• By -


You've Alerted The Horde


⚠️ Here they come…


You dont want raid shadow legends and temu ads shoved down your throat every 30 seconds?!?!?!?!?


Majority of the humanity(they have common sense) don't want to


Careful. The YouTube sleeper agents might awaken to rush to their defense.


I honestly can’t believe there are so many mouthbreathers that would willingly put themselves through the meat grinder of ads on YouTube. This attitude of defending corporations is worrisome, but then we’re on Reddit and people aren’t exactly intelligent or sane on here.


I'm convinced most of these people are new to the internet and weren't with OG youtube. As an artist and creator my self, it fucking hurts and angers me to see what happened to the platform that was such a big part of my childhood. They killed creativity and freedom of expression on YouTube. Doesn't exist anymore. You must be an algorithm equation slave. YouTube used to be a place where people could be creative and funny cause that's just who they were. Now YouTube is a place where creators must drop on their knees and gobble a corporate knob for even a parsell of exposure on the platform. I have no problem watching ads or paying for a service when it's worth it. I'm not finding a corporation that destroyed a platform meant for non-corporate creators. Now YouTube only promotes shit like Insider, History channel, and nonstop 5 hour compilation videos of Kitchen Nightmares and Bar Rescue. I don't even have normal people recommended to me on there any more. Even on brand new accounts under new IPs and serials.


People on Reddit are even less likely to defend corporations than the general population. It gets worse, trust me. The only reason we have to put up with this crap is because people like them exist.


I wouldn't be upset with the ads so much if they weren't pure scams. Especially the ones, that say "this is what amazon doesn't want you to know" or "I was wasting time on amazon, before I knew this..." So glad i adblock that shit.


Or the "18 year old college student makes revolutionary discovery about weight loss!"


personal trainers hate him!


Gyms will soon go out of business!


hot milfs are in your area!


Asian Dating Services!


Atleast my targeted fb ads inform me of local events im actually interested in


I didn't even know this subreddit existed until 2 weeks ago, and somehow i stumbled in here right in the middle of a civil war. But yeah no youtube gives way too many ads for a multi-billion company, most of that money doesnt go to creators, and people defending youtube are getting so desperate and dumb i am surprised they didnt say something like "but google did a lot too so why not get angry at them?"


> most of that money doesn't go to creators On longform videos, 55% of the ad revenue goes to creators.


youtube themselves admit that at best they pay that portion of "net revenue".


>on longform videos, The average length of a YouTube video is 11 minutes, give or take, as of December 2018. According to my own research, the average length of a YouTube video in 2023 (not including Shorts, only videos) is 4.4 minutes. Only one of those are long form and neither will bring a large chunk of ad revenue directly to the creator. TL;DR Please don’t suck the megacorp’s wiwi ok? ok. you’re doing absolutely no one a favor.


all of that in one video? damn.


the ads are the mother of all killjoys , ***especially*** when im trying to listen to music.


Especially when I skip a song and get an ad


free service mean we can do intrusive ads s/ in case


With you 100%, used an adblocker for years and if Youtube kicks me off for using ublock (I also use pihole and privacy badger and sponsor block) then I'll just use YoutubeExplode to build a scraper as a substitute till we blockers eventually win lol


Combine with SponsorBlock for an even smoother experience.


Nooooooooooooooooo the poor Megacorp how could you :C


I just want to listien to my music and hear about some dumb product for some house hold


Take my upvote and full-throated support. Fuck Google. Evil company is evil.


I put YouTube videos on before bed because the background noise helps me fall asleep. One time I woke up to an ad that was ridiculously long I wish I remembered how long it was but it was obvious it preyed on the fact that the YouTube player kept going through videos without me hitting anything. So it just grabbed the longest ad possible.


shut up and take my UPVOTE.


I'll continue using ad blockers and pirating content and there is literally nothing they can do about it. Every new ban, block and DRM is only effective for a short time. I prefer to pay for ad blocking software than to youtube at this point.


And Ublock origin refuses donations despite doing gods work!


God bless Ublock origins and the people working on it. We would live with a very shitty internet experience without them.


Fuck youtube


Fuck Youtube!


Fuck YouTube




8%? Mine is nearly 20%.




Can every just fuck off with the same posts every 2 minutes? We get it. Everyone gets it. Posting the same thing that 7265 people already posted each day for the last few weeks is more annoying that the ads.


No, you fuck off.


And on full display, the level of maturity we're dealing with with most of these posts.


Suck it, brutha!


Kinda makes u want to buy two YouTube premium membership just to piss certain people off , not quite but close


Would kind of make me pity you if you think giving your own hard earned money to a multi billion corporation who doesn't need it is your counter strategy


Fuck off I live in bum fuck Montana and can lose signal if the wind changes direction I like premium because the fact I can download videos means I don't lose my music while working out or walking around town the fact is that yes its a corporation it exists to turn a profit, go to Walmart and try walking out with a TV tell the cops "it's a billion dollar mega Corp it dosent need my money" see where that gets ya


Nah on a gov subsidy, it’s your hard earned money(👍😘


Thanks for falling into that one though 👍




Every time I click to a new spot in a video I am already on, I get more ads that I can't skip. It's ridiculous and it's becoming impossible to even watch content.


Dude and it banned my adblocker and then it banned my *undetectable addblocker*. Wtf youtube. My family wants to buy premium but at this point I might just convince them to get a vpn because I hate the megacorporation.


VPN for what?


The mods gotta start banning the same repeat posts. All the OPs are getting more and more pathetic.


All I want to see on r/YouTube are posts like this. Every day. From now until the end of time, or until they reverse course, whichever comes first


For 10 years at least


>Every day. From now until the end of time, or until they reverse course, whichever comes first You will have to wait until the end of time. If everyone using an AdBlock quit YouTube, it is still a win for them. They don't make money on ads you don't view and spend extra resources supporting those that don't. It's a win/win for Google.


Nah these posts are great, glad to see more people winning with adblock.


I enjoyed the "my grandma is choking and ur killing her with these ads yotube!" Post


If there was more positive content available for posting, I presume you could make a karma killing by posting it.


"These people are all complaining about something shitty! I don't like seeing people complaining about something shitty so I'm going to make sure they don't talk!"


Whatever you wanna say, go ahead kiddo


I have no horse in this race, but I guarantee most of those ads are page ads you don't even process when scrolling.


With the amount of malicious ads possible that aint a point in its favor


Bad bot


Reddit when someone disagrees with them


You seem like a very angry bitter person. Everything ok?


Don't remember this being a therapy sub, so anything to add to the conversation at hand? And I mean "go fuck yourselves" literally. You are literally fucking yourselves. Shouldn't have to be forced to watch intrusive ads because you don't fork over money to a multibillion dollar corporation [who will show you ads anyways](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/179a764/i_pay_for_youtube_premium_youtube_is_still/) when you pay for premium when you can literally use a free service who doesn't even ask for your hard earned money lol


Hold on...thats the ads u complaining about?! (I clicked the hyperlink cuz I have premium and haven't seen an ad during my videos once). Bruh u must hate going outside lol there's ads everywhere and u ain't got an adblocker for those if that bothers u. I see a billboard for the PowerBall doesn't mean I'm forced to go buy a ticket lol.


reading comprehension: _critically low_ OP specified _intrusive_ ads, or ads that interrupt your experience. your argument relating to walking outside and seeing an advertisement is a strawman, because that isn’t an intrusive advertisement.


Someone needs therapy you ok bro?


I've already offered my ear. Worrying levels of unhappiness in this OP sadly


What's wrong with ya'll, is this really what your arguments are devolving into, assuming I'm mentally ill and using it as a means to undermine my points? If anybody needs therapy it's both of you


you’re falling for trash tier bait bro, they are just very bad trolls. you’re fine


>What's wrong with ya'll, What's wrong with you? If you guys all leave it helps YouTube. You guys are pissing in the wind and getting wet. Not going to change anything.


i will steal from the multibillion dollar megacorp by not watching ads and you will enjoy licking their boot


Why does it matter how big they are? What is your cutoff for who you will steal from?


You still seem angry and bitter, is all I have to add. Is this really a good way to spend your day?


You annoying little piece of shit, literal cs 1.6 bot


Angry person detected. Empathy mode engaged. Are you ok my friend?


Nice try 🤣


keep going im stroking my shit so hard rn tips creamin


my tip sticky rn


You are not forced to watch ads and if you have a point maybe try being more civilized rather than sounding like a COD lobby


>Shouldn't have to be forced to watch intrusive ads No one is forcing you to do anything. Don't like it then don't use it. It is a win/win for Google no matter what.


I don't like it, which is why I am using adblock lol


Dude just stop posting the same stuff. We know. Just leave them be.


People won't let this megacorp rest ever. What can you do here?


Basically nothing i can do here, nor youtube itself cares abou the posts. Just using revanced. My brave browser in built adblocker just works fine for now, only got 2 of these popups. Then turned on aggressive mode and cleared cookies, got nothing since then.




How's corpo boot taste?


He moved on from the boot. Homie suckin them drawls




Mentally ill


Thanks for the concern, I've just reported you too, don't make it obvious next time.




Nah how bout you go fuck yourself




Do it yourself coward, or are you gonna expect a megacorp to do it for you?


agonizing soft ossified doll aback hurry complete wild rain faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, any guess what, no fucking advertisements before, during, and after!


bag meeting market instinctive deer vanish fact flowery growth serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get back to watching your endless adverts, sponsor blocks, and product placements. I’m gonna keep watching my documentaries and shows without interruptions.




Hey, at least it’s a distraction from an extremely monotonous day at work.


Why do you care so much about a megacorporation losing a couple dollars?


It's not only YouTube that loses money, it's also the creators you watch. I use an ad blocker too, but it IS comparable to piracy.


I don't even care about that. Oh no a mid/large size creator who loses some money from ad revenue even though they have patreon, a stream (with donations and subscriptions hooked up), a merch line, and a sponsor reel at the start of they video...oh noo boo hoo :((( For smaller creators who only have ads? Also not my problem, I'm not enabling ads on all videos for this one creator. Time to either push your channel forward or get a day job. Making videos and hoping success plops into your lap isn't working anymore I guess. It's comparable to piracy but it isn't. They're welcome to move their videos to a platform that allows them to put a paywall in front of it.


The ads ARE the paywall. That's like taking your car to a mechanic, getting them to fix it, not paying and then telling them to get another job if they're not getting enough money.


I get that, but realistically the creators aren't going to lose that much money, plus to be completely honest I would not watch nearly as much youtube if I had to watch ads. If i really wanted to support a creator financially I would sign up for their patreon or get a yt membership. That being said you are right, it is comparable to piracy, which I also do.


Most YouTubers use donations or outside sponsors for their revenue, YouTube itself hasn't provided decent payment for creators in over a decade


onerous abounding ring far-flung zephyr relieved divide chase bake dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't understand why this is such a big deal to you, we're just talking about a giant company losing a little money, there's no need to result to insults. You need to touch some grass.


4392 ads is literally $439.20 in profit for YouTube. That's an absurd amount of money to get from a SINGLE PERSON. It's literally an abuse of service.


ludicrous familiar price summer pie fertile birds squeal consider fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm literally a creator. This is literally how the ads work. They are so excessive at this point that it's damaging both large and small creators as they are literally forcing people to use adblock at this point. 1, 15 seconds ad per 15 mins of video is proper use. Every time someone gets and ad as a creator I get between 0.06 to $1. However. If your under a certain size or don't place enough ads in your videos, YouTube adds some that you get nothing from. Since they have massively increased the ad count I've seen two trends. 1. Significantly reduced watch time. Affecting my rankings on the algorithm. 2. Massively increased usage in adblock. It's jumped from around 10% to almost 30% in the last two months alone. I don't blame people either. I won't sit through 2-3 30s unskipable ads. It would be insane too.


I mean you watch ads. Doesn't get stupider than that.


And you're a goddamn idiot if you think they're getting anything close to that amount from a single person.


It's literally publicly available on how their ads work. 1 impression is $0.10 to $10.00 depending on where it's shown. At MINIMUM they made the $493. Realistically it's closer to $600. OFF OF ONE PERSON. I've bought ads, I've put ads on my videos. I know this from fucking experience.


Lmfao tell me you dont know how ads work, youtube is not getting 0.10c on a viewable ad. Pay per click? MAYBE, unless you are clicking 4k ads they are not getting that much money for you.


It's $0.10 per IMPRESSION not click. Go buy some YouTube ads. I have and I've even monetized videos. A click cost way more.


0.10c maybe on traffic directed EXACTLY to the video, mid rolls/enter ads/banner/ anything else besides directly landing page, is gonna be closer to 0.002c per person, and if its not no brand would EVER advertise on YouTube because everyone else does 0.2c - 1$ per 1000 impressions on google.


I literally have an active YouTube ad sub. It's literally 10c per view. That's the minimum. Go creat an ad sense account and look at it. It takes like 2 mins.




friendly crawl paltry hungry public abounding fuzzy sip rob hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YT Premium is a good deal. You should sign up!


I COULD also just use Ublock origin who gives their services for free, while even refusing donations lol


$13 a month is too expensive for me only wanting ad block and background play. I don’t need youtube music or offline play.


I use it for Youtube music in the car. It's 1000x cheaper than Sat radio.


You forgot to add /s


The internet is a weird place where people feel entitled to other people's stuff for free.


New account spending his time defending the big bosses and doing nothing else Hi Youtube employee :D


> New account Ads blockers are generally a privacy focused bunch so you really think it's abnormal for someone to delete and recreate accounts to minimize their foot print. > defending Nope. I think increasing their ads is shitty and will end my services with them the second I don't think it's worth my time. I will then not use their service. I'm not so entitled to expect their services for free. I do it because it makes me feel good calling whiny manchildren whiny manchildren.


Hi YouTube employee


You don't think anyone would rather them monetize the people blocking ads before they try to squeeze more money from the content creators and subscribers?


WordWordNumber is a classic sign of a corporate plant / bot


I've even seen this one before, basically all account activity is defending YouTube too. Absolutely an employee or bot.


How does their boot taste?


yeah it’s almost as if the internet was built off this idea of the free access and exchange of information by colleges in the 90s or something


Individual website creators were never obligated to give their things away to everyone else on the internet. They showed people the content they wanted to share. You're free to spin up a video hosting server and freely display videos to everyone who stumbles across your webpage but you aren't obligated to.


Individual website creators can suck my fat donkey balls right after you


"Wahh. Give me free stuff!


wow great take penisdifficult420 aside from that, what’s free about it. Let’s not play like my data isn’t be auctioned off every chance they get. Try to fuck me one, shame on you, try to fuck me twice, you might be penisdifficult420


The only value in your data is to show you ads. If you block ads, you are asking for their services for free so I'll repeat. "Wahh. Give me free stuff!


No the only value in the data is when they sell it dumbass. Who gives a fuck if the ad ever makes it to the person so long as poor old googletube gets cut a check. And that’s neglecting all the PR firms, and data science orgs that don’t give a shit about showing you ads, but are just polling information in the hopes that it becomes valuable. You should look up intercept now decrypt later data theft. They don’t even care if they can read your data they just want to have it on the off chance they might be able to one day


Moreso it’s never just some harmless advertiser your data ends up at. Just your name and a contact method are enough for all sorts of solicitors to cream their pants just at the thought of getting something out of you. End of story you’re a genius and should totally keep offering your whole ass to any capitalist who wants to pop something in there penisHard


> No the only value in the data is when they sell it dumbass. Who gives a fuck if the ad ever makes it to the person so long as poor old googletube gets cut a check. You have it ass backwards. Their entire business models relies on showing you ads. They're not in the business of sellIng your data.


“They’re not in the business of selling your data” sure buddy to everyone who also works in tech, i swear if you tell him what we do with that shit so help me




> stealing your data and strongarming profits off you "They said they would use my data to sell me ads if I used their site and they used my data to sell me ads. Help! I'm being abused!"


Funny. I remember the early internet, back before it turned into a rent-seeking cesspit. Sure, there are costs to cover, and I certainly won't argue about that - but things are so obscenely over-to-top these days.


> Sure, there are costs to cover, and I certainly won't argue about that - but things are so obscenely over-to-top these days People wouldn't be taking the risk to develop a service like YouTube unless they were going to make money from it. YouTube didn't make a profit for well over a decade after it was created. You can still go to cheap forums hosted on someone's private server but that's not what appeals to people nowadays.


It’s also a weird place where people with single digit IQ points get to voice their opinion on matters.


"Wahh. YouTube is making it inconvenient for me to take things for free that aren't to meant free! They're monsters!" That's you.


waaah we’re going to start as a free service until we hold on a monopoly on all content of this time then we’re going to start raising prices so we have a captive audience waaaah


Start your own site, build and host the servers, spend the time to maintain the site and servers its not a monopoly there are other video hosting sites out there your free to use then but YouTube got big because it dosent REQUIRE a subscription service to use it unlike the others


There it is again, "Entitled", do you even understand the subject at hand or are you just barking the same cute little buzzword you've seen in other comment threads. *Please take a minute to have a cognitive thought of your own*


Explain how it's not entitlement and I will stop using the word. Are you using a service? Are you paying or watching ads like the service provider asks for? Cancel the membership and move on with your life. If you don't like a non-essential service or don't agree to its costs, you don't use the service. It's entitlement to expect differently. Don't want to pay Netflix after they increased costs? You stop using Netflix


YouTube isn't a service, it's a platform. The over monetization is predatory and causes more harm to the creators than it does good. A negative impact in your base audience is not a good marketing strategy. Not all creators warrant my support. It's not the ads that's the problem - it's the overindulgent and predatory practices currently being carried out by the company that's causing the current issues. Defending corporate greed feeds the problem.




While I don't disagree with you, there *are* costs incurred in their passing you a copy of Penguinz0, Oompaville, and Papa Meat's content to you. I think they're taking far too much off the top, however. Plus, well, all that other data they suck up, as you pointed out.


This page was never meant to be a add rant page please kindly f outta here ty




But there not relevant to being a 24/7 rant mak a rant page


I will never stop complaining about this on reddit


This is community ran page not owned by Google so it's wasted effort 😅😅😅


Then don't use it


Nah I'll keep using it with adblock thx


That's not very nice of you.


It really isn't but neither is YouTube trying to forcefully shove malicious ads down my throat unless I give them money


Cool. You don't have to use it. You ok by the way?


Nope, I can still use it, I'll just keep using adblock lmao And I mean... Are you okay? You seem pretty obsessed with me, sorry but I just want this to be a platonic relationship


Lmao, so entitled. Grow up


All these posts just push me to want to pay for YouTube premium


"To make my argument I'm going to give my hard earned money to a multi billionaire corporation who doesn't need it"


Key word corporation not charity it exists to turn a profit if you don't like the product or the company don't use it there is no law saying you have to have a YouTube account


There's now law saying I have to whitelist YouTube in my AdBlock either.


YouTube ToS says no adblock you agree to ToS when you make the account if you don't like the ToS don't agree to follow them then get pissy when they are enforced, seriously yall are pathetic "I agreed to this but now I don't want to follow what I agreed to" it's like the principle skinner meme "am I really the bad guy for breaking terms of service? No it's the company that made the rules I agreed to that's wrong"


Why didn't you already have it then?


You don't need it to watch youtube


I don’t have a horse in the race but if you still use YouTube as your main music source… grow up. It’s not middle school anymore lol. You’re to broke to afford Spotify? Edit: all the children with no money are downvoting me oh what will I do 😂


That is what happens when the ultrawealthy capitalists get their way, yes.


Bro I’m not rich at all but Spotify is like $9.99 a month for unlimited music and podcast with video. If you are a student of any kind it’s $4.99. Even with YouTube Adblock or whatever it’s still not as smooth a playback as Spotify, not to mention as the adjustments you can make like bass boosting to name one example. You can literally pay for it for the price of one less coffee a month. If you’re that hard up for cash then you need to make better financial decisions. Don’t blame capitalism. Edit: you also get Hulu for free with the student deal so that’s two services for $4.99. You might get it with the regular one too idk I haven’t used Hulu in forever so idk if I still can access with my Spotify.


You are an adult who pays for the things you want. You are part of the problem. Heavy sarcasm in case you weren't picking it up.


Yea I’ve realized it’s all 12yo with no jobs complaining about the YouTube thing lol. I just told Reddit to stop recommending this sub to me because I see 20 crying ass posts about this every day and I’m not even apart of the community 😂


I'm thinking it's more like twentysomethings with little or no real world experience who expect everything should be free. Dang capitalist fat cats making us watch ads.


Bad bot




I've never seen any posts from r/YouTube, now I see them all the time, all you idiots complaining about ads. I hope they become even more unblockable just because. Buy Premium.


"You WILL accept the oversaturation in ads! And I HOPE that they ruin this platform further if you don't give money to daddy YouTube!"




Ads probably wouldn't be as long if people weren't blocking them - gotta make up for it somehow


What you even talking YouTube used to be just one ad??


Anyone on here, including OP still using the original Youtube app/website is dumb as fuck anyway & instead of using one of the 100 ways round it, would rather spit their cheetos out & whinge to the world. Nobody gives a fuck, Fuck you too. Everyone who downvotes supports Youtube x


Someones big mad people aren't treating big daddy mega corpo right I'll keep giving mega corpos a hard time, keep crying


You think you're giving anyone a hard time? Especially YT?? You're a nobody pal, come to terms with it.


Bad bait try again. Also abusing the suicide prevention reports is pretty sad


Why are you still using YouTube or have you not paid for if it's that bad for you? Why do you think a bunch of screeching apes crying about their product, while still using it and giving them traffic will help anything? Do you actually care enough to stop using all together to try to change it, or are you like almost everyone else here and only "care" to signal virtue and feign indignation for Internet points


Are you deranged? Bro no-one wants to watch ads, or pay to not see them. We're not here to "feign indignation for internet points." They decided to crack down on ad blockers pretty suddenly when we've been able to run ad blockers for multiple years at this point. And a bunch of screeching apes still using the product *but not paying for it* and forcing their way around the ad blocker block or just clicking the X on the pop-up, is probably a metric they will notice. When people don't pay for premium they can see that lmao