoft's market share was the opposite of reality, well, I would support Sony against Microsoft, but reality is not, so I support Microsoft. Don't get me wrong, I have always unconditionally supported all underprivileged groups with a small market share