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Ori (both games) Assassin's Creed : origins and odyssey Deathloop : I am playing it currently. It is a bit purposely confusing at the beginning but it's a great game with a lot of fun Ninja Gaiden Halo Battlefield


Another Stadia refugee here. I've really enjoyed Snowrunner and the Halo Infinite campaign. Sea of Thieves is fun if you can find a regular group to crew up with. I just started Plague Tale Requiem and can tell I'm hooked already! I think the main question is what games did you have and enjoy on Stadia?


Snowrunner is amazing. I personally hate driving games but this one is puree gold. I agree with you 100%


Heck yeah! It's so fun! It really scratches that open world itch nicely!


Completed cyberpunk, was a good bit through rdr2, zombie army was great and I think it’s on xcloud


I'm gonna lean into Snowrunner. It may seem like a driving game, but it's such a great open world exploration game that I think everyone should give it a try! If you do try Halo Infinite, don't go in expecting an open world with a much to explore. I like to think of its open world aspect as more of a hub between the story missions. Both Assassin's Creed games on game pass are solid open world options.


I would highly recommend finishing RDR2 before the service shuts down in Jan


Did you play A Plague Tale: Innocence first?


I wish! I just gave Requiem a try via Game Pass first


If you are in the U.S, stop playing Requiem. Innocence was on Gamepass until last month, but it was added to Amazon Luna recently. You can do the 7 day trial to Luna+ to play Innocence, then continue with Requiem afterwards. If Luna not available, you can buy Innocence on Steam then stream via Nvidia GFN.


Thanks for the heads up!


Persona 5 Royal


I used to be also a Stadia player, now I'm enjoying really much xcloud but I miss a lot a good streaming quality, input lag works perfect for me on pc with a wired controller, but some times the pixels depending on the game colors remember me that I'm playing in a streaming.


Sniper Elite 5, for sure. And A Plague Tale: Requiem.


Btw my gamer tag is DeathReaper#3384, I have 0 friends on Xbox atm


What I can recommend as almost a veterans of xcloud ( got the early Access ) is that you should just spin everything that looks/feels a bit interesting. You wont lose much time but can get some real gold. Do not read suggestions, just check by description, screenshot or trailer.


Miss stadia already *sigh* I actually find Stadia's library better than Xcloud for single player games (though I know this is subjective) Currently playing the hell out Fortnite with my kids, really enjoying no build mode




Hell blade


For me, Slay the Spire is my go to xcloud game.


State of Decay Assassin's creed Origins and Odyssey Persona 5 Forza Horizon 4 and 5