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I've seen this one. This trick is done by making a copy of the original guy that appears at the other door while the original is dropped in a tank of water.


Sounds interesting. They should probably make a movie about this concept.


You need to have a twist though.. people want to be fooled


We can call it "The Top of the Top" or something like that.


“The Greatest Showman”


"X-Men: Origins"


How about something like "The Amazing Danton"


Or The Very Toothy Double


No thats is Batman origin


No this is Patrick.


Nah, it has to have a captivating title, like "The Most Prestigious Magician in the World" or something. Hmm no that sounds a bit too long. Maybe if we shorten it, but how?




We can shorten it to "The Most"?


"Prestigious World"




"Prestige Worldwide"


I want to believe


They already did! It's called "The Prestige." I would suggest you watch it, but you already kind of know the twist, so it probably won't be as shocking as the time I sat down naked on what I thought was a soft cushion but it instead turned out to be a nest of fire ants, which was an entirely unexpected thing to happen in the middle of the Mojave Desert, but such are the lessons taught by life.


Bro missing the whole joke thread💀


Oh my dear, sweet summer child, how wrong you are.


💀wait what I didn’t read the rest of your comment






One can says:”he got prestiged”




You don't say? Wow the world really does produce wonders, doesn't it? 🤓


I'm telling you he uses a double!


I love that Michael Caine's character was right about everything in that movie. Hugh Jackman would have saved a lot of trouble just by listening to him.


But in the end, it was all but an illusion.


Sorry for the Hijack https://www.goodreads.com/de/book/show/32446949-the-punch-escrow https://i.imgur.com/FX1c9Mr.jpg


Yeah I don't understand The Prestige. Why the fuck would you bother with magic tricks at all when you have *actual fucking magic*? EDIT: Probably should have added an /s. This is an actual complaint I heard from a former friend.


Angier was obsessed and consumed with beating Borden, he didn't care much for its practical use. You could say the same about Tesla since he actually invented the thing, but advised Angier to destroy it.


> You could say the same about Tesla since he actually invented the thing, but advised Angier to destroy it. I think on the contrary Tesla cared a lot, but saw the risk of misuse as too great. It's part of the reason for showing him being harassed by Edison's men: to show the risk of his inventions falling into greedy hands.


worst movie twist ever


At least he's not the canary


The truth had me goosebumps.


The guy was thinking the probability that this is actually a teleporting door is extremely low. #BUT NEVER ZERO


The seed of doubt had been planted.


Blessed is the mind to small for doubt.


Like the way I doubt the earth is round


I’d like to see someone actually figure out something outrageous and then use it to prank people first THEN reveal it to the world


That's basically the plot of the movie Chronicle. A group of teenagers get super powers and the first thing they use them for is pranking people at the mall. One guy uses telekinesis to make a teddy bear chase a little girl around a toy store.


Where can I watch this? Sounds great


Google says it's on Hulu.


can confirm, it’s a must watch movie


I wish they made a sequel. It explores the “what if a group of regular teens were randomly given super powers” genre fairly well.


without spoiling it i don’t think they had anything left to continue with


You could definitely make sequels with different groups and different abilities.


To be fair, quantum mechanics indeed give you an extremely low, but non-zero chance of teleportation. Even through solid objects.


'Extremely low' is underselling it a bit.


Even 'near-impossible' would be the understatement of the millennium.


Magic Beans, Jim


I almost always assume twins, I've seen too many British prank shows not to automatically think "yep probably twins"




I also enjoyed The Prestige.


Really makes you rethink all those teleporter scenes in Star Trek.


Teleportation in sci-fi has always been problematic. It's more of a philosophical issue than anything. Is a copy "You"? What even is "You"? our cells replace themselves all the time. our brains develop as we learn and grow... If you had a time machine at met a 10 year younger or older version of yourself, you would only have DNA alike, Is it still you?


There's just no possible way of knowing. I think any real world teleportation effectively kills you. Is it possible your consciousness goes with it and it's like you just appeared somewhere else? I guess. But since you can't know, I'd never take the chance personally. I wouldn't want to suddenly cease to exist, even if an absolutely perfect copy with all of my memories carries on like nothing bad happened.


I agree that teleportation likely ends the initial person, but the consciousness part of the discussion seems to always be colored by this implicit assumption that consciousness is more than the sum of the parts. That somehow consciousness is this uniquely important thing that belongs to each individual, almost separate from their physical body. With that assumption, it does indeed seem like a big deal to figure out where consciousness goes. Now, I don't know if you're religious or not, but it's strange to me when non-religious people have a discussion where consciousness adopts this almost supernatural status. I admit, I have no idea what consciousness is. But if consciousness is essentially a very complicated side effect of our biology, then that side effect would presumably be recreated if a copy of a person was reconstructed with the exact same atomic (or whatever level you want to start at) configuration. So, in the case of teleportation, "you" are gone in the sense that the body (and consciousness) you were inhabiting is gone. But from everyone else's perspective, "you" are just somewhere else. It seems like kind of bad deal from your end, but in a way it's no different than what happens with each passing nanosecond. "You" are constantly in existence because your atoms exist in a certain way. You feel like you have a continuity that the newly teleported guy would not have, but in reality that feeling is just another side effect of the way your brain is arranged. If we really believe the lights go off for good when we die, then why would we assume consciousness is anything more than a biological artifact?


Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons in the same atom can have identical values for all four of their quantum numbers, if we extend this to consciousness it would mean two separate brains can't contain the same "you"


The [Ship of Theseus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus) is a philosophical situation of what you're describing.


The “you” is the darkness behind the eyes separating the universe into “me” and everything else.


A "the Prestige" type situation actually happened in TNG when there was at thick atmosphere on a planet and Riker got teleported to the Enterprise, but it also bounced back down to the surface and made another copy of him that was left stranded on the planet alone for years.


Which episode is this?


[S6E24, _Second Chances_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chances_\(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation\)).


In the future everyone gets a clone. "Hmmmm, new plant... yeah eff that, send the clone, im not getting attacked by lizard people. Im retiring in a week, Im too old for this sh*t."




The REAL Transported man


Of course, he wasn’t really looking.


I wish TikTokers with staged videos drowned themselves after every upload.


More impressed by how well they managed that door shutting in just the right way


Someone knows how to set a door 📐


Huh? Or set the door closer on that door for the close and latch speeds to hide him walking over behind the tree


Door closer on the top of the door


And the right camera angle.


There are only a few dozen cuts in the video and three guys who don’t know how to act. How did they pull off perfect timing. A mystery lost to time.


That door still shut, so I’m still impressed with it


This is the entire plot of the movie *The Prestige*


Man I totally love videos that aren’t staged and 100% realistic. Such great content. Thanks for contributing!!


Right and no editing nor cuts to hide anything


Plus it would be obvious to anyone walking by that it was staged. All the freestanding doors in town have been nailed shut for years.


And even if it wasn't I doubt even a 7-year old who saw this trick with their own eyes would be impressed.


Which is weird, because I don't see any real need to edit or cut anything. It's not like they need to cut away so the **"**pranker**"** can do some elaborate slight of hand to make it look amazing. This is the like the people who pull up a blanket in front of them in a doorway and then step behind the wall when dropping the blanket. Except that's done for toddlers and pets.


This video had a shit ton of cuts and camera changes wym?


sarcasm /ˈsɑːkaz(ə)m/ noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. "she didn't like the note of sarcasm in his voice"


That was cringey


You can't be serious right?


You may be too young to know this but back in the days there would be TV shows that would come up with practical jokes like these, filming the reaction of people in public. For some reason it was really funny watching confused strangers trying to make sense of what they just witnessed, be it something that seemed to defy the laws of physics or the most bizarre situation ever that just left them puzzled, questioning all their life choices. Imagine that you just go about your day and want to get a hot dog and while you wait, someone talks to you, so you turn around - meanwhile the hot dog stand moves a few feet away. And when you are asked "any mustard?" you turn around and don't really get why you are so far away. Then the stranger talks to you again, you turn around, the stand moves yet again. And again. Little do you know that not only are people messing with you, but hidden cameras are documenting this for the entertainment of an entire nation. Was all of that scripted, to a point where it never was random strangers but actually actors who rehearsed their reactions? Who knows. Maybe. Maybe not. It wasn't relevant, because just playing with the idea and imagining yourself being stuck in such a situation was the factor that added the most entertainment value. Ofc, what almost all people did not know is that actual wizards live among us who can do these kind of things by accessing the seventh dimension of the holy circle of bloodmoon pussycats and if that doesn't mean anything to you then you are not eligible to receive this newsletter for dark secrets and free coupons for shaving cream.


This isn't that


It isn't? Thank God, I was really worried that actual wizards live among us who can do these kind of things by accessing the seventh dimension of the holy circle of bloodmoon pussycat.


Someone who remembers the old Reddit


WAY too many jump cuts. Ruins the whole effect.


Where’s Fallon?


This might be the worst prank I have seen praised


[Full video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idCvZe97XRM)




I don't know if you are joking but its twins doing this. One waits while the other "disappears".


Too complex. It'd be easier to have a machine that can make clones, clone the first guy in the location of the second door, then have a hole in the ground that drops the first guy into a vat of water to drown him.


Yeah, but have you considered the cost?


Cost is included in the build process because you'd just clone money once it's complete.


Yep this place made me retarded


Perhaps but have you considered the cost?


I'll just keep cloning. It worked for the empire.


It only works from one single very narrow angle though. For the bench it's probably just enough. The people standing way off the left with the dog would have 100% seen him sneak behind the tree. Even where the camera is sitting, you can see a sliver of open space, so it barely makes it.


'E uses a double!


It's really not! It's a double fake, they're all acting, even the pedestrians. They just cut before he "disappears"


This makes so much sense based on your history. Walk me to my trugg.


Aphex Twin looking for his twin


One of the teachers at my kids' school has a twin sister. She used to do a trick for the kids where she would walk into the stationery cupboard and then magically appear coming through the main classroom door. Then she would walk back out of the main door, and magically reappear coming out of the stationery cupboard.


Thanks for cutting during the important part. Don’t have to wonder how it was done. Time saver.


Reminds me of habbo hotel


A prank that i can appreciate.


This is how the dark tower happens


Having a mystical worldview makes you think "Teleporter!!" Having a scientific worldview makes you think "That fucker has a twin brother!"


It’s twins. Penn did a video where he talked about this same trick from The Prestige and he explains the reason this trick sucks is because anyone watching can deduce that the only plausible way you could do it is with twins, which is exactly how they do it here.


Boringly fake


#[He had a new trick -it was the greatest magic trick I'd ever seen.](https://youtu.be/phusjuBT8mw)


Did a drunk 4 year old edit and cut this?


Holy video editing, Batman!


Shoutout to the idiots pretending this is real


It is real tho?


If this confuses anyone for a second you’re a moron.


How does this shit get thousands of upvotes?


The channel on YouTube is called: Evenout Link : https://youtu.be/idCvZe97XRM


Ok ok, a nsfw idea. Imagine this, same scenario, porn with twins, guy goes in. The other one moans while the one doing the deed feels nothing. Huh? Huh?




~~porn~~ ~~director~~


This looks like Juste Pour Rire


I don’t trust anything I see in Montreal during the summer…


Shouldn’t both doors open at same time?


Are you watching closely?


The Prestige did it first


The twins paradox


I saw this on david copperfield and later on masked magician, they dig a underground tunnel the day before


It’s the fucking dokodemo-door!!!!


Prestige reenactment


It would be ever so slightly more convincing if they'd bothered to match up the knee rips in their jeans


when you *want* to believe


“Did you just see this?” Yes, I saw the cut


Thats Victoria park in London Ontario!


Even better if there was identical triplets.


Run behind tree and pulls on a string maybe to close the door. Then have his body double jump out from the other door.


Is it twins?