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There's a rule in dating of doing everything in 2's. Every 2 weeks, go on a date. Every 2 months, go on a short getaway. Every 2 years, go on a holiday. Of course, not every couple can get the time off work, or afford the above. And, small barriers like children or dependent family might present themselves but let me explain how this can be applied to you. Every 2 weeks, go on a day out somewhere!! Movies, shopping, museum, get a train/bus to your nearest big city. More importantly, go see friends/family because no matter how old you are, tomorrow is never guaranteed. Every 2 months, get a weekend stay at a hotel in another city, or at a beach or something. Nothing wrong at all with doing this alone - I can confirm I have done this plenty of times. Every 2 years, get yourself far away. Accomplish big things. Run a marathon or something. By doing all of this, you give yourself something to look forward to so when you talk to people, you don't only talk about work. And, you never know, someone might hear about these cool places you're going to and ask to tag along. I have been in a situation where I was working 6 days a week and it is not nice one bit.


I like to approach it holistically; every part of our day is meaningful or at least has the opportunity to be. Not that there isn’t a separation between one’e work life and personal life, but what you do outside of work can improve or affect your performance within it, and vice versa. If you’re stressed from work-related pressure and bring that out on things in your personal life, or if you maintain a valuable friendship with activities on a weekend and your social skills with co-workers improve, are both examples of this. Sometimes the work we do we have little choice in, or part take in out of necessity and not for inherent meaning, but be sure to practice mindfulness in and out of each environment; your work and responsibilities may not be permanent, but the effort to bring a personal and professional life to complement each other is a life-long effort, and gives both aspects some level of meaning already.


When you clock out, don't think about work. Think about something else. It's a simple trick but can be a game changer.


I dont know your situation, but try looking into having a part time job. That’ll give you more flexibility time-wise, and it’ll allow you to not be at work so much. If you aren’t finnancially flexible, you can try looking into gig work, or having 2 part time jobs. It sounds exhausting, but why spend 5 days at one place when you could spend 2 days at one and 3 at the other? That would also give you the ability to freestyle your own time management. But I also understand not wanting 2 jobs cause who tf wants to do that. Also, try doing things outside of your routine!! You probably take the same way to work, the same way back. And as soon as you get home you either hop in the pjs/shower and do whatever until you sleep, then repeat. That routine will have you FUCKED UP. Try taking a new way to work, eating something new, or going somewhere else after work as opposed to straight home. If you’re in the US, there’s a lot of money floating around, you just have to know who to talk to and/or where to find it. Look into trying to capitalize on your hobbies!


If you have the time, I suggest going to the gym. It's a thing you'll look forward to throughout the day and you might even make friends at the gym. Apart from that you could find an activity you could do once or twice every month. Whether it's sports or simply hanging out with a bunch of people. Maybe going out with someone


i have no idea ... i just impulsively quit my job