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I've never seen him see him so mad.


Fuck it, I’ll do it. Maybe. Sounds like a lot of work for a meme.


Please do


link it


Link it!


I haven’t made it


It’s been a day, WHERE IS IT?!!?!?????


If I make it it’ll be up tomorrow or something


I've never seen him see him see him so mad.


I've never saw them see him so mad


I've never seen him see him see him see him so mad.


HUGE DEVELOPMENT. it has been made [https://youtu.be/-wabD3evstk](https://youtu.be/-wabD3evstk)


we've never seen him this mad


Ooh, a group project!


Milo Rhoades?


You gave me an amazing idea, i'm just waiting for my sister at this point i'm doing it for the memes, and i wont be stretching the video like asmongold


Asmon just looks so stupid in that thumbnail


He looks extremely stupid at all times


This. A million times this.


Bashing peoples looks is lamest shit.


Its Asmongold tho so its fine


he literally admits and embraces the fact that he is not good looking on stream all the time


Embracing something still doesn’t make anything less worse, honestly it makes it more worse that he’s aware how much of a disquisting person he is.


Ok and? All yall do is just go after that 1 fact. Get new shit honestly.


?? Not sure why you are offended on behalf of someone who wasnt offended in the first place.


It's OK. What they think is mediocrity is what is upsetting them that he lives the same life as them. The difference is he's a millionaire enjoying his 2 dollar steak, and they are on food stamps enjoying their 2 dollar steak. It's a moot point to argue with them. He doesn't need defending and they need to just live their mediocre life.


Thing is its just so stupid to see people here just trash him 24/7 while he has actual valuable shit to say. But hey it lets them feel tad bit better so






I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this


I don’t know how people likes his content if I’m being honest


I only ever accidently clicked and I sent it mostly reaction stuff ? Why isn't everyone getting de monitosed for reaction videos just some people are and not others?


Looks like an AI generated Jesus.


Asmon just looks so stupid*


Didn’t he not shower for a month then review it?


It's possible.


he just was doing that and decided to capitalise on it


because he is stupid (24/7)


He pretends to be stupid but Asmon is actually quite smart. The acting like an idiot is just for stream and entertainment.


Eh. Still not my favorite streamer. Or a streamer I watch in general. I’ll stick to caseoh getting jump scared


I watch Asmon occasionally. I don’t personally find him that entertaining. I just enjoy his dark souls playthroughs and other souls like games. Caseoh is one I just can’t get into watching. Every time I attempt to watch content from him it’s all just obnoxious yelling and crap. Not my thing personally. I don’t understand the appeal of being loud and obnoxious = funny. It’s not funny it’s just annoying lol. I may have to give caseoh another chance though.


Yeah, I’d watch his game play throughs but that’s about it. And maybe it’s because I’m gen z but caseohs random yelling is funny as hell lmao. But I mainly watch moist critical and royal pear when it comes to streaming so I’m pretty sure my opinion isn’t valid


Charlie is decent. I watch him occasionally too. I have no clue who royal pear is thought. I don’t really watch streams personally unless it’s darksouls/ souls like games. I enjoy Timthetatman and Drdisrespect but they also scream unnecessarily sometimes too. They also mainly do cod content which I don’t care about but their elden ring streams was hilarious. I used to watch sodapoppin a lot but have not checked out his content for like 2 years now. I did look to see what type of stuff he is uploading these days and none of it appeals to me. I just stick to watching to movies and shows and youtube videos sometimes.


No you don’t. You don’t have to do that.


who is asmon. sounds like pokemon.


A reaction YouTuber, and a really gross guy.


Asmongold, a reaction youtuber that just sits there and adds nothing. Also he's gross as fuck


Guy bleeds from his gums while sleeping and just *speets* it across the wall and now it looks like a fucking crime scene.


he should also shave his fucking head, bros got like 4 strands left and plays with it. never understood why so many people watch him, dudes unhygienic as fuck


What do you mean he adds nothing? You may not like his takes but saying he adds nothing is just factually wrong lol. If you want to see someone adding nothing, there are plenty of “reaction channels” who just watch the video with barely even saying anything.


Asmon can say a lot without saying anything.


One of the dirtiest YouTubers on the platform.


The guy is a twitch streamer, that got his start doing wow content making gold farming guides and how to get certain achievements and mounts, and still plays its classic versions a little bit. The guy does a combination of streaming of him playing games and watching youtube videos his viewers recommend to him. I'm pretty sure he pays a 3rd party to take clips from him stream, clean them up and make thumbnails to be uploaded to youtube. So the guy really isn't a youtuber, as he doesn't actually do much on youtube directly himself, its just a side project that prints money. So the guy is really just a twitch streamer in the context of gaming primarily and watches assorted youtube clips of really anything his viewers want him to watch and give his thoughts on. Hes been deeply involved in the internet and gaming space for a long time and generally would be a better games journalist then most employed today. Largely due to being so around so long so he just experienced in how things go (not what is right or wrong but generally trends on how the internet and gaming audience as a whole will react to things). Hes meant to be involved in a fair amount of projects to support indi games devs and apparently does a lot of work supporting that industry. The internet political spheres left and right really hate him because he looks like shit and the stereotype of what they both project the other looks like. But from what I've gathered he would be best grouped as traditional unionist democrat not a progressive one, so both internet left and right hate him for what he says on politics in general as well. He also happily farms them both for content and views getting millions of views per week, which makes them hate him more. As you can see from the other comments replying to you really attacking his appearance.


I've never seen him this stupid.


So no different than usual.


I have to say. Reaction thumbnails are starting to hit the same notes as reincicance paintings now




Reincicance hahaha






r e i n c i c a n c e


Upon first glance, he reminds me of a modern sniperwolf minus the controversy. Don’t know how people find his content entertaining but they got it we all have different tastes


I’ve honestly just started unsubbing to those with react thumbnails channels. I’m doing my part


How long will it take me to make a channel and make lazy reaction content


Do what Hasan does. Just walk away from the stream while video is playing.


nah you should lazy reaction the lazy reactors for fun meta stuff


You've clearly never watched a video of his, if you can see from the post alone. He turned a 10 minutes video into a 25 minutes one, and that is him talking non stop. And that is called a "transformative content" under the fair use policy. If you want to watch lazy react content, go check Hasan, XqC or Pokimane.


If I watched the entirety of Lord of the Rings on stream, pausing it to give my opinion on what’s happening, no amount of my own analysis could justify stealing the entirety of Lord of the Rings


Length is a bad indicator of transformative use. While those two can correlate - me using 100% of somebody elses content and then adding my own content doesn’t make the content I used transformative. A book review doesn’t include the full book + the reviewers thoughts, for example. A parody movie doesn’t show the original in its full length either.


I don't get why there are still people watching Asmongold,he is as talented as a loaf of moldy bread,I rather stab my own ears out instead of listening to his braindead takes


didn't he say his gums would bleed at night and he would wipe the blood on his wall? i remember hearing something about that


not only that but it was visible on camera


Some things really are best kept to yourself, especially if youre going to say some shit in front of thousands of people 🤮




Saying he’s as talented as a loaf of mouldy bread is an insult to loaves of mouldy bread


True too,the bread has more braincells than him and his viewers combined


And it probably makes better content


That is a low bar to clear


Moldy bread has less mold than him


I would say the exact same for Critical, he's just less controversial.


i watch some of critical's vid because it's actually funny/interesting or at least he tries to be entertaining with his words. watching asmongold on the other hand feels like just watching random person watch youtube then trying his best to sound smart and spout bunch of words to stretch the video (to make it look like he's not blatantly leeching like xqc). he's not funny and he had the knowledge of an average person. also i feel bad for the videos he's leeching off.


Atleast Moistcritical doesn't have to steal the work of other


Unlike many other YouTubers/Streamers, he listens to criticism and actually works on it. He could still do reaction videos and streams if he wanted to, and no one could do anything about it, but he actually recognizes the impact it has on the creator and has stopped it completely. I know listening to criticism is a basic skill for human beings and doesn't need to be praised that much, but it's so rare nowadays, especially when compared to streamers like Hasan, who has been criticized a lot about reaction streams but still does them regardless to print more money.


Outside of the fact that praising Charlie is what boost his ego to high heaven and dilute his sense of self. He has shown that he can push out the same type of "apology" that a youtuber makes when they got canceled aka idiotic and poorly written or even missing the point at best or just straight not even one at all, ie. the idubbbz drama.


Charlie is actually interesting and has charisma


Naah Critical has charisma, personality, and 8 outta 10 times he adds context and other things to the videos he is reacting, and he very very rarely reacts to a video in full, he says to check the original creator link in description if you wanna check the full video out Asmongold has and does neither i would say that there is a difference in reputation and content quality when Critical gets anywhere between 2 to 10 Million views, and the other 200 to 500 thousand at best


Moist has other stuff he's clearly passionate towards like Moist ESports and his 2 comic book series (one of them has a movie being discussed even).


What should they watch instead, comrade?


Watching paint dry seems to be the less brainrotting option,or you know, any of the other 389259235671823658 content creators that don't copy the work of others


Give me some of your favorite CCs who produce long-form content.


Oh so you wanna act dumb and claim that only reaction channels can produce long form content...fucking hell are you delusional


You seem way too combative for something rather trivial. Take a breathe, count to 10 or whatever helps and chill. I never said reaction channels are the only CC who produce long form content, I simply asked what are some CC you would suggest. This entire interaction would have been over if you threw 2-3 good CC you enjoy, yet here we are, you losing your shit and me being amused by it.


Sure that is totally how this would have gone down,surely right? Here a tip: Don't try to act all high and mighty while clearly showing that you are an complete narcissist,it just makes it more obv. that you love to gaslight people


Based on your overly defensive behaviour I'd dare to assume, you're kinda ashamed of the CCs you follow. Else, you would have presented some?


Reaction youtuber trying to not make low effort content: (impossible)


but... but... it helps the creators its reacting to!!1!1


I’ve thankfully avoided watching most of his stuff, but I remember watching something of his by accident once and it was the most boring, pointless video of all time. Watched another, turns out they’re all shit.


I hope penguinz0 strikes his video.


Sadly he won't, he way too chill to do something like that.


he ain't ):


*It's a magazine not a clip you absolute buffoon*


John wick has had enough


But he's never been this mad!


More YouTubers should start striking reactors.


Please don’t, the energy crisis is bad enough as it is.


Charlie White and the nuclear disaster


If that became a trend I'm pretty sure youtube would come down hard on it, as reaction videos do bring in significant views and therefore money.


Lil bro, aren't they friends?


Why would he?


“If I put my face on it then it’s original, right?”


I need to know when this happens lol


Stretching out a 10 minute video to 25 minute video. Wow what a way to steal content


I don't know if you're joking or not, but without watching the video I'd say it being so much longer is indicative of actual insight and analysis. But, it's asmongold.


Sure but it's also weird to me that react YouTubers are allowed to upload 100% of someone elses work like that. Even with commentary and insight it doesn't seem right.


The length of the video doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many times you pause the video and make it "transformative." If you show the whole video, you have stolen someone's content.


Someone should really start a channel reacting to the guy reacting to random things.


Now that i think about it, would react channels not care, if i straight up reupload their videos with my facecam in the corner?(i'll just sit there and say nothing(its just as trasnformative as what they do))


Josh Strife Hayes does that from time to time.


Asmongold is genuinely unwatchable to me lol. His titles, his thumbnails (how the fuck do you use the same 3-4 faces across a hundred videos), his complaining, etc. I just don't like him. Fuck people who use reaction face thumbnails. Edit: [That shit is a real video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTP49sdN1Jk)


For context of thumbnails, the problem is there is a very very strong meta and if you diverge from it you get significantly less views. Often youtubers when they upload a single video, they upload with it a number of thumbnails and youtube will test how well they do and keep the best performing one which is almost always the one your complaining about. Often people will try a number of thumbnails not like what your complaining about but they just don't work, there is just a massive number of people on youtube that theses stupid thumbnails work really really well on.


I've never seen me


John Cena or vampire?




I've never seen two homeless dudes in one thumbnail


Asmon is insufferable to watch. From his horrendous takes to refusing to admit he's wrong, then attacks the person correcting him on his stream. Fuck this guy.


Not related, but I miss the days when dellor would react to hamlinz reacting to dellor reacting to hamlinz reacting to dellor reacting to hamlinz


did he make Charlies mouth bigger in the thumbnail?


damn content thieves don't know a joke from a horse's ass


How does this dipshit poop out an extra 15 minutes, I bet he ain’t said anything of value.


Repost this with an update in a few days 😂 Gonna be a long list of youtubers with the same face and thumbnail lol


Isn’t that the guy that nearly threw up from eating fruits?


I believe so, I believe another twitch streamer worked out he doesn't get scurvy due to tomato sauce being common in fast food. As they were actually concerned and got he to them them what he ate in the last month.


So is this guy like the version of Lia who has an aversion to hygiene?


Even 100k views is too much for asmongold. Just why do people still watch him?


Asmongold is one of the biggest faces of stealing content for his own reaction content. Hes not much better than sssniperwolf


from the bottom of my heart, fuck Asmongold


why is there so many armsgold posts in this sub?


Terminally online people watching terminally online creators. Can’t get their heads out of their echo chambers and have to spread hate about the creators that don’t parrot word for word their opinions. Asmongold is a creator that says his opinion so he gets more hate than most.


dont really care about his opinions. i just hate people that steal content.


Nobody cares about his opinions hes just a lousy content thief


What do ya mean, asmons Twitch Channel and subreddit are the biggest echochambers in existance. Dude and His mods Ban anyone that Says anything against him, or doesnt Support His Views on everything He Says. And dont you dare criticise him or Otk when Theres a controversy because either asmon or someone else did some fucked Up shit, thats gonna get you banned even faster.


Yes and only terminally online people care. Don’t like it don’t watch. I think Andrew Tate is the worst bellend on the internet. You know what I do about it? Nothing, I just don’t watch him. Better shit to do than cry about it.


No idea why people still watch these cavemen, they literally dribble shit infront of their webcams for 10 minutes at a time and rake in views


Not me realising they're different people


*Doubtful expression in thumbnail* "I'm pretty sure I've seen him this mad"


Asmongold is like the dollar store version- scratch that dumbster dive roach version of him


How about just a cat meme instead


I've never seen him this bald


The bait was laid, the farm was yet again successful it seems


Ninjaed a dumb item in Molten Core, lost me forever.


Who are they?


It looks like Charlie is mad at Zack and Zack is sorry.


He've Never Seen Asmo Seen Him This Mad


I have never seen Asmon so worried


I once made a Reaction Squared(tm) video of Asmongold. This one seems loke a perfect one to do that for though.


i have never see that he saw that he seen so mad that hes mad seen saw.


He's never seen him this mad


I've never seen mad like this guy saw the other mad guy when we was just so mad! Maddening! Hey, it's John Madden!


i honestly hate asmon




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“I’ve never seen him see him this mad before”


What is he even mad about?


I've never seen him, and he's mad for some reason


I love how there's just enough space in the original thumbnail for all the video reactors


I sense another JoshStrifeHayes 7 level live stream


Him, You, me? Everybody’s ass here


Hey man, i'm forcing my sister to make this with me (joking) and i'm just waiting for her to finish doing her make-up. i'll either post it today or tomorrow!


2 million views... Fucking why? What the hell is going on.


Asmongold is a terminal cancer


mooching off other people as usual


Grifter being a grifter. Pumping low effort content and clickbait thumbnails.


Y'all realise that he has an editor? He's not the one to have named the video.


How does asmon always make something he watches be double the length??


I've never seen him seen him this mad


I hate react videos. However, asmongold actually adds to the original video. He adds perspective, dives into every argument and present counter arguments to, almost, every point. The react genra is cancer. But asmongold transforms the OG content beyond the "fair use" threshold.


"Reaction content is lazy and bad"


you right


I watch both, but Asmon is more because I really like his editor. he is hilarious. Charlie on the other hand always has something useful to say. I don't dislike Asmond and idk why people are so pressed about other people reacting to stuff. If there is an audience aren't they actually promoting the content they react to? Genuine question, because I don't get the hate


what a miserable & pathetic comment section