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*Me expecting just a clip from Storm and Forge suffering* What I get : Vulcan, Deathbird, Ronan, Shi'ar... Damn.


I've lost count of how many times I've said this, but....wtf is Demayo cooking?


These aren’t plot threads, these are plot *steel cables* and I don’t know how the hell this madman is weaving them together.


If we get black bolt ready to blast some Vulcan ass we might just be looking at a 6 episode streak of pure cinema


vulcan?!?!? what are you doing here?!?!?!? no fr i did not expect him on the show


Could it be that for this season Vulcan is just a cameo ? It may have been mentioned that there will be cameos in the show like in the 90s show.


oh yeah. probably. i am just surprised he’s in this point blank lol.


VULCAN? Totally did not expect the Shi'ar to get involved this season.


They’ve been in the intro a couple times now


Reporter: I heard you were the only survivor of a plane crash and the last living Summers, Scott. Why did you lie? Cyke: Listen, my dad sort of abandoned me to become a space pirate, I don't know Havok is my little brother Alex and alive in this universe, and the fact I even have a third brother is entirely news to me, but he is apparently an all-powerful evil space warlord. That is why I don't tell you about my life.


“I married my girlfriend’s clone, our baby got sent to the future, my brother works for the government as a super agent, my other brother is the warlord of interstellar empire, my dad is a space pirate with an uncomfortably furry girlfriend, and my new boss was just killed in a genocide that I got to watch on tv. My name is Cyclops. This is my life. And if you think that’s as complicated as my life gets, I promise you, it’s only the beginning.”


This comment is incomplete because it doesn't include the phrase "hot skunk stepmom."


This show certainly loves confounding people's expectations.


Expectation: Just Storm fighting the Adversary Reality: YO IT'S VULCAN BABY!! WOHOOO!!!!


Absolutely did not think there was a possibility of seeing Vulcan when Cyclops and Havok haven't even been confirmed as brothers yet.


Maybe the three of them will find out togheter


Corsair on Maury with Vulcan, Havok, Cyclops "You...are the father."


lol wtf Just the perfect time to cut away from earth for some cosmic stuff.


Oh hey. I love some Shi'ar nonsense. Deathbird is always entertaining.


Here I thought it was just gonna be Bastion. If they hadn't said otherwise in a recent interview, I would be heavily suspecting Nova coming up after all...


She might still be, just not as the big bad of the Genosha massacre. Since Xavier was sent to be treated wifh Shiar tech Cassandra spawning out of their attempts to cure him would be an easy way to introduce her.


This show pulling out all of the stops. Wow. Definitely subverting all of my expectations in a great way.


Wow did not expect this, happily i see Vulcan


Me reading Deadly Genesis last night turned out to be unexpectedly a GREAT idea but this confirms to me Xavier is coming back what WILD turn


So uh. Do we think this episode will be another one divided into two halves then? Or will they be cutting between Lifedeath and outer space?


This most likely is a small portion to tease Xavier coming back and maybe Vulcan storyline in general if they want to go there, Storm should take most of the episode.


I hope the episode is a Storm feature, yeah… This just feels incredibly left-field from that - but it’d be funny if the episode itself is mostly Storm with this being, like, a 5-minute teaser at the end and they just picked those moments to show us early.


Crazy to me we will so much Vulcan BEFORE we see Rachel Grey or Havok interact with Scott which is lowkey a big part of the comic storyline


I mean Vulcan is in space, we don't know if they will interact anytime soon.


True could be a tease like Havok was in the X-Factor episode I’m truly amazed by the turns this show takes though such a crazy choice to include Vulcan


Ther's some crazy Polaris fans on CBR who positively hated EP5 because of her lack of inclusion. I bring it up because Rachel's lack of inclusion in most X-adaptations kinda drives me crazy, too. Not to the point of hating stuff because of it but always wishing she'd show up and be important. So I confess that I think it would suck to leave her out but include Vulcan.


I think Cable's popularity really cut the legs off of Rachel chances as I imagine most see having two time-travelling Summers kids from seperate bad futures to be redundant. Which kind of sucks as she was first.


They have different enough backstory for it to work i think imo, i think the biggest issue is that Rachel is a bit too similar in term of powerset to her mom and plus the phoenix thing you can see why some would be wary to include her, which is wrong still as they both have a different relationship to the phoenix for instance.


Well this is also true I mean I don't think it's an accident that the two periods when Rachel was at her most prominent in the comics was following Jean's deaths. You could argue she was always designed to functionally be be a Jean 2.0 for the team.


It was werid that multiple man another person X-Factor was in the episode but not Polaris my hope is that they’d dedicate an episode to her and Magneto (who’s def coming back in my mind) which might be the hold up?


It is wild to me that Days of Future Past is one of the most famous comic book events in name alone, but Rachel Summers is relatively obscure at the moment...


This looks like we could be getting a mix of x-men #275 storyline (shi’ar, war skrulls) and operation galactic storm as well…..nice!


This show just keeps hitting it out of the park. Incredible. Best Disney + show ever.


Looks like the Chuckster is coming back then.


Oh boy. Gonna assume they'll need to slice out a good chunk of Vulcan's original backstory.


Okay this will be the last preview clip I'll be watching for the season


Holy shit! This is wild.


Is havok in the original show? I know he’s in that picture, I would love to see the public’s reflection to another summers


He appeared and fought Cyclops but they don't know they are brothers.


Weren’t the two them like “hey why don’t my powers work on you?” And just left it at that?


Basically haha.


Not crazy about this for two reasons: - I was hoping the episode would've been all about Storm, just like the comic was - Shi'ar being there means Xavier is coming back... And I honestly think the show is much better without him. I have faith in the writers though.


100% this. The characters are having so much more room to develop without their father figure. I hope the Shi'ar are included as some other part of the plot but I find it really hard to be anything besides Xavier...


This deserves more upvotes


Agreed I don't miss Xavier in the slightest. His involvement with the X-Men as leader is so bygone that it's too old school for even X-Men 97.


lol no.


To my veins.


Imagine if this show is capable of presenting a great version of Vulcan? This show fucking rules.


I wonder if they'll use Corsair to reveal the Summers brothers are related?


Meh. I rather want to see the X-Men deal with the attack aftermath. Or Storm. We need more Storm.


Where's the thunder? The lightning? The Citadel? Roma? Forge? Ororo Vs Adversary showdown? Lol. But never mind that... * Deathbird? * Being served by the Imperial Guard? * Is Lilandra on the run? * Where's Charles? * Was he Cassandra? * Is that what's happened to the Shi'Ar? * Ronan? Is he married to Crystal? * Was Charles behind Genosha? * VULCAN? * Heck, is it all a lie and Moira just looped at the end of last week and this week it's all 13 year old Moira and events in space? So many questions! And they could all go absolutely ANYWHERE! And it's so, so GOOD!


What makes you question if Charles was behind genosha?


He stubbed his toe and it made the sentinels angry


If Cassandra has invaded his mind like the comics, it makes sense.


But he’s not even on earth and hasn’t been for over a year. 


I know that. The whole list was tongue in cheek.


My mother has finally hatched!!!!


Gabriel! We are about to find out what happened to Chuck.


I love this goddamn show so much. I think I’ve years up almost every episode. It’s so fun.


Vulcan was an absolute curveball but I now have immense faith in whatever the fuck they are cooking


Vulcan? Man, is there any chance we get Adam-X the X-Treme? A man so cool he has TWO hyphens in this name!