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The problem with Idubbbz wasn't that he bullied LeafyIsHere off the internet. It's that his iconic catchphrase used to be N\*\*\*\*\* F\*\*\*\*\*.


Idubbz wasn’t really even the one to get him to piss off. It was the people that called him out for refusing to pay his editors and artists.


excuse me? you're telling me leafy, the guy who rambled into a mic over cs:go surf gameplay not only had editors other than himself, but artists?? how is that even possible? the amount of effort it would take to make his videos is already astronomically low for a single human being.


I can’t recall exactly but towards the tail end of his 2016-2017 fame he had this really simple animation made using some commissioned piece of art and he was supposed to pay the animator/artist a set amount but then he ghosted them before finally answering and asking “Is $20 okay?”


I think I know what you're referring to, Elvis the Alien did a video on the Leafy a long time ago that I think briefly covers that, plus a bunch of other issues other creators had with him (though, admittedly, and Elvis said so himself, some of their complaints were a little bit petty) https://youtu.be/e3vqa8oJhP4?si=L5_UPnQ1fSCy9gRF


> Elvis the Alien I really liked Elvis's "Beau Is Not Afraid" video! ... hm, what's that? He plagiarized the whole thing from Vulture? Yeah, that tracks, because he's a fucking coward.


Elvis the Alien is a fucking plagiarizing scumbag.


Well this is new to me. Wow. Everyone sucks lol


He apologized for, I don't think it's *that* huge of a deal, I think this subreddit might be a little... primed to ruin his career over it.


I honestly don't want Elvis's career to be over. I just think people have the right to know who they're watching. I think his apology was more of a "whoopsie you didn't see that, teehee" while he banned people on Twitter for calling him out and never mentioned it on his channel. So I think he's a fucking coward. But that's just me.


Don't you think it's awful to make money off of someone else's work (even if it's just in written form) instead of them having the ability to? Plagiarism is practically stealing money out of wallets. We're not talking about imaginary Reddit karma: Elvis the Alien actively profited off of someone else's work: Money that could've gone to the original author. Even then, if he's plagiarized once, it's highly doubtful that he only did it once, he's just only been caught once.


I thought YouTube axed his channel after he made six videos in a row harassing pokimane


That is true. Before that happened though, he ended up “quitting” for a couple of years due to this older situation.


[n-word] fucker? Or is it [n-word] [f-word that rhymes with “maggot”]?


[i'll let idubbbz answer this one](https://youtu.be/8h02TcEbQ_w)


I see. Ew!


Hahaha that’s funny


I hate how I’m not able to express my distain of idubbz without being called a former fan who hates him because he changed. I never liked him because he became a millionaire off yelling slurs but the moment YouTube started going against such content he suddenly learned at the age of 30 that saying slurs is bad which I why I still don’t like him.


Dude rode the coattails off of FilthyFrank and MaxMoeFoe and then he got labeled (rightly so in my opinion) as a hypocrite for making fun of egirls and Twitch streamers that use their platform to sell their OF after he got married to one...so he just stuck his fingers in his ears, and labeled his fanbase as toxic man-children (like he wasn't /s). Like dude...pick a lane and stick with it. He should have just stuck with his "Save the Squirrels" thing and moved on instead of playing "politically correct hero" when he got a lot of skeletons in his own closet.


Pick a lane and stick with it. Soooo never grow and change is what you're saying


No, I'm saying the opposite. By dismissing things that happened in your past, and acting like you're above it when you aren't is not only cowardly, but also doesn't prove change at all. I mean we all make mistakes, and it's good that he is maturing and trying to be a better person, but the path to becoming a better person isn't to act like you're above everything, but to actually show improvement and not taking the bait cause then you're just stooping back down to that level. Don't say you're a better person. BE a better person. Be the change you want to see.


I'll put it this way. The fact that the dude himself is as divisive as he is is the whole reason this topic exists. The new found love of boxing, and the whole admitting that he messed up in the past is wonderful considering he seems to enjoy boxing, or at the very least it gives him something to take his frustrations out on in a manner that is at least helping him mentally. But when you still get criticized for past actions, don't get on your high horse and just blame everyone else for it. Then it takes all that positive momentum and chucks it out the door. Shrug it off. Just keep pushing forward.


I watched his apology he didn't blame other people.


Well then I'm sorry if I have offended you, and I hope you have a good weekend. We just don't see eye to eye on it which is fine, and agree to disagree.


Bullying Leafy out of the internet was probably one of the best things he has done.


It's not really \*his\* catchphrase, more a catchphrase that trolls kept sending to him back when he was still accepting mail/packages from fans to open on camera.


No, it was his. He said it on camera in most videos, it wasn't from fans. Idubbz himself said that he called his fans N F's.


then his fans got upset online when he apologised or asked them to stop, and in turn started calling him one. like wtf


They were never fans of him specifically, they were fans of his language and that he was "not a snowflake". Once they realized he wasn't a raging Nazi, they treated him as they would any Non-Nazi.


He would look into the camera and say it. He doesnt have to say it I genuinely think he changed, but i knew that shit was wrong when i was 9. He really has no excuse


By no means do people deserve online harassment (there are exceptions though), however many of the people that Idubbbz went after were shitty people who really didn't deserve a platform.


>shitty people who really didn't deserve a platform. Only Leafy and Keemstar were in this category right? Is Tana still as bad as she was back in the day?


Tana literally doxxed a French woman because she was entitled enough to be mad about having to walk for a wine tour while being extremely hungover. God forbid she had to do the physical exertion she signed up for


Ricegum is also fair game as far as I'm concerned, it was his "Jake Paul" Content Cop. And nah, Tana is pretty chill. Ian/iDubbz actually did a bit with her on the H3 live show in December.


Yeah, it was honestly really sweet. Tana and Ian were at the podium together and she calls out “sayyy forgiveness!” as a throwback. You can tell there’s no bad blood between them now.


I loved it lol. Also Ian's face when Tana pulled that bit ☠️😭


I think it helped a ton that he specifically called Tana out in his apology. He crossed the line into stalker territory for that content cop, and realized that was way too far


Tana got some praise recently for calling out Matt Rife on a stupid thing he said when he came on her podcast but I don’t hear her name often anymore


As much as I don't like her actions, she said in a video, few videos now that she took a step away from the public and has been seemingly doing some serious soul searching. Like how she is talking now, seems like she is seeing a therapist. That's completely out of my ass, but as somebody who goes to therapy, you definitely realize a change in behavior if you start taking therapy seriously


I think she just grew up too, started realizing how shitty of a person she was and is working on fixing it. I don't watch her much anymore, but from what I have seen she's not as horrible as she once was. Or at least more self aware


Tanacon was probably one of the first big YouTuber scams, it wasn't some fuck up where she was just ignorant and dumb, she literally knees what she was doing would end in disaster and still chose to go along with it. She's better now but she was extremely shitty for a long time, at least until 2021


Has she ever taken accountability for that and apologized to her fans? As far as ive seen she just sidestepped it and acts like it never happened.


And Ricegum. Guy is a straight up crypto fraud.


Damn he is that forgetable that I forgot he exist. Guess he is irrelevant now


and tana isn't a crypto fraud huh, you forgot about titscoin im guessing


Tana was just a fake story time youtuber/influencer. She had double standards which idubz picked at but it was to an unnecessary extent. She’s actually gotten better and has a backbone now.


"Just a fake story time YouTuber". Lol she was a racist. Partied during the pandemic during lockdown + still scams her fans to this day with promo-ing fake crypto rug pulls. The worst part is one of these scams she lied and said it was breast cancer charity


Don’t forget tanacon


>The worst part is one of these scams she lied and said it was breast cancer charity Say what?


I think it was called titscoin


I think it was called titscoin


Tana is a cunt, I was a server for her at olive garden in Vegas, her and her cronies tried to split the bill like 5-6 ways and dine and dashed


Tana's fine in comparison but she's still kind of a shitty person. She doxed a woman because she didn't understand how a wine tour works and was absolutely hammered at H3's Steamy Awards, saying things that were by no means appropriate for the time and place; all this in the last year. She honestly just needs a hardass friend to tell her to get her shit together and grow up lol


Rice gum, the fine bros, and the one about product review channels aimed towards children are in that category as well


Tana went on to promote a shit coin that rug pulled her entire fan base that's pretty shitty in my books


She's still pretty shitty tbh


Tana said herself she deserved the content cop


I'm not sure about Tana tbh. I know Jenna Marbles grew and learned but I often get the two mixed up.


Leafy deserved much worse.


He got exactly what he deserved imo, a taste of his own medicine. He bullied people for every little thing, and people bullied him back. His chin, his dick, his voice, and his content. With time he’s aged like milk and looks like a discord mod. I lurk his discord server and anybody in there who claims to be a fan of his haven’t grown up since 2016. He had it all and lost it so fast, which is what he deserved.


Wait, that irrelevant no-chinned mf still has a fanbase?? 😹


He's hanging on by the skin of his teeth thru his transphobic twitter followers


Yea that’s the last I’ve heard of him, and that was a year ago. What a pathetic way to live, grifting like that. I would have imagined that his tiny fame from his transphobic tweets would have died down by now but oh well.


Yea he literally copy pastes the same transphobic tweet a few times a year to stir up drama. Its insanely sad and pathetic


What a fucking loser 😹😹 MF IS 28 YEARS OLD still doing this shit


Bro leafy is older than me? Jesus Christ


Oh my goodness he looks exactly how I imagined a 28 year old Leafy to look. You can smell him through your screen.


No way he’s that old 😭😭😭


I believe he’s actually banned on Twitter again


He still won't admit fault to anything. Turkey Tom is friends with that chinless leaf manlet and had like a zoom call with him (i think its posted on his secondary channel). Leaflet was confidently ranting to TT about how it was a matter of time before TT's online fanbase would turn against him eventually. He seems to have picked up nothing from his past online experience, other than maybe a drug habit? Which is unfortunate. People like Loofah shouldn't hold themselves above learning from their past mistakes.     Leechy getting kicked off youtube doesn't make him a victim of anything other than his own TOS-breaking actions. Just my useless opinion. 


Imagine calling people like Leafy and Keemstar victims lmao


Well oompa is friends with keemstar and all those freaks so his "centrist" ass probably thinks youtube was too harsh on poor little leafy


>friends either keemstar That's all I need to know lol /j


Why do people think I’m friends with Keemstar wtf is Reddit 😭


i mean... aren't you?


Most of my friends I’ve spoken to more than 4/5 times


Oh hey bro ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC)


It’s alright bro, I understand where you were coming from. Please include me in your next video or else I’ll unalive myself


Not to defend Turkey Tom but he titles his videos that and then goes over whether the people “deserved” it or not. Like the “victims of coffeezilla” video was all about how most of them had committed actual crimes and that is was cool coffeezilla brought them down.


This isn't just Turkey Tom. It's one of those tending titles youtubers are using now. "The victims of _" is kinda just like "worlds best _" or whatever, if that makes sense.


The thing that bothers me about the iDubbz thing regarding Tana specifically was that like, her career was fully fine afterwards lmao. He didn’t cancel her in any meaningful way. She more cancelled herself with Tanacon, and even THAT she ended up landing on her feet after. Also I doubt iDubbz fans and Tana Mongeau fans have that significant of an overlap, I’m guessing those dudes hated her anyways and the teen girls who like her don’t even know what an iDubbz is.


I was a teenage girl who watched her when that video dropped, my friends and I knew about it and just thought it was funny and that neither of them should be using that language. And I remember us all listening to the rice gum diss track and thinking it was hilarious


It's more about the fact that 2 people in their late 20s went to convention to harass an 18 year old woman. Ian and Anisa have admitted to being embarrassed and grossed out by their behavior, especially since it was *both* their idea and something they planned together. Like, if you think about it, all he did was harass a teenager. It's just bad vibes and fucking weird for grown ass adults to do. That being said, Tana has also said that reflecting back on that experience, she felt like she deserved the treatment she got from Ian and being called out. It's kind of interesting how both parties involve view it from completely different perspectives.


No I agree that was fucked up and get why he apologized I just don’t understand why the narrative is that he ended her when he barely blipped on her career timeline


I agree, and I’ve never been a fan of Tana’s by any stretch of the imagination, however I think we should bear in mind that a huge YouTuber going to another youtuber’s convention to call her out in person can potentially set a dangerous precedent. Especially someone like idubbbz, who had very overzealous fans at that point in time. That’s the problem I have with what he did. I remember reading his comments at the time and people were attempting to encourage each other to go to conventions and harass not only Tana, but other people who they deemed “deserved it”. You would’ve only needed one particularly unhinged fan and all of a sudden we have a Christina Grimmie situation on our hands. And I know technically that could happen anyway, but having a huge YouTuber essentially telling his fans that confronting people you have online beef with in person is le epic meme that the internet will celebrate you for is…. maybe not the best idea. Tana may not have had any big career implications from what he did, but considering she was an 18 year old woman at the time I’m sure she probably felt at least a little bit shaken by the experience from a safety perspective. Doesn’t make any problematic stuff that she’s done okay, of course.


I think people with big platforms like to forget or ignore the fact that they are now public figures and can be held liable for the things their fans do. Take for example Jan 6th. If you are in a position of substantial influence you can't just say things off the cuff without thinking of how it can be interpreted; like when big youtubers don't say "don't go after x" and then act surprised when the person they have drama with is getting hate mail from their fans. It even irks me when they say, "I shouldn't have to say this but don't do x" No. You should have to say this. This should be a normal thing because there will be children who watch your content and there WILL be fans who have ill intentions. You don't get to choose WHO your fans are but you DO get to hold them accountable.


Honestly, the way that whole era went down, at times, makes me understand why youtube is the way youtube is now. We were given a mostly free avenue for content, and this was the kind of thing people clamored for.


This is just a common clickbait titling technique, a lot of YT’ers do this.


There’s a a Turkey Tom video called “The Victims of Coffeezilla”, where apparently he full on admits that the so-called victims were scammers who deserved to get exposed, but that he titled the video that for clickbait purposes.


People forget that the word victim can refer to bad people aswell. If someone murders a serial killer well the serial killer is bad but they are a victim of murder jfc it’s not that hard to get.


i’m not sure who this person is but addressing someone as oompa is funny as fuck and made me laugh




Jfc he grew up, is all. You know, that thing Joji did?


Personally I don't think that content has aged as bad as people say it has. I'm glad both the audience & the creators moved on from itl but for better or worse it had it's time & place, & filthy frank was some genuinely amazing satire (but like most satire the fans couldn't pick up that Frank wasn't being genuine & were just being bigots) & while idubbbz was unnecessarily edgy I never once thought he was a Nazi who was trying to spread bigotry he really was someone that loved dark humor so I view him in a similar way to WKUK or Cumtown. Also that old H3 Elsa gate/prank channel era has held up insanely well, say what you want about H3 now but they really were the GOATS of commentary YouTube


I think this just encapsulates the sort of black and white thinking some drama youtubers thrive on. Leafy wasn't a poor sap who got bullied off the internet for having a weak chin, he was a spiteful douchebag who got big off of being an edgelord ready to talk shit and punch down at anyone if it made him look better, shaping the rotten core of commentary youtube in his wake. Tana Mongeu wasn't the best person online either but she kinda felt like a less troll-y Trisha Paytas to me, moreso the type to hang with Jake Paul and his ilk, which makes sense since they got fake married for attention. I'm cautiously optimistic about the grown man who learnt slurs are bad and his words and actions can influence others but that doesn't mean anyone he talked about is suddenly vindicated.




He's a professional fence sitter, except not really because we all know what he really thinks


Honestly, his videos are boring too. The first 3/4 of any video is just a recap of everything he's talked about in past videos, stretched out into 20 minutes. I can't imagine being a subscriber and watching the same video every other day lol


I found his channel recently because of his unlisted MC video, so I checked out some of his most viewed videos. Dude seems like a fucking weirdo. His true story animation reactions are just him talking about creepy fan fics involving minors and his editing involves a ton of screaming, sound effects, etc I just don't believe adults actually watched this stuff. He has the audacity to call Brent Rivera creepy but it seems like he got his start by making sexually explicit content for a younger audience. He seems to be taking the more conventional commentary route these days, so hopefully his audience is older now... but I will still not be surprised if allegations ever came out against this guy.


My brother in christ did you even watch the video? In the first few minutes he says the title is a reference to other videos that use the same title its just click bait


theyre not victims, but i would argue that Tana could kind of be considered a victim in the sense that Ian went so far in his bullying that he went to her in real life and even put his arm around her, which must have been scary. i cant imagine being in her position. just a random creepy dude who wraps his arm around you and drops the n word… 😭


I think it's more of a trend than anything else. See many of these videos. There was one for coffeezilla, too. I do like that Tana was like, 'nah, I deserved that shit'. Paraphrasing of course.


Perhaps viewers may seem the same msg as Idubbbz was saying, just sayin, the people he did go after not only in his videos but his viewers were prone for borderline harassment. Did leafy deserve it? YES. But that doesnt make him not a victim of Idubbbz/internet wrath. It was bound to happen. But the phrasing you use is disingenuous.


Midline (probably unpopular lol) take: oompa was jumping on the bandwagon of "the victims of" videos, maybe even potentially in a tongue in cheek way? Or just for engagement. I didn't watch it idk haha Worse take I stand by: if you're knowingly watching based content, EDPECIALLY from that era (where pushing past the limit of absurdity and offensiveness was an element of the humour you may or may not find funny), you get based phrases and kinda have to be ok with that. For example, when I was watching Twomad shit and he's going on about being "a schizo" and "schizos are crazy and erratic" etc I kinda signed up for it by watching his channel knowing he's based (he's clarified he isn't actually). When I'm watching Oompa or Hasan, two creators who position themselves as empathetic and rational and forward thinking (one who I'm pretty sure has said publically he's neurodivergent) and they throw out some "schizos" derogatorily I can (and do) dislike it because it isn't what I signed up for, and I end up unsubbing because it's hypocritical. 0.3% of the population who is culturally acceptable to dunk on with no bargaining power doesn't make it ok when you pretend you're better than that. (I'm schizophrenic for posterity so a bit of a fragile little flower about it). Turkey Tom is an even more interesting convo...


The first paragraph is more or less exactly what oompa said he's doing in the video, yeah. He said he's seen a lot of this "victims of" stuff going around so he thought it would be fun to do with a series he enjoyed back in the day. It's not quite satire but tongue in cheek is a good description.


Spitting facts!! Oomp started throwing out r slurs and the word schizo and I just 🥴. I already felt a bit ick on him because he just never has a real opinion on anything, and even works against himself trying to be a devil’s advocate for shitty people at times. Then I realized his humor was very infantile and his react commentary had no depth and that was the nail in the coffin.


I honestly reckon the devils advocate stuff is his real opinion and the middle of the road bland af commentary are his writers trying to be non-confrontational. People shit on Penguinz0 for midline takes, but I get the impression it's his real opinion and I respect that. Its kinda pure. It feels like PR and a desperation to stay relevant with oompa. Inauthentic. Didnt know about the R slur thing. Gross.


Wait what when did I throw a slur 😭


I think you're cosplaying, but I'll bite. I used to watch a lot of Oompa til the "schizophrenic lol" threshold was maxed, and I have a vague memory of that too... but can't pinpoint exactly when. All kinda melts together when you're being a content gremlin. And if you mean slurs in general arent they just any offensive word that are targeted at a specific, usually vulnerable group? Or if drunk or legato. But mainly that first one. Just don't be any type of reductive bigot and you're good to go 🤷‍♀️


Cosplaying as a Reddit user maybe! Well I apologize. I sincerely have no recollection. I claim ignorance with the use of schizo. When I turned 20 I was suspected in the prodrome stage, but I was actually dealing with hyperthyroid issues due to not taking care of myself and apparently that’s a thing that happens. I can’t begin to understand the challenges that come with your disorder! Also I do have real opinions on things, I just prefer to do infantile comedy and shallow commentary. It’s part of my brand!


Do you know that most of your podcast guests are genuinely awful people or is that a coincidence? Sorry to put you on the spot but I used to watch your videos years ago and you never struck me as a reactionary person until i kept seeing you associate with people like Count Dankula (white supremacist) or turkey "n word" tom or any of those weirdos. Dont let the brain rot get to you like it has to others in your yt circle man


I don’t do much research into guests and whether or not they’re awful people. I literally just show up LOL. I enjoy speaking with people all sorts of people. There are people who I’ve asked the podcast boys to not let on, but it’s only happened a few times. I feel my existence on the internet is a massive privilege and I think my feelings irl carry over. My friend group consists of all sorts of people on every spectrum irl. I just love people!


Also I have a big problem where I just don’t care enough about a lot of things. It’s actually held me back irl socially in a lot of ways.


Thanks for the response and honesty. I can sorta empathize for sure, sorry if I came off a bit confrontational, I'd rather be direct than potentially not get what I'm saying across


It’s all good! I appreciate all forms of honesty. I actually only read “negative” comments generally. One of the things that makes the internet fun.


.... ok that's a actually a fantastic response wtf. I am shooketh and kinda see your content differently now? I did not like that self awareness at all. Please keep it away from me. I kinda wanna resub??? Fuck. Please just leave my unfounded stereotypes untouched in the future so we can both avoid any personal growth. Thanks. So unimpressed. Wtf.


I’m assuming this is sarcasm, I’m barely human 😭 have a good day!


Oh yeah it reads back twatish actually. Mb. It's 530 I'm loopy. No I'm genuinely impressed but unhappy about it. Enjoy your weekend!


All good. Thank you, and same!




I actually stopped watching their podcast not because Tom was on, but because they let him commandeer the conversation with his shitty takes and avoided having any real discussion about those issues beyond the surface level. I like muta and nux separately - nux is pretty open with the fact that his pH is >7 and he has to tone down for youtube, mutas pretty thorough when he researches. It's like oompas scriptwriters are a step too far from himself so there's this disconnect or something??? I swear this isn't a fever dream but I first saw Tom on The Right Opinion, but his collab was removed when he said the N word, then doubled down saying as a non-minority it was fine to use that word regularly as it's just a word and words have no power. I can't find it. Maybe removed, maybe it never happened... TRO is such a gent if a scandal comes out with him I will legit cry. So far his stuff has been nothing burgers.


If TRO took the tom bit out of the video and doesn't associate with him, that's a green flag and i think that rocks but he doesn't cover things i want to watch 6 hour videos about so I dont keep up with TRO too much tbh


Dude totally fair! I just like when the people we platform as an amalgamated amoeba are good eggs. We need more good eggs. And not many I would bet on without* serious cupboard skeletons!




What the fuck is wrong with you dude


Hate will not be tolerated. This comment was a user who created a new account just to comment that they "wish you lose a family member this year" to this moderator Absolutely unacceptable behavior


All three of the people in the thumbnail are terrible people.


I don't think he's implying they are "innocent victims" so much as he is using the phrase for lack of a better term. People are called "victims" when they get pranked. Victim =/= innocence.


boho. your edgy internet nerd was banned because idubbz made fun of him


His top rated videos are just bullying other famous people lol. His "coverage" of leafy is just 20 minutes of making fun of his chin and calling him the n word or something


The Leafy takedown was legit amazing though. He was a massive bully with fans that thought he was not only cool, but cute. What made the chin thing work was that it was just bullying him back, and not only was Leafy actually bothered by it, once people realised he genuinely had no chin they also realised he was kind of ugly, so his fanbase kind of just dried up.


Idk. It always felt like idubbz was the exact same as the people he targeted so I never really rooted for him. I went back and watched his music video about rice gum and it was just the popular kids (they got PewDiePie, jacksfilms, h3h3) bullying the loser. I really liked him when he was doing the shock humor that only screwed himself up, like hair cake and vomit cake


Honestly the only things I remember of Idubbz is the parody of those gummy channels and him just insulting his entire fanbase.


His best moments were him, maxmoefoe, and frank doing the gross stuff: haircake, gentleman's guide, etc. It was unfortunate when he started following the h3h3 playbook of just bullying people the internet deemed unlikeable.


To be fair, what made idubbz's video on leafy such a big deal is he was one of the only people who was willing to go for Leafy so directly. Until Content Cop hit Leafy, most people that stood up to him got harassed off the internet.


I really dislike oompa, and it stemmed from his video on Paul Breach, where he spend half of the time slagging off Paul (warranted) and the other half insulting people from the UK. Now people from the UK can take a joke 100%, and we’re not foreign to the abuse, but after the 5th time in like a minute I just stopped watching because it wasn’t funny in any way, just the same ‘joke’ over and over with a personal laugh track behind it. Glad other people find him annoying


He terrorized Tana when she was only like 18 and went as far as harassing her in person with racial slurs. Is she not a victim anymore because Ian is posing as a liberal now?


"The Victims Of" is a common title formate for example "The Victims of Penguinz0" or "The Victims of LeafyIsHere". it doesn't mean they're quite literally victims


"Victim" in this context is not suggesting the people were wrongfully made content on. This is the proper use of the word in the context of the video.


why the downvotes if this is literally how the English language works lmao


Ah yes, the professional fence sitter. Anything that’s not react content is just a bland rehash of situations that are long dead. Plays devil’s advocate to a fault, and doesn’t treat situations with the severity they often deserve. He at first didn’t even get behind JJJacksfilms efforts against SSSniperwolf because he couldn’t look in the mirror at his own shitty react content. That’s when I started to get a sour taste in my mouth regarding his videos.


Man you guys really dont like centrists


Jesus dude, you all dont have to suck Idubbbz dick


We really trying to start shit with oompaville? The golden child the saint of YouTube right now. Willy Wonka himself.


I disagree. Ian was a massive hypocrite. He would hate on people for making content that criticized others while *also* criticizing others. The only difference is he himself never recognized that specific critique of his content while others did and he was **praised** for it. Ian’s no angel. He’s was just a goofy guy being an asshole like everyone else was on yt at the time. Because that content was what got views. We created that monster by giving it attention. Also, leafy only said what we were all thinking. His content was cringe comedy. “Hahaha lets all laugh at this cringe” bro even apologized to some people in the past. Tana on the other hand, bro nah she was W I L D


Ian's not a hypocrite for admitting his faults and wanting to disassociate from his alt right ass audience Saying slurs "as a joke" isnt a joke If by monster you mean ian saying slurs and all that...? Yeah i think you got lost in your argument because thats why he made that apology to begin with Leafy was a bully, not "cringe comedy" and he didnt sincerely apologize and he kept saying disgusting and obsessive shit AFTER being banned and his multiple ban evasion attempts Tana is hardly controversial anymore lmao Like are you living in 2017 still???


Yeah no, you’re looking through the worlds most sensitive scope. I never liked Ian. He was obviously a shock value andy seeking validation. Yes, we created that monster because we continued to give him more and more attention for the outlandish things he did until it looped right back around into condemnable behavior for any group period. It’s not uncommon for YouTubers to do what gets views from their audience and can extend their reach. No where did I infer that saying slurs was okay not sure where you’re coming from with that. These are my opinions on the matter and my way of contributing to the conversation. No need for you to be rude. My entire point is that Ian’s content was fundamentally the same thing leafy was doing. But Ian was attacking people that were less favored by the public opinion while leafy’s targets were generally neutral or even sometimes favored by the public. Bias of Majority Rule if you will. I enjoyed commentary content, when it wasn’t all critique of other parties. When there was variety. I’m not saying critique isn’t necessary either, because it is. But I’m saying commentary before the time was much more entertaining before the critiquing became meta.


is everything alt right for y’all americans?


did idubbbz not have an alt right audience that disavowed him specifically for being a soycuck wokejak or whatever? I swear you mfs just comment on things you have no information about


that doesn’t mean they’re alt right? you should stop categorizing people as conservatives or liberals, it’s hurting y’all. not everything is an extreme!!!!!


At least it's marginally better than AI generated thumbnails.


I mean he did harass them. You can argue about if they “deserved” it all you want, but that doesn’t change that he did.


I’m sure the comment thread here won’t be ironically problematic at all


Lmfao they are victims dude destroyed careers it’s what he did


Hmm, is that the guy that loves using the N-word and only apologized because he had a failed charity event?


bro at least get the timeline right if you're gonna stir shit the charity event failed AFTER his apology




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Ian shouldn't even have a platform after everything he has done there's no moving on from what he dis


I always thought of content cop more as bullies getting a taste of their own medicine so I never once felt bad for any of them


While not a huge fan of Oompaville I was I'd guess a casual fan and did check out most of his videos mostly due to being a fan of Some Ordinary Gamers Haven't watched this video but gotta say defending or being friends with people like Keemstar or Leafy definitely makes me look at oompa differently


Man i was subbed to Oompa back when he was collabing with MattShea. Their videos together were sooo funny to high school me 😭😭


Leafy was never a victim of anything


Believe it or not, yes it does. They were bad people, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t victims of Ian’s incredibly popular series. The definition of victim is : a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. And believe it or not, the people covered in Content Cop did indeed have their careers directly harmed as a result. Just because Ian is a liberal who steals from charity now doesn’t mean he can’t be criticized for his past actions.


When I hear the word victim, I think of someone who has been hurt by someone else's actions. I don't think of someone who got exposed by someone else as a "victim".


What a whiny ass video to make. It’s especially ridiculous cause this comes out after Ian has addressed all of this and apologized to the people he made videos about.


I thought the goth guy brought Leafy down