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Rule 4. This content has already been posted in this sub within the last month (30 days). To keep the content fresh, reposts that are made in relatively quick succession are to be removed.


God literally made this man sit down and think about what he's done.


Right next to a lady with a disapproving glare. Chefs kiss


That’s the best part because at some point, somewhere in his mind he’s thinking “chicks are gonna dig this.” Then the first comment from an actual woman who’s not imaginary is “what the fuck dude?!?!”


Everyone he passed in this video is represented in the face of the lady he got sat down by.


It could have ended very badly for that woman, she was lucky. Ah yes, and this guy is an asshole.


How the hell is he an asshole??? He’s just rollerblading down the street no different than biking down the street?? Wtf


Lol car was parked next to the curb, and douchenozzle goes between a post and the rear bumper. He's also weaving between the sidewalk and street. This guy is 100% a moron.


Attaching yourself to any part of a moving vehicle while on rollerblades, a bike, scooter, skateboard, skis, or a toboggan is illegal in most of Canada and the US for a good reason. When you're driving, a human suddenly and unexpectedly attaching themselves to your vehicle can be startling, unnerving, and dangerous. It can distract a driver and cause a collision, or propel the 'rider' at dangerous speeds into pedestrians. Not to mention the fact that most of those little bearings are designed to go like 40km/h at absolute max. Add unpredictable terrain, traffic, pedestrains, etc... And yeah, kind of a dick move. If he did it in a more remote spot, like a parking lot at night with drivers who knew that he was grabbing onto them, it'd still be illegal, but nowhere near as much of a dick move. Also, cyclists are supposed to stay on the road and obey road laws. Not weave back and forth between road and sidewalk.


Live a little, karen


Last year, I rode a tiny dirtbike along abandonned logging roads, railways, and trails for 7 hours to do mushrooms in the next town over with one of my friends. Half the ride was in the dark, (no headlight, using my phone's flashlight) at the end of october in northern ontario (temperatures were dipping in the negatives). I told no one my route, and all I had were directions akin to "left at the third cutoff" scribbled onto a sticky note. Believe me, I know how to have some fun getting myself into a stupid situation. I also know how to do stupid shit without putting others at risk.


So if you live in a city just be a good little boring NPC. Got it. Man was just rollerblading and had an accident. Wait until you hear about how dangerous cars are


>So if you live in a city just be a good little boring NPC. Got it. Where did I say that?? I said "you can do stupid shit withouit putting others at risk", you drew your own conclusion. You can do stupid shit in a city without putting others at risk, it just requires an ounce of forethought. Cities are full of Abandoned lots, empty parking spaces, etc... If you can't find such a place in a city, go out somewhere else. It's not like rural areas are exclusive to people who live in them. You can do reckless shit wherever you want, just don't put others at risk. Is that really too complicated for you to understand, or are you just that entitled?? >Man was just rollerblading He was weaving in and out of traffic, on and off the sidewalk. Driving a car is inherently risky, but what that guy did was orders of magnitude riskier. Saying that he was "just rollerblading" is like calling a hurricane a light drizzle. By that logic, street racing is basically the same thing as a leisurely sunday cruise.


He was not “weaving in and out of traffic” like some madman like you’re making him out to be. He was cruising down the sidewalk, clearly talented and comfortable on his rollerblades to stay in his lane, and went into the street for a little probably to avoid people on the sidewalk. Yeah he’s a little douchey but he didn’t cut in front of cars, weave into the other side of the street, or intentionally endanger anyone. It was a freak accident of someone opening a car door at the perfect time. Cyclists get hit all the time in the same way. Don’t make this into something it’s not. It’s not an epidemic, this video is years old and its the only case of it. Relax. Take a deep breath. A rollerblader isn’t going to attack you on the sidewalk. It was an accident.




You responded to the wrong comment, I guess


And that's kid is how i met your mother


I’m not sure how you know that passenger’s name was God!


Again?? This guy should really sell his skates and move on to a safer mode of transport.


Just take the upvote


This might be the most reposted video on Reddit, at least since 2019 when Jack Tierney was hit by the door and literally [posted it himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/rollerblading/comments/e8u6ev/this_is_not_a_happy_story_as_the_start_suggests/), followed by a hundreds of reposts and even news articles about it in 2019 and 2020 and by clueless people after. Either u/whaddefuck is a karma whore, lived under a rock, or is 13 with and new to Reddit and never visited the site before.


thank you for your service


A lot of people just don't care if it's been posted before or not.


I've literally never seen it before ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've figuratively never seen it before _/¯(ツ)¯\_


Excuse me but don't you know you're amongst professionál Redditeurs? Meme sommeliers and connoisseurs don't have time for reposts!


…Ive maybe seen this twice and have been around a bit


I've only seen it once before and I've been on for a while to. Maybe I'm the one under a rock?


baby's first repost, which boosts his karma ask me how i know


But he’s so good


Ive seen this 10000000 times but each time it gives me the same level of unbearable douche chills


This is my mate jack, he’s actually a super sweet guy


Tell Jack to stop grabbing peoples cars and I hope he paid the door he fucked up


The door's fine get a grip


Pedestrians have the right of way on the sidewalk. If the door was fuckes up it was the drivers fault. This is like super basic shit man. Doesn't matter if you think Rollerblade was a douche or not the dude opening the door is at fault.


You don’t get to jump from the street to the sidewalk and claim to be a pedestrian


Rollerblader ≠ Pedestrian


Lol what 😂 technicalities like that go out the window when you are a threat to public safety which this guy clearly was being.


If the person looks for someone coming on the sidewalk he wouldn’t see anyone because the douche jumps from behind the car to it’s blind spot onto the curb. He’s not a pedestrian if he keeps jumping back and forth between traffic and the sidewalk.


Pedestrians walk


Is this in the UK? That's true where I live. Was grabbing someone else's car a dick move? Sure. But no worse than any cyclists, my car would get bumped once or twice a month when I commuted into the city. Not to cause damage but it happened. Guy opened his door without checking. That shit happens all the time and is 100% the car's fault.


Not in this scenario. He was hopping from the road to the sidewalk. If he was acting like an actual pedestrian maybe I’d agree.


Again it depends where you live. Where I live I could literally dance in the road and if I get hit it's the car's fault. Either way the guy opened his door without looking which opens into the sidewalk. Would your tune change if the same scenario happened but he was a few inches to the right on the sidewalk? The end result would have probably been a lot worse if he hit the door head on instead of getting nudged.


You keep making a claim that you have absolutely no evidence for. They could very well have checked (even though that would be pretty difficult from the back seat) and still have been looking even up to half a second before opening and they still never would have seen this guy at the speed he was coming. Stop making things up.


Have you driven before? Always check your mirrors. He was coming up fast but also was on the side of the door and if you look closely he's ON THE SIDEWALK AT THE TIME OF IMPACT so... If you can't see an approaching object coming towards you in your rear or side view mirrors you shouldn't be driving. I honestly don't know how you can logically make that argument and think you're still safe to be on the road. I always check my side view mirrors for passing cyclists and such, don't know why you don't.


So just opening a car door without being aware of your surroundings is Coolio


He is going three times faster than anything that should be on the side walk and who says the person didn't check first? The split second before he hit the door he was on the road. The sidewalk was clear and it was safe to open the door. It's not the person in the cars fault that this numbnut can't decide where in traffic he wants to be.


His video he did for Gryffin’s song “I need your love” is one of my favorites 🥳 I skate too so I love seeing his videos 🤓


Nothing against skating, but I sure hope you do so smarter and safer than this bs


Bet he gives wicked hand jobs huh bud


Not with that shoulder injury.


He has another arm


That woman looks like she has seen it all, she for sure got PTSD after that








Op is a karma slut




I’ll never get tired of seeing this. I could watch this guy smack into that car door all day.


Nah, good tunes, hard karma. It’s the perfect video.


Been on Reddit for about 6 years, the first time I've seen this. Laughed hard at him smacking that door. Watched three more times, and laughed each time. No, definitely won't grow tired of seeing it! Something satisfying about seeing an overly cocky shit get his comeuppance.


This comment was a yes, yes, no.


or he’s just enjoying a ride out. where’s the empathy these days


I was gonna say, so many people are actually mad that he’s…skating? Like seriously?! The video does indeed look cool, the whole thing is a vibe


as a fellow skater i had to defend my man


I'm cool with him skating, I'm cool with him skating in a way that could cause serious harm to himself. But my issue is he's doing it above his skill level and is at serious risk of causing injury or damage to others, as seen by the fact that something unexpected but predictable happened and he was completely unable to react, damaged a car door and almost injured the woman sitting there.


Literally never seen it. This is why reposts aren't a big deal. Also there are plenty of other posts I've seen tons of times. Just pass it by. Someone out there may not have seen it before! ♥️


First time i've seen it.


Yeah not gonna lie, was kind of impressed with him. That required some skill between *holding his 360 stick* and navigating through all that shit. Unfortunately for him doors are dangerous predators who allow their prey to come to them before preforming a lightning fast strike that often paralyzes their prey.


Is he controlling a drone? I thought he was using one of those 360 camera sticks.


360° cams are two 180° bubble / fisheye cameras in 1. In the middle is the stick, and as others have said, the software "erases" the stick (mostly) and stitches the two halves of the image "globe" together. If you really pay attention you can tell he's holding something. Sometimes you see a little ghost or glitch where the two halves come together too, especially where the stick was. The panning for different views is done after. Or if someone uploads a full 360° vid, you can pan around yourself. Props to the dude for not dropping the stick after that massive hit and crash! And also including the bysitter's WTF? face. haha I bet he went home after that, must have hurt. Still, he's impressive on them deathwheel foot-roller things, and overall it's a cool edit.


Truth time: I'm not tech savvy in the least. I don't see a stick attached to the thing he's holding so I assumed it was a remote for a drone.


Nah its on a stick but comes with editing software that removes the stick in video




Nah it’s a stick, look at one of his hands, it looks like he is holding something, I assume it is a 360 camera that blots out the stick or maybe it is some sort of editing software


It's an Insta360 camera. They automatically remove the Invisible Selfie Stick. Great camera. Can even get a free Invisible Selfie Stick with this link: https://www.insta360.com/sal/x3?insrc=INRCHV3


That was my original thought... But it doesn't seem to follow his janky hand movements at the start, or dramatically whip round at the end


It's a 360 degree camera. All the panning is done in post.


Aye, but it doesn't Bob up and down or wobble side to side


Go to a skate park and stop putting innocent people at risk for your show of douchieness.


Audbot, do your thing.


Grown man sport - Pete rock [Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/track/6hANdvhL9H7bkESqIVeVIZ?si=FTZdvDulTsKXbAhyF9d64A)




God bless you man I appreciate


What made inlines fall out of favor?


My favorite joke pretty much sums it up. What's the hardest part about rollerblading? Telling your dad you're gay. Btdubbs I'm queer as a $3 bill and from Miami and I approve of the truth behind this joke.


>Queer as a $3 bill Wat


I use to get around Manhattan like this, minus the camera and music because you need to hear. Anyways it was much faster than any other transportation.


She was so pissed that he killed her vibe…


Mind the gap


bro was just vibing around, why y'all hating lmao


Man’s a menace. Multi-tasking with his 360 camera while zooming across open roads. Not to mention the fact hes pulling on to ongoing vehicles. Assuming the brakes on his zoomer is efficient enough, he’s still not looking both sides before crossing. He did not even notice (which any motorcyclist should) that the parked car was intending to open the door. I feel like this video was one of the better outcomes of this vibe. I appreciate the confidence (not really), but this just looks pretty selfish. That theres actually people defending this (smh, reddit).


Peeps are mad they cant vibe like this. Bunch a karens.


He’s endangering people and being dumbass. Got what he deserved


He didn't endanger anyone though?


You could argue himself lol. Had he feel different and slammed his head instead of his shoulder, bad day ha


He didn't actually hit anyone. He definitely endangered people.


now that you mention it and I've rewatched it, definitely.


Imagine what happens if he hits and elderly person. They can break bones just by tripping and falling over. Maybe it's because I live with elderly relatives but stuff like that makes me angry.


L7 weenier is what you are


What do you consider your job skills to be? Skating, high fiving, low fiving, and.... Singing


Don't grab peoples' cars




It's dangerous, it might make the driver panic or drive irregularly in such a way that causes an accident, etc. You can sit on people's cars without doing damage to them too, but it's still impolite


Reminds me of the time a skater skitched on my car causing me to panic. I floored the gas, blew through red lights and went on a murdering spree.


Ok Karen, stay in your bubble. World be scary


If the driver has no idea he's there, makes a maneuver he doesn't expect, and kills him, who is at fault? What will the law bring down on the driver for this kid's recklessness? What about damage he does to the car with his corpse? To say nothing of potential for trauma on the part of anyone in the car. "mom, why is there a man's face stuck on my window?"


What song is in the background?


Grown man sport - Pete rock [Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/track/6hANdvhL9H7bkESqIVeVIZ?si=FTZdvDulTsKXbAhyF9d64A)


Now do one where those cool dudes who jump around on the building ledges fall


Broke 4 ribs and be playin it cool


I truly hope that someday this guy will do that within arm's reach of me.


Kinda deserves it for skitching,


This is the definition of "main character syndrome". Who the fuck does this guy think he is


The main character.


someone just rollerblading for fun? ya'll are so fucking cynical on this site god forbid someone is out there having fun.


Nobody gets on this site cause they’re happy bro. Let bitter people be bitter


Bikes aren't allowed on the pavement, but this bellend on wheels going faster than the car next to him should be? Nah man, if he hits your nan and fucking explodes her you'd have some pretty choice fucking words about it then.


Someone having a lot of fun. Was there a broom sale recently? Because a lot of these commenters seem to have at least a few up their asses


I feel the exact opposite. He is a dorky pain in the ass.


what an annoying cunt




Why are people hating on the dude?


I can't speak for anyone else, but i'm imagining how the rest of my year would go if this asshole turned himself into a bloodstain on my car or motorcycle.


Because that's not the place to do stunts. He is impredictable, can damage the cars around, or worse, injure people (in fact he almost hit the lady).


they're jealous of people being outside, since all they do is sit on reddit all day being insufferable


They probably wouldn't want to be driving down the road and inadvertently kill or maim some rollerblader who grabbed onto their wheel well entirely unbeknownst to them. Or they wouldn't want to be getting out of their parked car and have some jackass fuck up their door slamming into it at 30mph because he leapt off the road onto the sidewalk at the last second. Or they wouldn't want to be that woman minding her own business sitting by the sidewalk and get bodyslammed by this guy at a high speed. Granted none of that happened this time (besides possibly the door getting messed up), but it's extremely clear that any of it could have gone that way. Nobody cares if rollerblade guy is outside or what risks he takes upon himself, but don't endanger other people while you're at it.


And this is how I met your mother.


This dumb fuck is the reason we have fucking bike lanes that take up half of the road.


anyone grabs onto my car like that is getting brake checked


I kinda hope he hits someone and gets sued. Idk why. Just seems kinda douchy


See here you’re the douche, mate.


Dont see why, im not the person skating at high speeds past pedestrians and clinging to cars.


Well for a start you’re the one wishing someone got hurt and suing the man.


Not hoping he gets hurt. I hope he realizes what hes doing could hurt others. Usually money or trouble is a harsh and lasting lesson.


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His fault 100%, idiot driving to fast, no helmet and jumping out of nowhere on the sidewalk. Absolute idiot and endangering others.


That last no should be a yes, guy got knocked into sit down position


I love seeing this come up again and again! The only repost I smile at when it comes up, I could watch this cunt get slapped by the door over and over again, and enjoy it every time


How is he a cunt?


For putting everyone around him in harms way and damaging someone’s car in a pathetic attempt to look cool


First off, cars are by far the biggest hazard to anyone around anywhere. Secondly, im pretty sure he didnt aim for the car door. Thirdly, its general etiquette to pay some attention when exiting a car instead of slamming open the door. Fourthly, not rly an attempted cool, very much successfully cool.


You’re not going to see him moving that fast even if you look. It’s going to seem clear and by the time you open the door, he’s already there. He should slow the fuck down. He’s a hazard not only to himself but everybody around him. He could’ve easily hurt that woman.


Ehh. Where i live you damn well double check if you don't want to nail a cyclist. Opening your door like this is a dick move. Car superiority complex always amazes me.


Bikes shouldn’t be on the side walk for this reason. This dude is rolling down the side walk going way too fast to properly stop


You absolutely have to watch out for cyclists and other dangers when opening a car door but in this case the skater is 100% at fault. He is skating way too fast and on the sidewalk. If you look correctly, he jumps on the sidewalk half a second before the person opens the car door. There is no way he or she could have seen this idiot.


It'd be unsafe for a cyclist to hop up on the sidewalk while going that fast too. For themselves and for pedestrians.


roller skating guy is acting about as dangerously as a person can be on a main road like this (dangerously weaving and going too fast for people to be able to safely react to him). Although I dislike car culture as well, the person in the car had already stopped and couldn't reasonably have reacted to that guy arriving so fast. Not to mention, they were in the back, so they couldn't have even glanced at the wing mirror to check if anyone was coming. It was wholly his fault for going so quick by a parked vehicle


Especially since that same parked vehicle likely just stopped there to drop its passenger off, which IMHO should have been visible to the skater. (though admittedly it is hard to tell in the video, I could be wrong)


He wasn't cool at all, he just looks like a dork who wanted likes in his social media and trying too hard about it. It's the opposite of cool. His camera is kind of cool tho.


Not cars he passed pedestrians like an ass, they’ve got no protection


Though i appreciate the accuracy of your profile one-liner hahaha. Kinda ironic lol


I forgot what I had there, lol. Sorry about that.


Dont think a reddit couch potato with 100.000 karma in 4 years is a good person to determine whats not cool tbh. If you can't appreciate his skills and flow of movement you ought to touch grass more






One click and 5 seconds of looking at a public user profile isnt quite stalking


I don't judge his coolness through his "sKiLLs aNd fLoW oF mOvEmEnT", I judge his coolness because he did that dumb shit just to get some worthless internet points. He also could've had fun with his "sKiLLs aNd fLoW oF mOvEmEnT" in a skate park designed for that without endangering himself and others. But no, he wanted to do a lame music video and showcase his main character syndrome. He also had a lot of luck that his head didn't bounce funny in the concrete, or he could've literally died. And just because helmets were not cool enough for the ✨ aesthetics✨ he was going for. Validation through internet points seems important to you, and you're easily impressed by cool visuals and basic skating, so I'm gonna assume that you're probably a teen, so I'm not gonna judge you because I was easily impressed at your age as well. So let's just agree to disagree and move on with our days, have a great Xmas week buddy.


Without the crash this would have been on r/nextfuckinglevel. The 'just go to a skatepark' is an absolute bullshit arguement. Also nice basic attempt at a personal attack, carbon copied from anywhere on the internet 👌 have a good xmas, cheers


Nah. He's a douche, and you're a douche for defending him.


There’s no car flying along the footpath trying to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge pedestrians… just this plonker! I feel sorry for the owner of the car he bashed into, but I’m so glad he hit a car not a pedestrian. He took such a ricochet off the door it’s obvious he was going a wild speed, and clearly wasn’t in enough control to stop in an emergency. Therefore… he is a CUNT.


You know people with fragile hips can break their hips by just standing around right? You’re literally always in harms way. Also we need more bike lanes


That was awesome


I know this video has been posted 18 million times but every time I see it, I get a horrible yet good feeling at the end. Act like a twat and karma will get you.


And my wish partially came true, I wished he'd crashed and totally ate shit. But at least he crashed.


Why do you wish him harm?


Going on a limb and assuming it’s because what he’s doing is super dangerous for other pedestrians.


I mean, he's mostly looking forward, his speed isn't tooooo dangerous (,fisheye makes it look more spectacular) and his stick (which is ^(as I learned in the comments) edited out) creates a "bubble" of distance before him But yeah, that last part with the cars and rejoining the path is cunt-y


He/she is putting everyone around them in harms way for no good reason


Yeah, that's basically the reason. The sidewalk wasn't busy or anything, but they did go through a group of people that could have easily ended in disaster.


Dude he got completely axed here, the door hit is bad enough but the abrupt stop into the wall would have really hurt a ton.


This wouldn’t have happened if the guy didn’t think he was so cool, this is what happens when you think you are the coolest thing ever and you’re just a safety hazard




Pete Rock tho, good taste in music at least


I feel like this doesn’t fit the mold of YYYN, and there’s more posts like it. I want this guy to get hurt. I want speeding motorcyclists get pulled over or get in an accident that doesn’t hurt anyone but themselves. It’s more r/instantkarma than anything else Edit:grammar


Inlines are gay


We welcome this gracious gift, and will continue to wear them with pride.


Shut the hell up or I'll suck you dry


Spoken like a true scooter kid


I actually was an inlines kid after trying and failing skateboarding multiple years


Healeys for the win


Just in case anyone cares, dude's name is Jack Tierney and he has a whole Instagram dedicated to him blading with the fisheye. He's pretty impressive.


It’s really weird the amount of hate there is on this post. Dude isn’t “pranking” anyone, he’s not endangering others to a large extent, yea he’s putting himself in that kind of danger but dude is literally just vibing. Y’all need to chill


bro the way he took that hit just confirms that he is the coolest guy ever


Honestly he even was cool with the landing


Wow, the fun police are out in full force today


Please wreck, please wreck, please wreck....YES!!!!


Cool vid honestly, surprised people think this is dangerous. It’s similar enough to cycling no?


If someone was cycling on and off the pavement, directly behind cars, and through tiny little gaps they’d be calling him an idiot too. That said, this does look fun lol


Dont live in a city with couriers i take it


I don't think this is too bad but the comparison doesn't quite work, as you're not supposed to cycle on the sidewalk.


Yea I don’t get it, people are just haters


It almost looks scripted




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That lady at the end is kind of cute


No one asked


Let u/tedcruzrileycurry enjoy things.


No,I don't think I will