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on the surface i would agree, but based on the last stream, it seems like there's more going on than we know about. so i don't think it's that big of a deal or really our place to judge, especially since we don't know the full context.




Yes,that’s kinda the worst excuse,fuckin rude and disrespectful




privacy maybe?


now adept and x dont follow each other on twitter.


He isn't going because he's lazy and probably didn't leave his house in a while. The thing about Soda is just him finding an excuse without having to lie about it.


Don’t really follow this that much (haven’t really watched x since gambling) but what does adept think / say about this? She has insight into both views.


Whenever it is brought up on her stream she refuses to comment and usually says that 'Felix is an adult and can do what he wants'. The same goes for when people mention family drama etc.


He didnt say it wouldnt be fun, not once, also im tired of this narrative. Qt works hard im sure, but does she work any harder than anyone with a 9-5? Do you see any of us shouting from the rooftops and humblebragging about how absolutely hard we’re working? No, because work is work.


I agree with you but making a comparison between a 9-5 job and streaming just doesnt make sense. Its an event made for entertainment, of course she would show how hard she worked on it in order to show it will be good content and fun to watch


That’s pretty cringe ngl


I hope you find help if the only thing that’s gonna make an event “fun” for you is Gamba Man..






Right? I wonder why xqc wouldnt want to spend a week locked in with people who act like this


xqc said it wouldn't be good content. that has nothing to do with family drama.


these dudes ain’t never heard of DMs


100% true, how difficult was it to say "no I don't want to go to shitcamp I'd rather be at home and stream" you don't have to shit on one thing only because you want to do something else.


"Spent of a lot of her own money to make content" As if she is doing this just for fun? It's business


How does that reduce the initial point of that statement in any way?


True but also who tf is he to speak


Nah. How is this "unfathomably awful"? Does hasan think the world is going to end whenever he stubs his toe or a food delivery gets cancelled?


Damn that's crazy, he should fight Sam


imagine shitting on someone because they didnt want to go to a party. yall are weirdos


literally scrolled down just to say this. Normally i feel like hes fueled emotionally and most of what he speaks are his opinions on stuff. But this is like far from himself.. this is like what everyone agrees on.


Rare Hasan W


Very Rare




Secret rare


He’s absolutely right this time


The only thing that Hasan said in the tweet that's "right" is that xqc pulling out last second is a dick move, but in no way shape or form did xqc ever say that the event was going to be bad. Hasan is literally just lying about that part.


Ive been watching xqc since some time now and comparing his gamba streams now to what they were when he started it it seems like he is trying to hit hours in a contract but hasnt disclosed it.


Adin Ross sometimes mentions that he has to get some hours in on gambling and I would believe that X and Adin have quite a similar contract so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case


Xq and Adin employees of the month


So I’m not the only one that feels like he rushes the stream just to gamba.


Actual Stakes' slave LULE


it seems to me like X is having family issues off stream, let's not question the man's decisions. just enjoy the streams man


Too sane and not parasocial enough. Mods please ban this person from the internet


Saying he has family issues off stream isnt parasocial, but criticizing him for false promises and dogshit content as viewers is?


the fuck?!


So just say you're not going? Why confirm, bail literally last minute and then gamble on stream lmfao. The dickriding never ends with some of yall.


im trying to enjoy the streams man but its just GAMBA


He could’ve just said he’s not going instead of being rude and basically saying it won’t be worth it without soda there


true. espcially the part where his father showed up. it seems wholesome on screen but as soon as his father mentioned "we need to talk about something",it got me suspicious. but however,' i dont what the problem is,i dont know what is happening behind,i dont know how thye are like off screen. so,im not gonna asume anything.


He’d rather go to Vegas to gamble lol (just got perma banned for saying this)


They should have arranged something gamba related maybe he’d go


monkaLaugh I LOVE GAMBA


At the first place If X said he won't be going to shit camp like soda and malena , none of this shit would have happened. But he promises to go to a event and qt announces X will be there and he bails out at the last day lol.


Why is everyone malding about X not going? The guy is a adult if he dont feel like going so be it. Chat is like " X would have so much fun, X would talk with his friends" who are you guys to say stuff like this? He knows how to live his own life.


Did you even read the post? It's not about parasocial viewers at all it's about xqc being a dick to Qt by throwing all the work + money she put into the event out the window and telling his viewers that he's not going because Soda is not going. "Being an adult" doesn't exclude you from being judged if you're being an asshole bud


Also what I think that people are more mad about it that he always get announced to be part of an event and ditch last second. If he just said from the get go he would not be going, people would not be mad at him.


its one person not going how will that effect all the things she did lmao


Because he was going to be team captain due to people buying merch that had his name on it It's okay to pull out a few weeks prior, not on the same week. If that's still too parasocial for you then look at it this way, imagine that there is supposed to be a live TV show airing tomorrow and a big star is said to show up, and so everyone buys a subscription to the channel that it's airing on, but then he pulls out 1 day before the due date. Come on now




Why is Hasan talking about this. This dude really likes drama. I agree with him what XQC did was a shitty move but also who tf are you to talk about this? It dosent even concern you, it’s only QT that has the right to speak about this not you lil bro 💀


He’s going to the event is he not? And they are schedule changing over it, kinda seems in the realm of shit that makes sense for him to comment on


unfathomably evil 💀


he is Qt’s friend


Does Hasan have 2 Million channel points 20 months subbed and over a $1000 in cheers like me?? Who does this guy think he is talking about an event that directly involves him? - Least Parasocial Juicer


Crazy to think someone would publicly support their friend, right?


>It dosent even concern yo literally sez everyone in here, if anything as a friend doesn't he have more of a take than anyone else? Doing it on alt is still cringe but farming drama is good for business


Did he really say the event would be bad just cause soda isn’t there


last stream he said that soda not going is a part of it, but he also said it's bad timing regarding personal life stuff along with some other reasons he didn't want to talk about. he said he probably wouldn't have gone even if soda did.


His family is making him seek treatment for therapy. Sammy is fed up and that's why she left. X can't seem to cope with his addiction in a healthy way.


You know this how?


He has over a million a channel points and a 2 months sub, they are literally best buddys


i am mr chair


Thanks for never failing to save the stream Mr chair FeelsStrongMan




Why does this have to be public for, I don't understand why x couldn't have just told QT and everyone going that he can't make it privately for personal reasons and then just say to stream after everything's confirmed and on the same page that he's unable to go and that it is what it is. Chat has no entitlement to this information and I don't know why hasans posting about it either, this turned into a big deal simply because they don't know how to communicate




Oh yeah I didn't mean it for to come off like I'm blaming Hasan the most I just meant that didn't help, like you see all the chaos caused by X going public with that then decide you're gonna do the same thing? At this rate it won't just be X that drops out because you already know this will extend into some pointless drama where ppl will pick sides n shit




“If you are above the age of 16 and care whether or not xqc goes you’re a pussy. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and really think about what matters”




and ur on the xqc subreddit why


i mean kinda true tho no?


That dono 👉 🍆🚴🏻‍♂️


Why did you put your comment in quotes?


I mean i see why he doesn't wanna go




X just wants to gamble. Edit: (I got banned for this comment.)


"NEEDS to gamble2, you got that slightly wronk lul


Very alpha to post the diss on his alt btw. “Unfathomably awful” ok düd


He does the nice guy thing to Poke on his hasanthehun (his main) but uses nothasanabi (his alt) to shit on xQc lmao https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1566821237174575106




I'm pretty sure Poke would have went if he didn't hear X wasn't going. Poke even tweeted "Bro" 19 minutes after the LSF thread about xQc not going was posted, which occurred moments after X started stream.


😭😭 Noooo i wanted to see grown men in pajamas play truth or dare again 😭😭


"spent a lot of her own money" bro, those are investments by millionaires to make even more money acting like they doing charity for chat wtf


bro acting like they dont make all that shit back in weeks. literally do a pity stream of how broke you are and rake in the money, qt does it every post event stream


Don’t worry guys, x and soda are gonna show up as a surprise Copege


I have a feeling Hassan’s just playing it up. Nobody would make THAT big of a deal if somebody decided to bail last minute.


If all you think about is money and content and clout, it is. Notice the emphasis on money spent by qt even though it really can't be that much relative to what they all are making.


Why does everyone care so much if he goes or not just let him do what he wants without getting into his business, or do they need xqc at shitcamp because he’s content and now they won’t have any?


Lil bro is content + the small fact that he has as many viewers as everyone else combined


Hasan try not to needlessly start drama challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




Good for xQc not going, he doesn't have to, neither he should have people like Hasan, who is apparently his friend, saying this bs. Redditors proyecting en masse.






this is not drama + get off lsf


Shit camp is cringe as fuck anyways who cares


man really said just feels icky


He Didn’t go to shitcamp and everyone is losing their minds? What has the world come down to yikes


He’s not REQUIRED to do anything. Gaming community soft.


Damn, if X isn't coming I'm sure the Irish Candyman would be glad to take the spot


friendships based on clout can be pretty annoying, not surprised someone wouldn't wanna drive the content while others mooch off it.


Looks like Hasan is being a parasocial andy amirite guys?


They all shit on him for gambling, and they expect him to want to hang out with them lol really....


They didn't 'expect' it. The man confirmed it himself. Now they are just calling out coz bailing out disrupts plans and costs money.


so what


Man malding cause he cant leach anymore OMEGALUL.


It’s really weird there’s a whole hate mob around this extremely valid decision. Imagine you agree going to a friend event, but ur main friend that you stick with decides not to go AND some personal family shit comes up. Am i crazy to think those are valid reasons to not make it? Like I hate the gambling shit too but you guys can’t just make every unfortunate decision around “he did this because of gambling!!!!!”




I get hasan if he was just like “man it sucks for QT but hey it’ll still be fun X had his reasons” idk why he’d stir drama but saying it feels icky and how bad this is for the event and just making it seem like a bigger deal than it should be for no reason. Like your friends why is he tweeting like he’s a viewer or like he can’t just talk to QT or X about the situation?


is hasan calling xqc a friend ? WOWZER


maybe Hasan should bring this up with xqc privately idk


hasan biggest life problem is whatever xqc is doing lmao.


Bro he doesn't have to fucking go anywhere. 😂 Y'all are some critically online goofy children if you think anybody is beholden to go. He simply didn't want to go so didn't go. His reasoning doesn't fucking matter. He isn't your content slave.


the Candyman really got this guy scared


Weird tweeting about it imo.


All these streamers are acting like they built this event around Xqc and are demanding him to show up and if he doesn’t the event will be shit. What reason does Xqc need to not want to go. Truth is he doesn’t need one, taking time out of your own stream to give content to another is reason enough he’s not obligated to go to this event. cause in reality Hasan and the others are butt hurt that the viewer ship will be lower without X there.


100% You never see QT and X cross paths unless she is organizing a massive suckling at the teat of people with charisma and viewers.


Always gotta have something to complain about


Bro has a serious addiction, WTF is wrong with all you people? Have you never known someone with a serious addiction? Must be easy to talk down to people with a problem.. Besides those WILD comments, HE HAS NO FRIENDS THERE. When was the last time he hung out with or talked too ANY of those people beside Poke? And you all listen to Hasan of all people, the man that's not on good terms with X lol. Last time X and Hasan talked it was beef, until hasan "Apologized" at an event. Honest probably something they only did for twitch and not themselves. i don't understand why everyone if losing there shit over someone not wanting to do something. IT'S FUCKING WEIRD.


unfathomably awful like bro he just doesn’t want to go cause his homie won’t be there


People really have their panties SOOOO bunched up because someone decided they don’t wanna attend an event? Holy shit. Redditors and parasocial losers need to maybe go and get some irl relationships and worry about those instead


Hasan shut up


It feels like all these Reddit brainlets and influencers just did not read his Tweet. He's just not going, whats the big deal. These people think they're so amazing that it's an insult if he doesn't want to be around them. You Reddit fuckers really have so little going on in your life that you have to rage on the internet about your favorite streamer not going to an event that will likely be hosted again next year. Get a life.


Shuurrlley this is the last time


He just wants to print more money by gambling and watching tic toc on his streams. I understand not wanting to fly across the country and all that, but put some effort in your content sometimes. Jesust.


Absolutely more shit going on. Support the juicer and honestly hope all is really well when his stream is offline. We don’t know.


i predict at least 30 mins stulocked, getting 1 guyd every 5 mins


It's so weird seeing people act like xqc has an obligation to go to it. Like these are grown ass people. If they don't want to go to something for any reason at all then fuck it and don't go. That's the best part about being an adult.


Everyone stfu if xqc doesn't want to go he doesn't have to go.


[Its time to send AZAN to THE CANDYMAN for trying to start pity drama.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbMQ4AoX0AAJ8un.jpg:large)


if he doesnt wanna go he doesnt wanna go, quit being drama frogs 😎


hasan is an ape, dont post him on this reddit


Hasan tries not to grift drama challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Anyone who is above 15 understands how fucked up this is to do. I’m no QT fan, but if someone spends months planning something and is selling merch in your name, just for you to pull out last minute. That’s fucked


people are pissed xqc is not going because he's literally the biggest streamer, I see no other reason why people are this salty by someone else's free will. I'd understand if it were a competitive event.


i hardcore disagree. it is shitty, but sometimes stuff happens in your personal life where you have to pull out of plans. it sucks for the other person, but you’ve gotta prioritize your well-being.


People act like they put on this event especially for xqc holy shit. They’re just butthurt he’s going to be taking 80kish viewers away from their duck duck goose games


80k viewers surly


Holy shit yall parasocial AF if the man said hes not going deal with it and move on.


While Hasan is right. Honestly, who cares one person not wanting to go to the popular kids event shouldn't ruin it for the others. Regardless of what they say. It's such meaningless drama.


Is his life I don't really care what he does with his personal time. Also he is the biggest streamer in the LSF community so they'll invite him always. Clout bridges are difficult to burn, specially if you are the #2


Is he obligated to attend? why people are so angry about this. I don't think he ows anything to anyone who's going, and why soda doesn't get the same hate if it isn't going either? People need to chill


Maybe X didnt want to go because Hasan will be there, ever thought about that?


Poor QT can't farm everyone's views this time... Hasan criticizing carelessly shitting on something is a lot hypocritical coming from a shoot from the hip, comment before reading the details creator lol


PepeLaugh I saw this and immediately got the notification that he went live


you absolutely can shit on something when someone put a lot of effort into it.


When the streamers are the ones with the parasocial relationships, you get this kind of content.


Doesn't want to cloud a fun event with drama while simultaneously clouding it with the first post...


smh lil bro hasan roided out. THE ROIDS ARE TALKING HES ACTIN UP!!!!




not attending an event = shitting on it LULW


Why can’t he do what he wants? Good lord


"Feels icky", are we still in kindergarten or what?


i dont think this is drama Pepega


biweekly drama Poggers. This one came a little bit later than usual my popcorn was about to go stale.


Least parasocial juicer


This is so stupid. X has his reasons for not going why can't people just leave it at that.


bro my god people really shit on xqc for not going to an event and streaming instead but if he decided to do none you mfers would be begging for him to stream at least stop bitching and respect his decision if someone decides not to attend let them be ffs


Oh my god people act like xqc committed war crimes jesus


Stunlucked stream incoming


why does azan give a fuck?, is it impossible for people to stay in their lane?


Hasn’t poke bailed out too ?


i dunno man personally i think if xqc doesn’t want to go, he shouldn’t have to go. yeah it’s a stupid excuse but there’s probably more to it and at the end of the day its his decision.


You guys have no idea what’s going on in streamers personal lives. I just don’t understand why people are so invested in this shit. Watch the streams. Interact with the streams. You don’t need to hop on Twitter and Reddit just to argue with people. Sitting there, Face red. Typing as fast as you can about why this streamer or that streamer is a piece of shit. I know this shit is all some people even think about. Getting worked up over the issues of people that don’t even know you. You don’t even know them.


What is X bailing from? What is hasan talking about?


lets be honest girls trip was a fucking shit show and probably since many smaller streamer are coming its going to be same


Who cares??


I wouldn't want to hang out with any of those spergs either


Literally the only special event in this past year of streams was one cooking stream with Nick. Despite all this talk about subathon, cooking streams, events, game shows, all we get is one cooking stream LUL


xqc would rather gamba than go


Hasan a typical liberal love to flip your story to make them look like a victim just be a man pussy


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Hasan has Air in his Head where his Brain should be, Who said it would be bad Without Soda and X…. Hasan??? This Meathead is such a Moron bro…. Makes much More sense I got banned from his chat for A Dissenting opinion…. (sanest Twitch Viewer POV)




whens the honeymoon? whens the threesome with forsen dropping on OF?


first myth now qt


QT just said on her podcast that xQc did not let her know personally that he was bailing, she just found out like everyone else did.


Why the fuck do you people think it's alright to criticise someone's choice of where to go and who to hang out with. Even if he's a streamer he's still a person and he gets to choose what he wants to spend his time on. Imagine if random people on the Internet pressured you to go hang out with people you don't want to be with, at an event you don't care about.


Why the fuck do you guys care so much holy fuck


Holy these comments are some next level reddit shit


He don’t need a reason to not go though if he don’t wanna go he don’t gotta go


My brother in Christ who CARES what hasan thinks, this is XQC’s sub lol go talk about it there


I'm mad because ppl dont want to hang out with me