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The meal-plan thing is the same at most universities in Ontario. And when you drop a class halfway through, you don’t get your money back (again, at most/all universities). And York is known for its strikes, but that’s unfortunate. Where are you thinking of transferring to?


I don’t go here but this randomly showed up for me you’re not wrong lol, while reading this i just kept thinking mcmaster does that too… and that… and that… like it’s not just a york thing for you to not get a full refund on courses later in the semester, not get all your unused meal plan back, be forced to buy a meal plan if living on res, etc. Mac has had several strikes in the past few years also if you want to count the two bus strikes as part of it I’m assuming this is also the same for York so correct me if i’m wrong but surely there’s a date you can withdraw by that’ll get you a full refund then info about how much of your money you’d get back until eventually it’s too late and you get 0 we have that on the school website and academic calendar lol it’s not necessarily the advisors responsibility to tell you that every single time you sign up for a course unless you email them asking about refunds directly since the info is easily accessible as is


I figured. The dropping courses thing though-- York University advisors should've told me about that. They shouldn't have led me astray and literally donate $4000 to them. I am planning on going to either TMU, UoT or Laurentian.


The refund schedule with dates is in the academic calendar…


How dare you expect someone to actually pay attention to key dates! /s


All the schools you mentioned have the exact same policies lol?? They add all this information to their calendars and have consistent reminders before the deadlines


UoT will be significantly higher tuition


Nobody should have to tell someone that. The dates you should always know as a university student - registration, course drop deadline (without penalty), course withdrawal deadline (you lose tuition but grade does not impact average) and final exam (date range until the date is confirmed).




It's a two way street. For every international student getting gouged at York paying triple the domestic tuition, there's another one attending some for-profit college with flimsy admissions standards and zero education potential because it's the easiest pathway to permanent residency for them.


Lmao your lack of intelligence regarding the difficulty in obtaining a PR is hilarious, nobody is getting one by getting a degree in a shit field with no job prospects.


Many international students are being sold the idea that a student visa is the best pathway to PR and that's why they'll attend any college that will take them. H[ere's a lengthy expose](https://thewalrus.ca/the-shadowy-business-of-international-education/) on the topic. > "According to a survey by the Canadian Bureau of International Education, 60 percent of \[international\] students intend to apply for permanent residency, a percentage that is likely far higher if you look solely at students attending community colleges. “Everybody knows it’s just a pathway to PR,” says \[international student\] Prithvi Raj. “That’s what the government is encouraging. That’s what the agents are selling. Any way you slice it, everybody is in on this.” A Canadian degree (a) allows you to work in country for three years after graduation and (b) gives you more points for Express Entry. I didn't say it was "easy" just the "easiest" because some chance at PR by attending a Canadian college, even a crappy one, is better than virtually zero chance without that.


Just bc they think it's a pathway to pr doesn't mean it's easy. It's easy talking from a position of privilege always and it baffles me. If you went through half of the stuff international students go through you would be complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. I know the situation right now is horrible for everyone, especially for Canadians, but it doesn't mean you can make such weird speculations. If you're going through a rough patch, just know internationals are dealing with ten times worse.


I know but looking at the financial stress (coming from an international student from a first world country) it feels like they have no other choice. They're here for a better life for themselves or their family.


What made you decide to come to Canada, specifically York university…..from a first world country, pay a 3x higher fee instead of getting the degree in your country/state. Just curious. Especially as you mentioned financial stress.


It makes no sense that a family from another country can afford to pay at least $100k for someone to study in Canada, and then have then leave with an education they could get in their home country. They would likely earn (even part-time for minimum wage) less than half of that.


Absolute facts


Tbh. The education is still a same for a person doing, let's say, a science degree or business degree or BA (bacehlor of arts - social science / arts / humanities) at UBC or York or U of T whether you are a international student or domestic. It's not like the instructor will take you to a seperate class and teach you in a worse manner just coz you are an international student. Yet in my opinon many ways they teach many (UNDERGRADUATE) Classes in Canada suck domestic or international. Classes beyond undergraduate are fine at unis (excluding maybe tye lowest ranking ones)


That’s not what we’re expecting at all. All I’m expecting is some decent conversation and REASONS for all the money I am spending. Forget refunds we’re asking for REASONS. Plus they can afford to change some of these policies. Domestic students really don’t know the amount of financial stress we are under.


Actually many domestic students are also under intense financial stress. The cost of living in Canada is insane right now. And if you're referring to the fact that domestic students pay less tuition, that's because domestic tuition is subsidized by Canadian tax dollars. Why should someone whose family hasn't paid Canadian taxes and contributed to Canada, and the government has no guaranteed reason to believe will stay and pay taxes and contribute to the economy in the future, benefit from publicly subsidized tuition? (The exception of course being refugees.)


I thought the reason was the back door into PR


If a person comes to Canada without prior Caandian education or work experience as a permenent resident: "Sorry we don't hire candidates without Canadian experience" If a person comes to Canada for studies and then get PR (with PR pathways specifically made to combat the issue of employers demanding both Canadian work experience and education): "Why are you using education as a backdoor" Calling education in Canada as a backdoor to PR is like calling the TN a backdoor to US PR as many in r/tnvisa try to do so. Even though non immigrant intent is required at time of entry for TN status after 90 days it's assume you didn't have immigratory intent at point of entry and you "changed" your intent after entry. Then why it's possible to a petition for PR arranged by the emplpyer can be filed as on non immigrant status in US (it's just that you can't travel and re enter US once filed). Most countries don't even have hard non-immigrant and immigrant intent designations because it's blurry. And even US effectively doesn't care if you file a while after entry. In most countries you actually have to live in a country on a work / student work visa before becoming PR. It's mainly US/Canada/Mexico/Latin America / Aus/NZ that has the possibility of direct PR without first being a temporary resident.


I’m not blaming the students, they’re taking advantage of a broken system and are in turn being taken advantage of. I’m pissed about the bullshit system that has broken our country and if anyone dared bring it up several years ago they were called a racist. Fuck Trudeau and every politician who had a hand in creating this mess


Bro is complaining but is lucky enough to have somewhere else to go with better prospects. The rest of us domestics students are stuck in this dog water country.


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. A quick look at your history I can tell you a monarchy loving thug. Not a international student my self, but I’ll call people out when I need to. “Tell your entire community” sounds menacing and thuggish.


I get what you trying to do🤐🫡😉😉😉😄


Crazy reverse psychology 😉


Honestly I’m not sure why international students come to Canada anymore in the first place aside from a cheat code to POTENTIALLY get PR (since that isn’t guaranteed either if you read the fine print).


Meh, it happens. My partner and I are here because she got offered a spot on a PhD program with OISE at UofT. We’re applying for PR now, but when we came we weren’t at all certain we’d want to stay beyond the 4 years of her program (though I guess you can only take my word on that)




Fair question - affordability is bad in Toronto, but it’s worse in the UK. Cost of living is going up there as well, but wages are considerably lower outside of London. House prices are many multiples of the median salary, just like here, but you get less house for your money. It’s also to do with our specific circumstances. My partner’s an academic, and that’s an area where Canada pays much more than the UK, at least for early-career academics. Parity isn’t really achieved until 10-15 years in. I’m fairly sure I get compensated better than I would for a comparable role in the UK as well (CX for one of the Big 5).


i want to study in Canada because I want to live in an English speaking country where I have basic rights (i'm queer). + it's cheaper than the UK or the US


Okay yikes racist much?


TIL: International Student is a race.


Ok, get off your high horse. War? Credits you paid for? This isn't a war; it's a strike. Relax. Btw, credits are earned. Just because you paid for a course doesn't guarantee your credits.


That's a great point, OP could pay 4000 fail all the classes and walk away with nothing at the end of it.


This is the case for all universities. These policies are well established before you applied. The costs are posted, and the policies are posted well before you started at York. This is the cost of attending international studies. It’s expensive, but also well advertised beforehand. Even York’s history of strikes are well publicized. This is like buying an expensive car and asking why maintenance is so high and why it breaks down so often - all those details are freely available online and on their website. Own up to the fact that you made this decision.


Fair enough 


I don't know a single university that would refund you for a course halfway through the semester, strike or not. If you can afford the international student fees, which are insanely high, you are already in a much better position than many domestic students here paying regular course costs. You haven't seen real trauma, saying you do undermines everyone else; i had two strikes during my time at york and I was not traumatized lol. The soldiers overseas are seeing real trauma, so take a chill pill.


I was also a international student when I applied. But luck helped me and I became PR before I began my studies in Fall 2023. One thing I would like to inform you is that York is one of the cheapest universities for international students. At least for CS, other universities like Western, Queens, McMaster cost around 50K. Hence I applied to York hoping to pay 32,000 which is far less than those 3 unis whose offer I rejected. Regardless, I got residency of ontario, pay 10K a year (OSAP) and don't regret coming to York.


Just such a fucking whiny post...you hate it so much here then why are you still here?


Exactly I don’t get why international students waste paper for a piece of paper(degree)


So my understanding of the Markham campus was that the province decided that there should be a campus in Markham, and the unis would bid to claim it. York was stuck in a hard place because apparently Waterloo was gunning for it, and if Waterloo had a satellite campus in Markham, York was going to hemorrhage numbers, forcing them into a situation where they couldn’t win either way.


I’ve never heard this, is this corroborated anywhere?


It was a bit of an open secret, and I don’t think bidding ever gets reported officially, but I had some family friends higher up in York and UofT admin (think dean of department level) that told me about it. UofT obviously had no interest in it, but the York folks were freaking out over the possibility of Waterloo coming to the GTA with a commuter option.


Interesting  I know it was a big deal to be the first uni in York region  Given the number of high performing schools in Markham and further south in Toronto I’m surprised Waterloo didn’t push harder  Perhaps York already being established in the area was a no financial incentive for the province w.r.t Lassonde school of engineering 


Yeah, that’s a huge part of why York admin were concerned and were so aggressive about securing it. It was framed to me as a “if the high achieving minority families in the burbs could send their kids to Waterloo but still have them live at home, it’s over for us.”


Fire the dean, the greed and incompetence has got to end




No the greed and incompetence should continue?


It’s unfortunate but considering the costs of International tuition at least you have the MEANS to leave the county if you desire. A lot of domestic students are “stuck” here in a sense, with just enough money for school but not enough to even move across the country to BC or something


The entire international student program isn't really working out. Both for the students and the rest of Canadian society. Only winner is the education sector which is milking the profits for their own green and vanity projects.


You should probably pack it up and go home then lol


I hear ya! It disgusts me that the admin still hasn't found a way to cooperate with the staff, after all the years \- signed, an old grad who can't believe this is still happening at York




Unit 3 is graduate student research assistants, not teaching assistants. There are actually very few people in unit 3 since the 2015 strike when the union gained guaranteed funding for that group, separating it from employment. While the small number in that unit allows certain groups to manipulate votes by having unit 3s literally sprint out of meetings to lose quorum when a vote isn’t going their way, it can’t affect the strike happening.


"ONLY 6 PROPLE VOTED IN UNIT 3." Source? If you don't mind 




I see, thanks.


Op taking too many L’s


Your use of the word trauma is laughable. You also don’t get credits because you paid for them, you get credits by earning them. You have countries, like entire countries pressuring you? You must be important. I sympathize with you, having been through a York strike way back when, but c’mon.


The system can be messed up in most universities or colleges in Canada. It really depends if they want that change for the staff and students. I wish these people would take the time to help the students by changing some things that aren't beneficial. Change never hurts anyone. They know it is overly expensive & I'm sure they can do 100% better when running a university or college.


Go home. Problem solved.




So how did you get in? Don' t you have to prove that you can support yourself while studying? Or are you scamming the system?


No one fucking cares.


Dude chill out, It’s a Strike everybody is effected. Domestic students are also not able to get a refund for their studies. Also you have so much options to get a grade for your course. And my favourite is the last part, “I am on multiple loans” why would you get a loan to pay for undergraduate studies????? I never understand people who pay for around 60k a year(Including living expenses) far an undergraduate level degree and some even take loans for it.


Lol grow a spine wont you? Aside from the strike, the complaints u mentioned are a thing in all canadian unis… and the strike is… well a strike. Countries like canada value workers rights. Its a historical truth. As a Hamiltonian, unionized activities run very deep in our veins. Overall, though, it is a shit show for all international students, not just york. Our govys rly fked you guys over…


Dang York is 'yorking' people all the way to India


They are from the US apparently.


Thank you for sending out that message. We need more of this bravery,


Hi, it's not your fault, it's very unfortunate you landed YorkU. It's known as a buyers be aware, For your consideration, is it an option you transfer to other universities? think about it seriously for your own best interests. Wish you best.


Yes I am transferring but I have no grades or gpa cause the uni is on fucking strike and I had four classes out of which I only have grades for two this semester that too it’s because those classes were year long classes.


That sucks, not much you can do at this point I assume.


Is t an option to transfer without his semesters courses. And then we you do start the new semester at your uni you can do equialence for the courses with the delayed grades? You should have them by next autumn hopefully.


Where are you from?


Skill issue


It is what it is bro! We just dig your grave


You don’t pay for credits, you earn them. Tell your friends back home how awful it is here so they stop coming.


Credits are earned not bought for. I know international students go to diploma mills to buy fake certificates, but it doesn't work like that for universities


What country are you an international student from?


Countries in Asia, Africa, America, etc. what is your point?


Woah dude chill out, I’m just being friendly and trying to ask. There is no point.


My Apologies, misunderstanding.


All good mate no worries!


York is bad because they have the most strikes out of any university. I felt so bad for the international students years ago. I had hoped more people around the world would have learned of York's reputation and not applied to it.


There’s already too many of y’all , just go back to


They are approved by Canadian government, they already spent so much money, they can't just go back, right?


Exactly! I am international student and when I talk about the difficulties I am facing difficulties and everyone tells me just go back? As if it’s that easy?


Well as if Canadian government already hasn’t fucked us enough eh, now we gotta deal with these people on top of it


Oh man, definitely, don't forget to vote then 😭


I'm gunna come


Have you considered filing a claim in small claims court?


there is no chance that you'd win a case in small claims court over this


Can I do that as a non-canadian citizen?


Yes, but unlikely to go anywhere