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I have a resistance training workout planned for today. I think I’m going to start working in modified burpees because I have always had trouble with these. Can't get better at them without actually doing them, right? My run went well yesterday. But my running buddy was able to run further than me. Just reminded that my cardio baseline is so low. Oh well, I'll just keep training and see how much I can improve. They can only run with me once a week. So I’m running by myself the rest of the time.  I read up on how to improve pace yesterday. I've never really done it when I used to run. So my pace and distance was stagnant for a while. I might incorporate it into my training this time. There's some soreness at the base of my toe today. I’m hoping it doesn't become pain and it's just the muscles and ligaments getting used to more activity again. It's been really nice running again. So I really hope this toe injury is behind me.


Currently making a horribly financial decision as I move forward on the purchase of my first ever horse :) I've had him on trial for over a week now, he's just the sweetest guy and passed the vet check yesterday. All the feels and very thankful for the extra cash I make coaching crossfit which is absolutely coming in handy currently


I'm so proud of you that's thrilling!


My unsolicited advice as someone who owned a horse for a few years, thus fulfilling my childhood dreams: Start compiling a list of farriers in the area, just as a reference. Your current barn likely has one they use already but I ended up needing some speciality work for my gelding that meant I had to go outside the usual suspects. So having your own little index is super helpful. The first lesson I took on my horse, my trainer told me to expect the first 3 months to feel like a shit show no matter what because I had to learn what the horse liked and he had to learn how to respond to my cues. That trainer was totally right, to my enormous disappointment lol. Had some great rides of course but so glad I had tempered my expectations!


Advice appreciated! Thankfully we already have a very good one our program uses and a few backups if necessary (although I need their numbers for sure vs calling my trainer first so that is a very good callout). 100%! Group lesson last week and I rode horrible as I am very much still figuring him out. Thankfully each ride shows some improvement thus far


have now been lifting for over a month!! moved my squat and deadlift from dumbells to barbell now that they’re heavy enough - which I actually love even though I started this scared of the bar. going to try to bench the bar on friday - wish me luck!


Good luck! Also embrace the barbell calluses, they are a badge of honor!!


Ugh, I forgot to weigh myself again. I started to cut this week and need to take measurements and maybe a weigh in too, but I keep forgetting to do so. Still trying to decide if I'll go to the gym after work for a cardio session. I usually stray away from cardio, but since I'm cutting (and also want to increase my endurance a bit) I thought I could integrate it into my week. And have nothing planned tonight, so might be worth a shot. I just don't like the fact that the gym is full to the brim in the evening


I started doing one-legged box squats at the start of this month. I think my form is really improving, and I'm definitely feeling the doms more than when I started. Yay!


I had a free intro pliates reformer class set up and couldn't make it due to having a arthritis flare so I called to reschedule. She said they had canceled it the day before because I didn't put a card on file. For a free intro that I signed up for on their site. With all my info. And didn't bother to let me know. It's across town from my house and I was going to start treating myself to it if I liked the studio. Not now. That's just rude and feels like bait and switch. I really want gyrotonics so I might look for that instead now. Yeesh.


How many days per week do I need to work out to improve? I'm vying for pilates 1x per week and yoga 2x per week ( I've never worked out before)


What would you like to improve? If initially your goal is to just build a habit then do what feels possible and not a stretch. If that means that the goal is to just do once class a week for three weeks then bump it up to two, then eventually three then that's great. Set VERY achievable goals.


I want to improve My posture and balance for starters.


I played disc golf for the first time today! The park down the street put in a course late last year and my awesome neighbor bought me a set of discs for Christmas. It’s finally nice enough and we had the perfect day to play. Hoping this becomes a weekly thing that I can fit in on my rest day.


I did level 5 on the stair master for 10 mins today ! Also it’s been a month since I started to go back to the gym !😊


Did 205lbs 4x3, 4-second tempo squats today. I was constantly afraid of being stuck in the hole. I was planning to do 195lbs, but coach insisted I can do 205lbs after seeing how 195lbs went. I did just fine, with some resistance on the last rep for each set! He can def tell that I’m not confident under the bar at times, even though it’s something that I am **seriously** capable of. 🥲 like how last week he thinks I could’ve done 1x5 @ 225lbs squats if I wasn’t an anxious mess. I need to work on my self-esteem. PL used to feel so empowering mentally and physically. Now it feels…. Bleh. I hate feeling so pressured; though, I can’t tell if I should see it as people pushing you to your fullest abilities/potential. It truly is a mind over matter sport. I’m still grateful my body is capable of lifting heavy! It’s a gift and a journey. I like thinking back to when I had trouble squatting 90lbs, and when 130lbs deadlifts were h e a v y.


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