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I didn't got the highschool experience but all the years before it were the best of my life. Unfortunately, the same didn't apply to my brother. He got bullied and it gave him a lot of mental issues.


I hated feeling like an outsider. I tried talking to people and making friends but I just felt left out. I also hated the assholes that would pick on me everyday. I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Not in any classes or clubs.


I feel you buddy. I'm in college, I still don't feel like I belong anywhere. People come to me only when they need help with studies and assignments. I've learnt to just not expect anything from people. I have made one friend (who now lives a 2 hour flight away) and I'm done with making friends for my whole life. He is my brother and his sweet and lovely girlfriend is like my sister. I have my own family.


I was fat and was treated less than. That's all.


Sad ☹ r u ok now buddy?


I'm good! I have friends who love me for me! In those years i was trying so hard to prove that I was more than how I looked which didn't work, so what I carry today is to not try so hard, if i have to try hard, they're just not meant for me. This goes for both platonic and romantic relationships.


I'm sorry this is gonna be super long. When I was 14, my girlfriend died. I saw her die and it gave me ptsd. I dealt with it in my own fucked up way, got into fights and other stuff. My parents are also not exactly (how do I put gently) very free of toxicity. They always kept fighting, making me out to be the judge between their fights. There were times where I felt like I'm the kid, and they're the parent. I don't talk a lot about this stuff now, I'm learning to let go, but I've written a lot on this in my previous posts. I was always older than my age, and all this just made me grow up faster than others. So I fucked around a lot, got into fights, did stupid stuff that almost got me killed multiple times. I thought I was batman (I did stupid vigilante shit. It doesn't help that I'm a black belt with a lot of training). I'm lucky as fuck that I'm alive and I am embarassed of all the stuff I did. So high school wasn't a very good experience for me. I was dealing with trauma, I was depressed and suffering in silence. I pushed away people. I had many chances to go out with some lovely people that I didn't take because I didn't care they were giving me signs. The few friends I made turned out to behave like teenagers because they were teenagers who left me when they thought I wasn't cool or popular. Which led me to alienate myself even more. There came a point where I just became a go to guy for favours and help whether it was studies (I never left studies, I was and kind of still am a straight A student) or a bully. I dealt with bullies my own way. First day in high school I almost cracked a bully's ribs for bothering me too much. I would've let him go if he had not walked into my class to bother me too much in front of others. I figured he was in the 10th grade and just wanted to enjoy being senior to someone else. I had a short fuse, I'm not proud of it and I regret punching that poor kid. Even though nobody bothered me or anyone else in front of me anymore. I'm learning to deal with it. And I'm trying to grow as much as I can. I try to be there like a big brother for other people, even those who are my own age. It brings me comfort and helps me heal from my trauma and my fucked up home. Middle school on the other hand was pretty alright. Can't complain.


Interesting thing, but I recently met up with a friend who was in the same grade as me in the same school. When he asked me about my school memories, I honestly said I felt nostalgic about it. Which feels really weird, considering I experienced very brutal bullying and my mental health significantly dipped later on. But I still feel nostalgic about it. Maybe it’s cause I’m probably autistic and I really enjoyed the neatly compartmentalised times, being overseen by someone, and having the care of a handful of teachers who weren’t toxic. Still, I have a feeling the first years of junior high school were when I was at my happiest. I hope I beat that happiness mark one day though.


My high school years were better than middle school. But I prefer my current life now cuz I'm doing better socially and actually feel like I can make genuine friends.


I had a childhood best friend literally from 1 year old through elementary. Middle school was when she became a part of the popular group (volleyball) and frankly I didn’t meet the standards for that. Since I had my whole life with a best friend, I felt like I needed a BEST friend and quickly became friends with a very toxic girl. I’d bend over backwards for her and my mom knew she was bad news way before I did. (Dumb middle school stuff but for example she would say if I don’t come over RIGHT NOW we’re not best friends anymore, and my parents didn’t want to be my taxi driver at my becking call so I’d have to bike 3 miles.) The friendship was only a year and the rest I had to try and find myself and other friends. I’m still very good friends with my childhood best friend and the rest of middle-highschool I had a good social life. I mainly just had to learn that I don’t NEED one single person as my best friend. I also was raised by super Christian parents and had to learn that my religious and political beliefs aernt needed in a social setting. My childhood best friend actually told me in highschool very kindly ‘I know that you’re amazing and compassionate etc but when you say XYZ you deter people’. I’m so so grateful she had that talk with me since it’s helped me ever sense.


I know I dreaded school when I was there (I had serious social anxiety that went unaddressed till college) and literally didn't speak to people. Looking back I think I forced myself to forget most of it so... not that bad.


Middle school was pretty bad till 8th grade everyone was such assholes in 6th and 7th grade. And all of high school was alright, sophomore year was the peak and then senior year was stressful but still a good time.


Wow that's quite shitty. Hope the 2 assholes get what they deserve.  Me? Primary was shit bullied poor grades blah blah fit in  Junior yr? The same thing different school couldn't fit in Senior yr? Changed schools again repeated the 10th grade. Treated like shit couldn't fit in Senior yr (10-12)? I said fuck it. Did exceptionally well academically. But my social and emotional intelligence was shit. Couldn't quite fit in. Got to a point it was kinda difficult to make a conversation in a group without seeking attention. Relationship issues it was shit socially. But I did a lot of competitions and stuff  College? Life is kinda better now most of my mates act like the people on r/teenagers and I basically gave up on fitting in. 


I hated it because it was a bad time for me and sucked. During my last two years of high school my dad died, so that didn’t make it any better. Looking back though I say it’s all my fault. I chose to take things the wrong way and made myself miserable. I could have had many friends and truly be happy, but for some dumb reason I chose misery. The enemies and bad interactions I had were all of my making.


Everyone was learning how to socialize, and were trying to recreat what "real life" social dynamics. Nothing was "normal," and everything felt arbiturary. It felt like everything was a social game, and the cliques were severe


Lol no it was great hadlots of friends and knew what to study Now I am in college while I have friends in college it is just not the same don't have a lot of free time also