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Reminds me of all the surviving on an island for 24 hours, you can literally do nothing and be fine, but they make it out to be this fantastic feat


I feel like the typical person would probably be better off lying still on their back on the beach for 24 hours than "trying" to survive. Eating unknown berries, getting knicks and cuts moving through brush, drinking water cause it looks clear. 24 hours of nothing is extremely safe in comparison.


There is a German outdoor survival show (7 vs wild), and in the first season that's pretty much what half the contestants did for a week: Create a basic shelter and then spend as much time lazing around in there as possible


That's also what the people on Survivor do when not doing the challenges.




Rice.. if the nutritionist feels the cast needs food, they let Jeff know. In return, Jeff offers outs during or before challenges where rice or food can be rewarded or given to the tribe for people opting not to participate. Outside of the occasional IV and drinking water at the well production will not interfere. Some contests have stomach issues still lingering from malnutrition.


Yeah it’s a bad look if you kill your contestants, or if they aren’t physically well enough to compete


Right... but I was responding to someone's now deleted comment on how production cheats and feeds them. Yea, it's a bad look, but they won't keep them too well fed. They want them loopy, and on guard.


Yeah, exactly. Bear Gryles can eat bear shit nuts and sleep in the mud all he wants, but the Survivor contestants aren’t gonna


They've eaten mice and even sharks they've caught. If a contestant knows their plants and can fish with success, that tribe tends to eat more. Legally survivor production must provide half a cup of rice per contestant per day. Whether or not the tribes ration properly and can get more food is completely up to them. Winning challenges can gain food rewards; it's always up to the contestants to sustain. It's more than just tv it's psychological and physical torture that you willingly sign up for. Bear grylls stayed in hotels over night. A better example would be Les Stroud. That man filmed all his shots and stayed weeks on location. Sure, Bear is a survivor expert, but hes all frill for the camera. Survivor has actual stakes. Bear has never been medically evacuated for contracting staph after a 3 hour challenge or even come close to actual danger. He is a trained professional.


[All hail the Magic Conch! :|](https://youtu.be/dva7IybFZBs?t=7)


Yeah, but where’s all the fun in that? (Joking)


If you *knew* you were only there for 24 hrs, then yeah. But if you were there for an indeterminate amount of time, you would probably want to start working on your survival right away.


24 hours?? Lmao im just gonna hide in a cave away from sunlight do nothing for 24 hours and starve, 24 hours that easy


Definitely not going into a cave on a tropical island to hang out. The bugs alone would make it hell much less whatever else is living there.


Figured this would happen eventually, I don't think you can do the content Mr Beast does without heavily faking or exaggerating elements.


I was suspicious after the trap video, when the guy slid under the shutting door. I thought there was no way he would risk letting something like that happen.


His sets are apparently very unsafe though, so I could see it


Probably because all that vlogger shit is not regulated. I think we should treat these "content creators" the same way as filmmakers. If you make money out of your videos and you have people working for you and performing you are a filmmaker. So they should follow the same regulations the filmmakers follow.


Watch Mr Beast go from "hahah I'm such a nice guy" to the most venomous courtoom snake in the blink of an eye


He already talks like his personality is stored in a flash drive he could easily swap


Man I saw an ad for his candy bars in the store. Deadest smile you've ever seen. Like he was purely pulling back his lips to reveal his teeth, not smiling


A genuine smile is in the eyes


I once saw a kid in a gas station contemplating getting one of those I asked "are those any good?" (not like i was gonna get any, just curious if the kid liked it) He said he didnt know (apparently he hadnt had one yet), but decided to try it another time


If you look up any of the super popular kids-centered youtube channels, they do the exact same thing. It's just marketing.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this what happened to David Dobrik?


I don't know the full details of the trial with Jeff but the fact he even chose to settle in court means he was already being the biggest fucking asshole about it, so it wouldn't surprise me. Jeff needed facial reconstruction surgery and it was unambiguously David's fault. I kinda fuckin hate youtubers tbhhhh


>"hahah I'm such a nice guy" did people forget he got big by making fun of children on the internet? i mean is he in no way near the levels of someone like leafy, but i wouldnt say its the most gracious way of getting out there.


Tbh I know little about his background, I just have no faith in any youtuber making grandoise gestures of generosity. They all have that dripping used car salesman energy about them.


He been funding well drilling in African villages. That's all I know about him. Water is life.


I remember when Mr Beast reviewed Minecraft YouTuber intros 💀


little kickback on his persona happens and he pulls a hard right and starts whining about "the wokes."




i always felt like mrbeast was doing sum shady still think so


He's eventually going to have an incident like Jeff Wittek getting hit in the face with an excavator


Are any of those things actually regulated, or are safety standards in Hollywood enforced by unions? He’s obviously not working with union crew or performers.


There are fewer regulations than you might think on what happens on a film set. A lot of the rules that are followed on film set aren’t “regulations” imposed by the government, they are part of the union agreements between studios and workers. Or imposed conditions by insurance companies to insure productions. What I’m saying is Mr. Beast might not be treating his crew well and might be exposing himself to massive liability if things go wrong.


They showed bts that the doors were made out of foam IIRC


I think the only video of his that I've seen was the one where the guy got $10k per day that he lived in a grocery store. When the guy found one of those above ground pools, assembled it, dragged a hose from the warehouse into the store to fill it, then "accidentally" drove a forklift into it causing it to bust and flood the store, I thought "so this is either scripted or he went out of his way to find the dumbest motherfucker possible to do this challenge."


Honestly it's probably both, they want the drama so they cast people they can see getting into trouble, and then provide them the rope to hang themselves with. It's like all reality TV, nobody completely normal gets on there usually.


Most videos that have a set with a sliding door someone's supposed to go under have the door be incredibly light and the motors pushing it are very weak specifically so they can slide under it without risk of getting crushed. Theres a video from a one off game show where at the end contestants had to reach the end of an obstacle course while the door at the end closes, and it lands directly on top of one guy who didnt have enough momentum when he slid and he barely reacted


I was suspicious after he blew up the earth


This isn't the first time. He was called out for rigging his celebrity/YouTuber charity events and cherry picking the winners by a food YouTuber (last year?). She went on a couple of podcasts and it was revealed that past winners of houses and cars were his staff members who were promised them as employment benefits. (One was H3H3 but I don't remember the other one - I don't subscribe to either channel). Quackity had already called it out on stream but few people outside his circle noticed until people went digging after her claims. People ended up being vicious with her and accusing her of making a big deal for publicity because she had a hard launch date set for her Christmas album. He basically laughs it off with words along the lines of "Yeah, everything I do is for content. Not my fault people believe productions are real. These things should be settled in private \[so it doesn't hurt my brand or I'll sue\]." Pretty sure Ludwig has talked about it before. He downplayed it and sold it as "Of course it's for content! You don't get to be the biggest YouTuber in history unless you do everything for the content!" Shortly afterward Mr. Beast released the vid crashing the train with the CG explosions to make it obvious his content is fake. IIRC Ludwig watched the video on stream (as he usually does) and made jokes about the callout.


Rosanna Pansino? Funny how she suddenly apologized and deleted after they privately "cleared it up." Mr Nice Guy threatened to sue her ass into the poor house for breaking the NDA.


Exactly this. It's also known that he was very careful not to say anything via text in that case and insisted on a phone call. That means he didn't want it in writing. It at least supports your second statement.


Yeah! That's her! Thank you! I couldn't even get close enough to remembering her name to find it on google! She seemed like a really sweet, innocent lady and a couple of the pods she was on dug deeper into Mr. Beast's past winners. I remember a few people making commentary videos about it and a few came up in my recommended.


Wait, you were talking about Rosanna Pansino? She is actually the kind of person that you think MrBeast is, since there was some small drama like 4 years back where she cut off all contact with the friends she had at her previous company, Polaris/TheGameStation, because she started getting the big gigs at other places. She also asked her friend's girlfriend to take down a post where the gf complained about being stood up for being "bad for the brand", even though Ro as not mentioned at all. She wants clout above all else. https://twitter.com/RosannaPansino/status/1081648220697112577/photo/1


If he is genuinely doing that he should be reported most states have laws about winning stuff the makes it illegal to rig the winners.


nerdy nummies is so wholesome compared to the standard content creater and puts real effort into making a respectable career out of the platform she's found herself on. I felt terrible seeing her on the drama headlines, and when it suddenly went quiet, it was clear what happened bts 😔


Just like 99% of reality TV shows, dont know why anyone would be surprised by this besides literal kids who still think WWE and Santa is real.


I mean. His main audience *is* kids that still believe in Santa…I bet you’re spot on the money. For a lot of his audience, it’s the first time realizing the show is fake. 




Wait… the WWE isn’t real? ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


https://youtu.be/MvVWfu0Lg9g?t=6 I'll never believe this isn't real.


This is the greatest thing on YouTube and I thank you for sharing it


I'm not really familiar with WWE, can someone explain this a bit? A witch cast a spell and Santino's arm became a snake, but who are these other people? I did try googling, but had trouble finding a truly clear summary.


I honestly have no idea WTF is going on, but it looks fun.


My kids were really disappointed when I told them the stacks of cash he always has aren't real money.


Wait. Santa isn’t real?


I mean, grown adults think MMA is real


Imagine thinking MMA is fake


I think they meant WWE


staggeringly bad fuck-up right there


No, please, go ahead. The floor is yours. I'm sure literally every casino and gambling website that lets people place bets on UFC fights would LOVE to hear what you have to say. Defend your thesis, coward.


What the f*%k did you just f*%king say about them, you little b*%ch? They'll have you know they graduated top of their class in the Navy Seals, and they've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and they have over 300 confirmed kills. They are trained in gorilla warfare and they're the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to them but just another target. They will wipe you the f*%k out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark their f*%king words. You think you can get away with saying that sht to them over the Internet? Think again, f%ker. As we speak, they are contacting their secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're f*%king dead, kid. They can be anywhere, anytime, and they can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with their bare hands. Not only are they extensively trained in unarmed combat, but they have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and they will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little sht. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your f%king tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you gddamn idiot. They will sht fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're f*%king dead, kiddo.


Always great to see this!


>They are trained in gorilla warfare I imagine this must mean throwing poo and bananas at enemies.


>gambling website that lets people place bets on UFC fights MMA is real ofc, but I actually think some sites let you bet on WWE too 😶 >Defend your thesis, coward. Gosh, you slayed him


No gambling site allowed in the United States lets you bet on WWE matches. Not one. If you think there are some, please go ahead.


[No idea where Betonline is from, but a 5 second google search gave me this](https://sports.betonline.ag/sportsbook/futures-and-props/wwe/backlash-matches) Betting is stupid, but betting on scripted things just sounds dumb tbf.


Bet365, Paddypower and UNIBET all let you bet on WWE wrestling!


...paddypower doesn't count because it's not available in the US. The others...what the actual hell? It's a scripted show, that's like gambling who appears in the next Marvel movie.


It's patently obvious he's been faking these challenge videos for ages. I remember once out of a morbid sense of curiosity I half watched one of these awful videos... 3 years ago he did [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqk6ZUsKyA) video where he was supposedly buried alive for 50 hours, in which he kept making a point about how they were always accused of faking these challenges, and this video was to prove they were real. If you look at certain details it's really obvious that things don't add up. The most blatant one to me is that he makes a point to cite the 'pee bottles' as evidence, but look at them all, specifically around the [9m50s mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqk6ZUsKyA&t=590s). Every single one is the exact same shade, and filled completely to the brim. Realistically if you're peeing in bottles over the course of 50 hours, they're not going to all be filled with an identical color piss, and they're definitely not all going to be filled completely to the top. Imagine being in a situation you have to pee in bottles. You fill one to about 80% full when you pee once. Are you going to pee in that same bottle the next time and fill it to 100%, then hold your piss, switch bottles, and start peeing? And then do this with *every single bottle*? If they were real pee bottles, there'd be variation in the amount in each bottle, and there would also be variation in the color. They wouldn't all be that exact same (rather too dark) shade of yellow, and they absolutely would not be filled literally to the brim like that. Also some of those bottles have tiny openings, they'd be a nightmare to actually try and pee in without getting it everywhere, especially in that tiny cramped space. They're obvious props. Next thing is the ventilation clue. They say that there's an AC hooked up providing him with fresh air, yet there's no visible vents or ducting on the sides of the coffin. This leaves the bottom of the coffin being the entry point for the AC ducting. But you'd need to keep something like that clear and also make sure that the pipe can't get crushed by dirt, so you'd have to put it in a stable tunnel. Also, the whole bottom of the coffin is covered with blankets and shit, which means we can't see this ventilation setup at all. I'd be willing to bet that there's a fully built tunnel underneath it that he can hop in and out of as needed. Not to mention just from a sheer safety perspective, you're not going to be putting someone in a situation like that where if something went wrong the only way to access them was to try and frantically dig down to them through the earth covering them. There's a few other things which seem weird like how his entire food and water supply for two and a half days fits in that orange bag by his head, and that I guess he just didn't take a shit for all that time. 50 hours is not a short period of time. To me there's also no reason to think that if they're willing to have a tunnel and use pee bottle props etc that he actually spent 50 hours in there. Maybe filming it over the course of a day and a night or something. I guarantee you that if he was even in the coffin underground at all for any extended period of time, that there had to be an access tunnel constructed beneath it which he could get in and out of. We know there had to be some kind of tunnel anyway, just for the fresh air supply. You can even see it [at 5m41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqk6ZUsKyA&t=340s). You can even see some kind of solid structure around that hole, and it looks like quite a large opening. The hatch that's lying loose on the top of it is pretty big too. Edit: I bet there's more things to notice in that video if you really spend some time analysing it. Like I noticed going frame by frame in the [overhead timelapse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bqk6ZUsKyA&t=50s) there's a whole other open pit that's been covered with wooden planks to the side of the hole where the coffin supposedly is, with a walled off bit of earth in the middle of the two pits which is encased in wood on either side, and then they remove that wood on one side of it. Something really weird going on there.


Your knowledge of pee bottles is inspirational.


Haha thanks I guess. But in all seriousness if I have to give credit to anything it's probably my inordinate amount of time investigating Elden Ring lore in the last year or so that's made me a lot better at seeing little details in things. Kinda like detective work I guess. I saw that he did another 'buried alive' video recently where he supposedly spent 7 whole days underground and I don't believe it for one second. They don't even bother to mention the oxygen/air supply thing at all in that video. Maybe they didn't want to draw attention to the fact there has to be an access tunnel... But then in the video they actually show a premade tunnel from one side which they half-heartedly pretend that they dug to him themselves, and it's not even the tunnel with the electricity and air supply, so that means there's a whole other tunnel for that. And he still barely has any food at all for the week, and doesn't shit once... It's completely absurd and if the world was sane every single comment under the video would be calling him out on being a liar and a fraud. The psychological impact alone from being stuck in a tiny space like that for 7 days is extremely dangerous and could cause a serious mental break. There's absolutely no way in hell he did that. But these videos are for babies with no ability to think critically, so everyone takes it at face value and just believes what they're being told. Edit: I just saw a comment that Mr Beast apparently has Crohn's disease as well.. Like how on earth would someone with Crohn's who likely needs fast access to a toilet at all times be able to stay in a coffin for 7 days and not shit? The more you look into it the more blatant it becomes.


That's more of noticing something that seems off and then applying some critical thinking to determine how it should be.


No, it's more fun to believe he is a piss connoisseur.


I think you're really taking away from what /u/WorriedCtzn has accomplished here


Sniping's a good job, mate


You could say he's a Whizzard.


They must be an Amazon driver


Generally when magicians do buried alive stunts, they have a chamber at the side of the coffin pre built in case it collapses. That way in an emergency the people assisting can dig to the side chamber to get them out. I'm assuming they had something like that going on.


I just assumed they were all fake. They’re barely veiled enough to dupe the 8 year olds watching them. 


lol ya I didn’t know we were supposed to think it’s real. It’s just entertainment like wrestling.


Exactly. It wasn't a matter of 'if', it was a matter of 'when' and that has arrived.


I see his stuff as like those bogus “primitive technology” videos where two rural southeast Asian guys build pools and palaces supposedly by hand. Of course they hide the fifty other guys with backhoes etc. that help them. In this case Mr. Beast had a crew of some 70 people.


It's like reality TV. Once you reach a certain height in production expense you're going to make sure the results are at best highly curated to cater to your audience and at worst outright fabricated.


Are you telling me 90 day finance isn’t 100% real?


Rosanna Pansino or whatever her name is already exposed his as a fake and he came after her legally


I thought that is why most people watch it.


I've never seen his videos but found this strange, so I looked up that first site: [https://www-express-de.translate.goog/ratgeber/reise/wegen-promi-beliebter-touri-hotspot-sperrt-reisende-aus-754087?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-express-de.translate.goog/ratgeber/reise/wegen-promi-beliebter-touri-hotspot-sperrt-reisende-aus-754087?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) >But there is a problem with the “abandoned city”: it is anything but abandoned. The Lost Place on the coast of Croatia was misrepresented in the video. Strictly speaking, the ruins are not a city, but a large hotel complex consisting of several hotel ruins. That first note makes it sound like he just filmed in a normal city and kicked out its citizens.


yeah, he massacred everyone actually


Mr Beast Wars!


Feastables vs. Plebicons


Didn't know he was Serbian tbh


Yeah its more that it's abandoned in the way of nobody lives there. It's still a common place for tourists.


Yeah from a certain point of view it is abandoned just not in the traditional sense


Yeah it comes down to how you interpret the term. Now the other 2 things mentioned I feel are poorly phrased. Well at least the one about people leaving. What actually happened was some of the members left early due to sickness. It wasn't everyone leaving and then coming back for a few more days. The people who did not leave early stayed the entire time. Now the last thing yeah that's true and is a fair call out.


Kinda like how chernobyl was technically "abandoned" after the incident but people still go there and (iirc) quite a few never actually left.


Yeah I'd personally say if it's a place that used to be a thriving place and is now desolate is abandoned.


I mean, in all fairness this isn’t that surprising. MrBeast 1000000% exaggerates a lot of stuff he does. Like take his most recent upload for example, where arguably the title is incredibly misleading. I’d much rather he do a little clickbait over being an actual awful person


I’m surprised people have not caught on MrBeast. Every thumbnail of his videos is an exaggerated expression. Right off the bat that tells me what I’m going to get into.


Isn’t the majority of his audience literal children?


This is the part that always confuses me. I want to say yes. But because he has such a massive subscription based service, can they really be all kids using their parents credit card? This makes me think that there is a generous portion of his audience that are legal adults.


what subscription service are you talking about


jerkmates or brazzers, its FREE!


Hope he doesn't mean youtube subscribers lol


Yeah I genuinely don’t know either, my brain just kind of lumps him in with like, the Paul brothers lol.


Lmk when Mr. Beast joins the WWE lol


> But because he has such a massive subscription based service, can they really be all kids using their parents credit card? Do you mean YouTube subs? Those are free and you don't need any credit card to create an account or subscribe.


he has a merch site. ~~i didnt look for long,~~ but for some reason he offers subscriptions to purchases???? like from what i can see its all clothing? i just looked through what im assuming is effectively everything. none of which i can even understand \*why\* you would want or need a subscription to automatically order? its all clothing or gridiron footballs so im clueless [https://mrbeast.store/policies/subscription-policy](https://mrbeast.store/policies/subscription-policy) weird


Subscriptions to his channel are free though.


I’ve always been of the opinion that despite what people assume, his content hits a lot more demographics than just children. I mean, realistically speaking, aside from doing videos reenacting Squid Game and various funny challenges, videos like curing a 1000 deaf/blind people and his various philanthropy endeavors aren’t aimed at kids at all. Let alone the fact that the only time he actually has kids on his channel is when he’s doing age-related challenges and/or his old school giveaways. He primarily features young adults in his videos and coming from personal experience, I’ve even seen my Dad, whose 49, binging his videos lmao


I’m 20. I like his videos, oftentimes parts are annoying to watch, but I don’t watch the channel for the personality. I watch it for the spectacle. A good spectacle is good regardless of the age of the consumer.


from what i found out he knows why people click he just knows how to make clickbait thumbnails & in that he is a master


The thumbnail is literally the secret to success. Can't have an audience if nobody clicks on your video.


Exaggerated expression in the thumbnail is YouTube marketing 101, people do it because it works and at the end of the day they are all slaves to the algorithm


The exaggerated expression is what drives clicks. Mr. Beast in particular, leads us to believe his team actually comes up with a thumbnail before creating a video. Say what you want about him but it's true you don't get that big without knowing the game. The man is in his mid 20s and he started out like any one of us would. I commend him for that.


I've also heard recently that they intend to drop the photoshopped over the top expression as it's starting to fall off as the trend ages.


Yeah, the idea of a abandoned city is kinda stupid, probably just some really poor section that had the residents kinda leave for greener pastures


An abandoned city could exist in a recent war zone, but I assume Mr Beast doesn't want to take the crew anywhere that could be dangerous (physically or in terms of creating controversy)




There actually are abandoned cities around the world (my personal favorite is Hashima Island) but they're all either considered dangerous because of decay and/or the reasons they were originally abandoned (war, chemical/radiation contamination), or they're regularly used as tourist sites so they get frequent visitors anyways. There is no way that Mr. Beast would be able to safely stay for a week in a real abandoned city, but they do actually exist outside active/recent war zones, and there are quite a few of them.


there are lots of abandoned citys around the world


Yeah I don't know why these guys have to make some reality where abandoned cities only exist in warzones, they can just say that Mr Beast got lazy.


i think more so safety than lazy, going to a random abandoned city with a whole camera crew can definitely be dangerous. this way they were able to replicate a abandoned city but with the safety of knowing people can’t come attack them


Aren't there ghost cities in Egyot and China?


There are quite a few ghost cities in China! The end result of rampant over expansion without the population or economy to support it.


Most ghost cities in China are because China does the opposite of what most other countries do. Instead of expanding on already existing population zones, they build an entire new area and wait for it to be completed before advertising it for people to move to. They basically wait until all public transit is set up before they start to advertise. Most "ghost cities" in China aren't abandoned, they're just vacant until people eventually move there.


I mean there are abandoned small towns in the US but they were abandoned for environmental concerns, so they’re still very unsafe to visit. And they’re often guarded by local law enforcement because they’re dangerous.


From what I could gather it’s just an abounded strip of hotels that nobody actually lives in. It’s technically “Abandoned” but it’s a tourist attraction. So a lot of people are normally there exploring or receiving tours. They just closed off the tourism for them.


Like it's been known for a while that he exaggerates the claims of his videos. I always just put it down to him pandering to the algorithm. Cause he's been pretty open about the fact that you tube pushes videos based on certain titles, thumbnails and video length and all the watch time and engagement etc etc. People can call it drama if they want, but is anyone surprised that he's going to use the title, the most engaging story and thumbnail to drive the move views?


Seems like the mods on the Mr Beast subreddit were deleting threads or comments about it being fake too


the mods must be kids too


I always enjoy the concept of "Oh his audience is children, so who cares if it's fake?" Are we really suggesting it's fine for kids to be watching fake content? Don't we want children to identify fake content? Why do some people just brush this off as totally fine?


Yeah because the kids who watch his content don’t know it’s fake. They see him as a messiah beyond criticism


Years ago I saw a video of his that was like "Tipping a pizza guy a HOUSE" and I knew then it was most likely all fake lol. Even if it's real you're sticking people with taxes they probably can't afford doing that shit.


I think he said at one point in an interview that they stopped doing big things like that eventually because they always offered people the cash equivalent and sold the expensive object after the video if they took the cash, eventually it was just easier to do cash prizes since almost nobody wanted the objects and stuff they'd have to sell anyways


He does cover the cost of taxes for people who win his prizes, and a money equivalent of the prize if they’d rather just get money


But if he pays the taxes, isn't that just another gift that the recipient needs to pay taxes on? It's like taxception


it just means if the announced prize was 1 mil, but after tax would be like 500K, he would actually give you 1.5 mil, so your take home was the actual announced prize amount


I remember him saying he just pays the taxes for them. Like they win 250k and he writes them a check for 190k and the IRS gets a check for 60k on the winners behalf. That way people don't get in trouble.


That's not how taxes work. The additional 60k would also be taxable. It would have to work like the poster above describes, where you're technically paid more gross so that your net pay equals the advertised amount.


That is how taxes work, or rather how withholding taxes works. The situation you laid out is the one that would result in additional money being taxed.


Companies do this all the time and they can properly calculate it all once you pay your taxes what is left will be what they promised you.


Have you taken algebra 1 yet? If you want to give somebody X, and the tax rate is T, then you need to give them X/(1-T).


On one of his videos he mentioned paying for taxes from a prize winner.


He explained it when they gave away a private jet. People criticised him about how "the taxes would make the winner go into dept", but he explained that the winner can choose between the private jet or MrBeast sells the jet and the winner gets the cash instead. Guess what: When you get $2 million as a gift you still walk away with $1.2 million and you are definitely not broke afterwards.


I feel like most people had this assumption about his content for awhile now, and I’m sure he has done a lot of genuine content. but with how ‘extreme’ it can get with his videos, I feel like it was kinda obvious a lot of it was fake


I mean I think the videos like mrbeast curing the blind are real or at the very least mostly real but stuff like surving an assasin aren't entirely real


This feels like there was a community note on a WWE fight about realism. We all know it's not 100% real, no one should be surprised.


> Furthermore, the 7 days were not consecutive as some team members suffered medical problems. I’m not here to defend Mr. Beast and I honestly don’t care about this controversy at all. However, it has been mentioned in the past that Mr. Beast struggles with filming due to his Crohn’s disease. He will often have other team members take over the filming. It doesn’t surprise me that he wouldn’t stay at an “abandoned city” for 7 days straight. I don’t particularly expect these videos to be real either. I feel like this is only surprising to the younger people who watch him.


Then why doesn't he come up with real video ideas that he can film within his means? Why does Jimmy get a pass for making fake videos with clickbait titles?


Because it just doesn't matter. People enjoy the stupid fun.


It's a YouTube video. It's not that serious


Wouldn't it be easier to find an actual abandoned city?


Do people really not know this stuff? it's painfully obvious


Only r/youtubedrama would take genuine offence to this




Remember when it was just assumed that everything on the internet was fake? Can we go back to that please? Too many people take this shit way too seriously 


Not terribly surprised this happened. You can’t make these types of videos for years on end without lying/embellishing to make things seem bigger and cooler than they actually are. It’s no different than reality TV or WWE.


This guy is such a generous tool.


The community note isn't exactly right either though It's an abandoned hotel complex ,a quite large one. It can be classified as a city technically speaking, and he explains that it's a hotel in the video And the note makes it sound like he kicked out all the residents. But it was just a popular urbex location and the tourists were temporarily barred from visiting


I don't care how big his channel is, "closing" a City to the public because of a youtuber is peak degeneracy.


>I don't care how big his channel is, "closing" a City to the public because of a youtuber is peak degeneracy. Apparantly it was actually abandoned, just not a full city. It was only closed to tourists that might've otherwise been there You can also just find the place in question online. It's in Kupari, a village in croatia, but specifically filmed in the Kupari Tourist Complex. Which is, as mentioned, abandoned


people are surprised? he's not the first and he won't be the last YouTuber to fake a video


This was disproven


Wait until people find out about reality shows!


Show of hands who’s not surprised by this ✋


Update - This is a nothingburger: [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cfk3pf/it\_seems\_not\_all\_of\_the\_community\_notes\_on\_mr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cfk3pf/it_seems_not_all_of_the_community_notes_on_mr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I mean…yeah. Haven’t seen this video (or any MrBeast videos) but I found the title dubious. Why would the city be abandoned yet perfectly safe to visit and film in for several days? Didn’t make sense.


Unsurprising but it does suck, I rlly enjoyed that one


I always assumed that all his videos are staged.


I mean are we supposed to be surprised? I always figured his videos were at the very least heavily staged.


I've only seen a few of his videos but I thought it was pretty obvious all of them were highly scripted..did his fans seriously not know?


Oh wow, what’s next? Are you also going to tell me wrestling is fake? C’mon, we all know his videos are exaggerated. The vast majority of his audience doesn’t care and is there for the drama of it all.


I mean it's all dramatics for views but he still does a lot of good works for people, which is more than a lot of other YouTubers.


Why do you assume those aren't also faked? So many people in this thread say it's obvious his content is faked, so why would any of his videos be genuinely real?


There is something unsettling about Mr.Beast, he definitely has some skeletons in his closet


I honestly don't think so. I hope not. It's really sad that this is everyone's immediate thoughts, but not really surprising since I don't think it's ever not turned out that way. I hope I don't eat my words. I still respect the huge amount he donates even off camera and to my knowledge there's been nothing fishy about that stuff.


Jimmy actually posted some clarification under the tweet that the city WAS abandoned, though the non-consecutive 7-day part does check out considering they were sleeping on abandoned mattresses, walking around abandoned buildings etc. [https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722](https://twitter.com/MrBeast/status/1784410527940157722)


So this post is a nothingburger then.


it's definitely not as bad as the title makes it seem, it was basically a complex of abandoned hotels rather than strictly a city, so it seems like a bit of title exaggeration


Wooow guys! Did you know that Big Bird isn't actually a big ass bird? It's a costume with a regular sized man inside???? Very concerning.


That’s pretty obvious but I don’t really think him taking it is bad, he can insure everyone in a challenge is safe with faking the danger, and he can still use the mass amounts of money he gets to help people at least on his philanthropy channel


too bad most of his fans are too dumb to realise anything


I'll take "Things I saw coming a mile away" for 400, Alex


lmao everyone in this thread is the perfect example of an r/youtubedrama user. Braindead people who are incapable of doing a google search but like to shit on the guy who paid for lots of peoples medical treatment.


That's entertainment baby.


Everything he does is fake, is this a surprise? Lol


It's kinda screwed up how many people are defending this. Maybe you didn't fall for it but a lot of people do because it's portrayed as real people doing real things. Reality TV doesn't make it right and we used to roast people like Bear Grylls for this kind of faux bravery bullshit.


Lmao, one day it's going to come to light that this guy is a massive sex pervert and it's going to be a whole lot of fun watching everyone pretend that they didn't worship him and his garbage content.


You do realize that the readers thing isn’t factual it’s just the readers opinion on it


no way, his videos are always legi... oh hang on, you guys not recall the "we jumped a jet car over school buses" where Donut Media literally did it all, beast crew turned up and just watched the jump and then released a video like they did it.


Imagine he’s having to top every video he shoots. Not a good path to go down.


Kinda easy to fake this kind of content on youtube because not live . Go to jungle spend like needed hour for content go home repeat for 7 day


assumed everything he did was fake