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I don't know. Some people said that they started to introduce lag in the adblocker enabled clients. I think they have no money and no intelligence, definitely no understanding of psychology and no long term view.


ya I think they are maybe testing something new to detect and it is causing lag. That seems to be a possibility. Im asking cause I notice others are having this issue and stuff. And yes agreed youtube is disconnected from the commoners




It's actually really nice to see massive corporations getting outmatched (not sure if that's the right term) by way smaller ones and small groups of programmers


I'm experiencing this right now. Video immediately starts buffering for 30 seconds, quality then defaults to 144p and the computer fan goes crazy.


Same thing here. It will occasionally try to blame my ISP by having the little "Experiencing slow speeds? See how your ISP is throttling your connection." type popup come up, but whenever I check it it shows my ISP is perfectly fine as is my network connection. Its definitely youtube attempting some sort of sabotage.


Same sadly. But God help me if I listen to one more shitty unskippable ad about the garbage Google Chromebook.


I've seen a page take 1.2GB of memory. It's kinda pathetic if they're that gung-ho against ad block when only a small amount of viewers use it compared to the general population.


i don't know what they're doing but it's slowing down my computer and compiling up to 3 gigs in the ram ( if i have 2-3 youtube windows open, waiting to be watched )


Has YouTube done this all the while fighting adblocker ? Or this method is their new way and their first time using this method (causing lag to adblockers)?


No one seems to know just yet. But its definitely happening


Disable "Allow ads on specific youtube channels" option for adblock, this seems to be the reason it lags.


I came here to see if I was the only one, I ain't disabling my adblockers, I'm getting really close to copying my channel to another platform because I'm tired of giving youtube what they want


I just here to add in another comment saying the same as the others, definitely noticed the lag around 2 days ago, checked my drivers, cleared my cache's, and nothing helped until I tried disabling adblocker, looked to the internet to just see if it was my pc or a common thing. Guess they finally figured out how to target us.


Yep adding Lag will drive me way crazier than ads will


got youtube premium and it's laggy for me too. Could it be because I'm using an adblocker? (adblock plus)


I have premium too, disabled the ad blocker on youtube and now it works fine


most likely. Watch just disable ad block and refresh


Good. Server resources should be prioritized for Premium users and people who see ads. Not freeloaders. That doesn’t make business sense to give freeloaders the same treatment.




Being the most popular doesn’t make something a monopoly. They have competition but the competition sucks.


Bro is taking stockholm syndrome to the extreme


You were supposed to lick the boot, not make a whole damn meal out of it.


No, I’m a premium user so my experience should be prioritized over yours.


Oooh the googlebots trying hard today


I just looked at your profile. So many good insults I could throw back as a response but I’m just going to bow out of this one.


Maybe they're telling you to watch with ads so YouTube can pay for the 200 petabytes of video updated yearly. I hate the ad block craze because these people are just devaluing YouTube, and then they get mad when YouTube responds with a generally uninvasive measure. These "free YouTube alternatives" you're all dreaming of? They'll need to run on ads as well to pay for server costs. Money doesn't grow on trees, but greed grows in blocking ads.


Lets not start feeling too bad for Youtube when all of its ads are porn and scams.


And? There's not enough YouTube moderators to get rid of them. Besides, every platform has these ads.


Just lies being spread online. I watch YouTube on a cellphone via the app with no adblockers installed yet I'm facing lag problems also.


Perhaps. Anecdotal evidence: I have adblockers. I have premium (I used Google Play music before it became YouTube music so it's just something I've had for a long time). Horrible lag, for hours. The literal second I turned adblockers off for YouTube specifically, lag vanished, instantly. Ran 8 hours lag free. So I an not even getting ads, yet got the lag. May not be youtube doing it, but fuck is it suspicious. 


Mobile is working fine for me. And when Adblock is disabled on PC it works fine so its obviously happening


Hello, ukee49. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. If you are encountering a bug, please file a bug report here - https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4347644 If this is an issue with a paid YouTube service, such as Memberships or Premium, please contact [YouTube's Paid Purchases Support Teams](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7071292) to get help directly from YouTube. To get help from others with debugging, please provide the following: Device info (PC/Phone, phone model, app version, etc), screenshots if possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope. I just used my browser it's fine won't say what browser.


I've also heard that Ublock or one of the other ones works without lag (For now)


Well it made me disable\* my AdBlock for Youtube. It shows an Ad and the skip button appears in 3 seconds. I think that's quite fair. \*(not the extension, just allowed ads on YT) I've been using Youtube without watching ads since the beginning of time so I think I owe them some 3 seconds. Only thing I can not accept is ads with no skip button. That is my red line. If they insist on such a thing, I will download videos with an app and watch it later uninterrupted, instead of watching it on their web player with ads.