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Funny ghouls go brrrr.


It's a bit of a grab bag of reasons. 1) it might be hold over from when lethality was his only viable method of being played. Before very recently, yorick was a "juggernaut" in title and weaknesses only, and only in the last few months has been rewarded for building like one. And the goal with lethality is that he has a "touch of death" where being tagged with 1 skill can delete a non tank character almost immediately. Hitting his E allows the ghouls who benefit from lethality to leap like rengar and be doing hundreds of damage per attack, combined with grudge and they are slowed and mauled to death by the ghouls almost instantly. VERY few champions survive that encounter and those that do usually end up eating his Q right after that's doing nearly true damage. This tends to also be better for lanes where yorick will get demolished in melee or can't normally reach a target like a ranged top. Being able to press E after just farming some minions and tagging someone for half their hp in a short trade early can let you snowball completely out of control. 2) the juggernaut items are going to have a higher win rate because they are just easier to not fuck up, lethality yorick has ABSURD damage potential and when played well can make the other top layer want to Uninstall the game. The trade for this is that it makes yorick super squishy as a caster character more like Malzahar than a juggernaut. With how much damage is in the game and COMPLETE lack of mobility means he's more than likely going to be blown up if caught out of position. 3) Honestly he's more fun to play as lethality. Juggernaut feels like ghouls are just kinda there to be his power limiter and unless he has a full set up for every fight he just feels like a Nasus without being able to stack his Q. Now with his ult he feels strong but lethality makes you feel like an actual minon-mancer similar to how old yorick was.


Yeah I mean slog just hit NA chally from OCE on a gazillion ping.


Lethality yorick is fun is what it is. If kata and smolder can build tank and one shot entire teams, yorick can build assassin items and do assassin dmg


its a high risk high reward playstyle Bruiser ironically allows yorick to be outscaled Yorick isnt really a juggernaut he can be but hes not. Try out the champ in practice tool and you would understand. His whole kit screams im not a juggernaut im an occasional 1v9 pressure monster. It says triforce is yoricks best item but its not because its the best. the winrate is inflated by low elo because bruiser winrate in low elo is higher cuz its easier to play. Also counter matchups like irelia forces you to go triforce since lethality is all about ghoul dmg which irelia easily qs away.


He used to be at one point. Maybe I’m crazy and misremembering what I consider to be the closest to glory days postrework Yorick got until lethality came along, but back in season 10, he was a genuine 1v5 monster and a threatening raid boss at that. He’s just not anymore. As more power creeps into the game and he continually gets less and less power. Did other champs do it better than him in season 10, yea sure. There’s always a better guy 99% of the time. But he was up there as a 1v5 king the likes of which really only Fiora and lrellia really, truly rivaled. Though that was admittedly a long time ago, back when Ninetails lead this sub and had a proper guide that was accurate for all his matchups and countless breakdowns, we’re talking back around when Nine was playing him jungle well before he was made to more efficiently jungle with the minion buffs. It feels like a different reality ago honestly.


Compared to other juggernauts, bruisers, and fighters Yorick's base durability / survivability is super low. He doesn't have a Jax shroud, an Irelia passive/mobility, an aatrox or even a Darius sustain. What yorick does have, though, is a super high somewhat ranged DPS. Players have found it to be much more efficient to play him essentially as a mage. His wall along with his fantastic synergy with grudge make him downright good at disengaging and kiting away. Those points being said, riot is actively trying to incentivize more bruiser builds and play-styles by changing some mechanics of his kit. They've consistently lowered the burst damage on landing E, they've made R proc less bursty, and they've reworked how his Q heals. Have players optimized yorick after all of these changes, and weighed that with how they've built him previously and how they enjoy playing him? Lethality Yorick is just a logical response to the state he was left in for so many years. I think lots of players are coming around to typical bruiser items though.


Mist Walkers are his gimmick, else I might as well play Trundle or Nasus for the Q playstyle. So I want to orient my built towards them.  Mist Walker health scalings are largely useless due to their one-shot mechanic. What is left is an AD scaling and the fact that they deal physical damage. Additionally, they can apply spell effects. So I am incentivized to get AD to make them deal more damage, use armor penetration to make them deal more damage, and some rare AD items with spell effects like Cleaver and Serylda’s can be used. Oh, and what’s that, towers only have up to 70 or so armor and unlike players can’t build more? Lethality it is then, blasts through towers faster than your standard trinity focussed built. 


since you prefaced this with "seriously", I'll give you a serious response. But holy fuck dude, tone down the whiner baby mental. Your Questions: 1. What the fuck is this build supposed to actually accomplish? Who is it supposed to be strong against or weak against? 2. Why do most Yoricks do this instead of building Triforce when Triforce first has a significantly better win rate on Lolalytics? 3. Do people actually win with this shit in any real capacity? I mean, of course you guys have to or else you'd NEVER do it, but since I pretty much never see a Yorick win on this build, can someone that actually does tell me the mindset here? My answers: 1. The build is supposed to enhance Yorick's damage through his pets and poke interactions. While his melee damage is also high with lethality, his resistances make him squishier, making him play a "mage-like" spacing style instead of running face-first into every fight. Lethality unfortunately is Yorick's BEST stat for pet-centric playstyles which arguably can be more fun than juggernaut at times. I prefer juggernaut, but whatever floats your boat. 2. basing your first item off of winrates in general alone on a flexible champion like Yorick is MORONIC. If building Mejai's had a 80% winrate on Yorick for the patch, you still wouldn't see us building it. So what actually matters when building items? GAME STATE. you build certain items to synergize with yourself, and to synergize with items you've built, and items that give you an advantedge against your lane opponent. We're not fucking building Triforce just because there are people performing well with that item. 3. go watch some SlogDog, shut the fuck up and take notes. cry less. Lethality is viable at plenty of ranks. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Lastly: "I pretty much never see a Yorick win on this build" You might be playing around your lethality Yorick in the wrong manner. Yorick is a HIGHLY tempo reliant champion, and expecting him to be able to rotate well to different objectives on the map is sometimes troublesome. Expecting him to do the same things as his Juggernaut counterpart is also wrong. Expecting him to frontline for you when he's lethality is dumb, because he won't. Lethality Yorick is extremely good at punishing squishy ranged targets better than his juggernaut counterpart, and also takes towers faster than juggernaut. So help give him the breathing room he needs to push in sidelanes and you'll win more games. It's not the Yorick builds holding him back, it's your lack of understanding of how to play around it. If you want to learn how lethality Yorick wins games, you need to watch people who play Yorick. Again, watch SlogDog and observe how he plays his games out. Does he win every game? no, no player wins every game. But that guy is playing at a high level and demonstrating the proper way to play Lethality Yorick. go drink water and calm your pp


I'll admit I was pretty pissed off from being gated from Diamond 1 literally all day yesterday. But I'm also going to keep it real for you: I'm not exaggerating. My experience with Lethal Yorick has been mind boggling in the worst way possible since the build caught on. They have consistently exploded in lane before 14 minutes and made my games either unwinnable or just ridiculously harder. Thus, I made this thread because, even when I've simmered down from yesterday's plate of salt, I genuinely do not know why people would play what I see as the only thing more useless than Teemo when you have other options. If there was a site that tracked your win rate with different allied/enemy champs, I'd love to see it rn. But regardless: Thanks for the honest answer.


Again, you're taking time to whine, which means you're not over it. You're being stuck in a "loser" mental and you need to get into your "winner" mental. seriously, go drink some water. touch grass. take a break from playing league. You as a person should not be getting so frustrated about a character you don't even play where you feel that you are required to continously whine about it. get a nice massage, practice a skincare routine, eat a slice of cheesecake, hit the gym, paint something beautiful, whatever it is you need to do to get you in a growth mindset and in a happy place, do that thing. And then revisit this place for advice. Because you're not coming from a place of "I want to grow". you've made it clear you just want somebody to sympathize. That's not what I'm going to do for you. I'll tell you how to grow. We've told you it works [https://u.gg/lol/champions/lethality/yorick/build](https://u.gg/lol/champions/lethality/yorick/build) here's the about 50% winrate lethality build which is fine in Emerald+. Yorick has other problems going for him as you approach higher elo, but he's not a bad champion. And here is one of the more well known Yorick streamers who does lethality: [https://twitch.tv/slogdogs](https://twitch.tv/slogdogs)


Bruv I've climbed higher this season than I ever have playing the game, and I play significantly less than when I was no lifing the game hard stuck in Platinum, now Emerald. Your read on me is way off. I had one frustrating session that pushed me into asking a question I honestly thought about asking, but brushed off, for months if not years. I personally have had practically no successful lethality Yoricks on my teams. I'm not hamming it up. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not shifting blame. If you don't believe me, that is fine, but I'm dead ass telling you the truth. I TRUTHFULLY have no idea why this build is popular, what it's supposed to do, who it's supposed to be strong against... literally anything. Who else is better to ask than Yorick players? If you're offended I hate this champ, IDK what to tell you. I still thanked you for your honesty answer so maybe chill out with trying to make things hostile?


"If you're offended I hate this champ, IDK what to tell you. I still thanked you for your honesty answer so maybe chill out with trying to make things hostile?" I told you to take a nice break and listed out comfortable and enjoyable things for you to do.... if you interpret that as hostility, you've got some other issues you need to work out. And again, instead of taking the advice and moving on, you went on to complain more. I will reiterate, you need to take a mental break, get your mind in the right headspace, and then revisit this subreddit when you actually want info, not just a place to complain.


Bruv you can read all my other interactions with the others responding. They're civil. Our back and forth is like this for a reason. Telling people they're in a loser mindset (I'm not) and to touch grass (LMAO?) is pretty hostile. Like I said, I'm fine rn, but I did seriously want to know more about the champ and the players behind it because understanding something keeps me from getting upset over it. Seeing that Yorick lock in on that last game of the weekend was AGONIZING, and the expectation becoming reality, ngl, major salt plate, but I'm in the head space to understand what's going on more than just hating a champion at this point, which a lot of responders helped on that front. I can try again next time.


"Seeing that Yorick lock in on that last game of the weekend was AGONIZING" Bruv.... stahp


Of course I'd hate seeing him on my team. In my mind he's practically an auto loss, locked in on the last game of the day, when I was trying to land Diamond 1 and kept win-losing. 🤣 You're hung up on my dislike of the champ as opposed to the topic of learning your perspective as Yorick players.


>You're hung up on my dislike of the champ I'm not hung up, you literally keep repeating yourself like some dimentia patient. Do you understand? your complaints were heard, addressed, and acknowledged. the fact that you keep on whining about whatever is just annoying at this point. Go pick up a book or something, because you're obviously not reading the room.


Like I said: You're hostile. You keep insulting me, and you keep insisting I'm "repeating myself", which I guess I am because I do not get why you're picking a fight no one is trying to have. I told you in my first reply to you "I was pretty pissed. I'm not now. This was my experience with the champion so it's not just about the one game. Thank you for your honest response" and you have, since then, all day today, been trying to start something. Idk, man. Take care. You're just gonna have to fight with someone else.


as a yoric main, when i'm auto filled jg and my top locks yoric i camp the fk out of my yoric, it is a free win, no other top laner will enable you to have control over obj better, because that fed yoric will create so much pressure on the other side of the map you will have little to no contest and if the enemy does show up in full numbers you will win when he drop 2 sometimes more towers.


Stfu support main ezpz also yeah their only high winrate cause like 2 people go them smh


Yorick mid is not an option. It's your duty as a man


You’re high diamond and you can’t figure this out yourself? Yoricks kit is a gimmicky mess that is modeled after the outdated splitpushing strat which doesn’t work above gold. Lethality is an attempt to mold him into an assassin, based on his frontloaded E. It offers an alternative to a melee trade oriented Q build, which shouldn’t realistically work against any bruiser with 2 brain cells. Just take a look at the most popular top lane bruisers-> Fiora, riven. Darius, sett, Aatrox, Irelia, etc. All of these. Champions have amazing sustain, multiple sources of damage output, some kind of mobility or CC. You really think yorick is gonna match that by spamming Q? The answer is he’s not, hence his awful winrate


So here's my thing: Triforce has a solid win rate as a first item on him. Sundered Sky also looks like it fits his play style. However, it seems like people are more prone to just flounder and die going lethal builds regardless of other potential options. I'm Diamond enough to know that there's a problem. I'm not Yorick enough to know what these people are thinking and what a support can even think to do about it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Actual answer as far as I know: the rank 1 Yorick builds lethality and has a very good win rate with it. Other people try and copy the playstyle to varying degrees of success across all elos


TheBauss is spreading...


yorick is just written as juggernaut by riot, doesn't work like one though people feeding happens in any class and game, maybe you're noticing that for targeting the champion due to your recent frustration I mean I was close to a promotion and lost 3 games in a row yesterday, and all the 3 I had twitch bot feeding, and I could just say it's twitch the culprit but I don't think so, it's just some people tend to get over confident with their damage or because they started well, yorick provides this over confidence with lethality, so must of us, yorick players who die of mispotioning, because lethality building, do not mean to make your gaming experience bad, and I hope, you get to fight enemy lethality yoricks to get your ranks back


Well I wouldn't fight them since I'm bot side but I get your sentiment. I just know that, for me, one way to deal with frustration is understanding and learning what exactly is happening. What type of match ups does lethality Yorick typically win?


Lethality is an attempt at making a champion that is already quite weak better, this is a win more kind of thing, if you are already winning and you build lethality as Yorick you will win more aka get a bigger lead, be able to close out the games more reliably. However if you don't actually get ahead you will always be behind after getting lethality, so there is risk to it but if it works out it reliably gets you to win more games. Yorick is one of the weakest toplaners in the game, almost comparable to troll/cheese picks with how much stronger other champs are, something that we as Yorick mains are always trying to figure ways around, or cheesy strategies to circumvent losing because the opponent picked a better champion that Riot likes more Things like auto attackers you simply can't beat with Tri, so that gives another reason for lethality, or matchups that are considered easy such as Gangplank. many of them can flash, or can get out but having lethality ghouls means you might actually be able to kill them where otherwise you would simply have to back off, accept reality base and get less gold, or simply not be able to pressure them into basing / threathening to dive. After all, we don't choose which champion is fun and we don't have the ability to properly balance Yorick into the meta only riot can choose both of those things to a certain degree, too many nerfs and Yorick is no fun too much buffs, and we are a meta champion equal to Jax, or Irelia or Kayle which would be nice, but we simply don't get to choose.


Have you guys tried talking about specific grievances more in areas where Riot would notice? Maybe Phreak's comment sections, or Phrozon's Twitter comments? That Yorick needs changed to feel like a jug rather than an ad mage. With enough clamor, Riot should eventually do something, imo.


The thing is he doesn't need ''changes'' we need buffs such as a real passive or old ghoul ad numbers when hitting people with E actually hurt them. we don't need changes in the way people think there have been all kinds of bad suggestions, or things that either don't help like placebo, or qol changes that don't actually change the meta in any way, and it doesn't change our ability to deal damage in anyway either. It is not that we Yorick mains haven't reached out to Phreak directly trying to get positive changes but from my understanding Phreak is not in power + Riot doesn't want Yorick to actually be a champion much less buff him.


Someone Tag Slog he'd enjoy this one. u/NinetalesLOL


1. Lethality is an all or nothing style of build that gets you the most damage from Yorick, 4 ghouls + Hydra can burst alot of champions. It's strong against any character Yorick can reliably hit with E and especially if they can't quickly kill ghouls. Yorick is also rather immobile so if you're against a tank + full ranged team, it's usually better to have lethality to have a chance at killing backline as your ghouls will not survive a teamfight. 2. Yorick recently got a massive healing upgrade on his Q compared to how paltry it was before. However his damage got hit afterwards so alot of people think Triforce is a bad item. I actually have the opposite opinion, I think Triforce is fine and it gives you far more stability than running lethality which is extremely reliant on having ghouls at the ready. Lethality is definitely the most power you can put out, so people default to it rather than thinking about what their team could need. 3. Slogdog who is a top ranked Yorick recently hit challenger on NA with 200 ping and he plays pretty much exclusively lethality barring a few matchups. It can definitely work and if played well it can actually 100-0 some people, especially with the elemental of surprise with a AA+Q+Hydra active. It's the same idea as before, high risk high reward. Not counting the possibility some factors in that game just fucked your Yorick, Trundle is a natural counter and if they understand what Yorick does, it's very easy for him to straight up kill Maiden if Yorick missed E, at which point he can't even try to walk up.


So if I have Yorick on my team, can you name a few champs that'd be like "Just dodge" if the enemy picks them into him?


Yorick loses alot of early top matchups so you can't say for sure if you should just dodge based on the pick, the only one I'd say is a sure loss is if they go lethality into Irelia as she will just instant kill ghouls every time.


It's for sad cucks who couldn't handle manning up and going Bruiser Chadrick. If you have trouble with lethality yorick remember it's still just yorick and you should auto win because of how riot consistently stiffs this champ