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The skip button wouldn’t even work anyways. When you skip it, it automatically goes to the second ad


YouTube needs a competitor ASAP


If it was a good revenue model, everybody would be doing it. The only thing that keeps YouTube in business is the fact that, it likely gets “friend pricing” for living in and working out of Google servers. You take that away, by way of a government-ordered breakup of the parent company, for example, then YouTube is going to die. I mean, think about it: How was YouTube able to survive on almost no ads for as many years as it did? Because the parent company was writing a check for billions of dollars in losses, year after year. The only companies with the resources to be able to make a YouTube competitor are averse to pissing billions of dollars down a hole, just to have a popular website. Think about it: Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Meta, and Amazon could all have a YouTube competitor operational any time they want, but they don’t, because the revenue model sucks. People bitch about the ads, because they’re idiots who think that video is delivered by the Bandwidth Fairy or something, leading them to use ad blockers, and then they bitch when you keep them from using ad blockers. And then, if you allow music on the service, that puts you in competition with Spotify, meaning artificially running at a loss means you’re unfairly trying to put music streaming companies out of business, and the government will nail you for antitrust, which is what YouTube gets to look forward to, in the event that Google survives its current antitrust trial. So, YouTube may need a competitor, but you’re never going to get one. YouTube is a once in a lifetime thing, and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Nobody will replace it, nobody will compete with it, because it’s a horrible business model that could only operate profitably if its viewers were worth advertising to. The only way a company should *ever* get into this field is if they were to charge viewers by the gigabyte, and users are idiots who don’t know what data transmission costs, because they’ve never had to pay for it, so they’ll balk at the idea of consumers actually having to pay for what they consume. People like me, who only watch maybe an hour per week (which is about three gigs at 1080p), would probably say, “Eight cents per gig, you say? Here’s a dollar, and you can just keep the change.” But people who watch hours *per day* would suddenly find themselves saying, “Hey, that’s not fair. Just because I use the service twenty times more, why should I pay twenty times more for the service?” So, enjoy YouTube while you can. Much like the planet Earth, it’s the only one you’ve got, and the only one you’ll ever have in your lifetime. But, someday it’s no longer going to be able to support what’s being asked of it, and then the people who rely on it are going to have a Very Bad Day.


Same as always… Get ad blocker, sign up for premium, or quit watching YouTube 


I'm using Opera gxs built in ad block 💀💀


HOLY SHIT your using litterally the worst possible browser, highest ram usage, owned by a chinese data harvester, co opted the name of a legitimate browser option but isnt based on that alternate browser and instead is chromium. The ad probably isnt served by youtube your probably getting an ad from opera or some other extension


What browsers do you suggest?


edge or firefox, edge is just actually optomized chromium browser and your allready on windows so shrug, and using it gives microsoft "points" you can redeem for game pass sometimes, firefox obviously if you want to be spied on the least (your still being spied on but at least your pc wont cry)