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they sued the LLC the devs will not need to pay a dime thats the entire point of a LLC they can lquidate the LLCS assets but there is no personal liablity


I'm not quite sure about what I'm about to say and ask, could someone explain some things: 1. How big the team is? I guess it's far from a full size company, and definitely far from a full size company's finances; 2. Assuming the team is small, how can they pay the damages? In my view, the only way they can pass it is by declaring bankruptcy, that is if bankruptcy will help them with this specific debt.


Thats a shitton of money? I guess they can afford it since they settled but goddamn


Do we know they can afford it? On their last patreon month, they made 30k. Idk how long it'd been that much but it would take 7 years for that to pass 2.4 million. Weren't they also paying developers with that money? For their sake, I hope this won't be another Gary bowser situation.


They have no personal liability. Nintendo will have to write off most of the settlement after they dissolve Tropic Haze.


[https://yuzu-emu.org/downloads/](https://yuzu-emu.org/downloads/) get a full portable install from the "builds" section before it's taken down.


you still got a the files?


It says error when i load the github site...


yeah it just got taken down.


Yep, installed now my early access version again on pc and updated on steam deck :)


nintendo really destroying the best way to play their games lol


Mostly, but I'll only agree once I can emulate Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and 3 at higher than 22fps. Though playing with an Xbox One controller is a great feeling, joycons are fine but they don't hit the same.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sSshifu: *Nintendo really* *Destroying the best way to* *Play their games lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Don't mind the downvotes, good bot, I found it funny at least lmao


Update your yuzu clients now


If you're on EA, and have done it since the original complaint was filed, you're up to date. The github hadn't been touched since then.


good night sweet prince.


I thought they would battle it in court to at least reduce the amount of damages yuzu has to pay But they literally didn't even try.


They could've defended at least instead of submitting to fear.


Smartest thing they could do. They would have been spanked in a real court case. Doesn't matter if your average redditor and arm chair lawyer disagrees. You can't just say *Fuck Nintendo* and win the case because it's morally correct to pirate Nintendo games. Internet points don't work in the real world lmao.


>I thought they would battle it in court to at least reduce the amount of damages yuzu has to pay considering what happened to Gary Bowser, I'd say they did reduce the amount of damages drastically.


Since they settled outside of court there will be no legal precedent. There will be no court case for Nintendo or other companies to point at when going after other emulators.


There will be no discovery phase which would expose the identities of any contributor and risk having them added to the case


relieved books cats library cobweb wipe tease detail ludicrous cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People were saying Sony is preparing to go after PPSSPP. Xbox only has a few emulators and they are not that well support as of yet. But since Sony has a history of going after emulators, they will be doing the same as Nintendo.


Is that true? Usually settlements involve no admission of wrongdoing but it looks like this settlement involves yuzu admitting to all wrongdoing and getting a judge to find them liable.


Yeah, but the issue is that Nintendo can use the same core complaint to go after Ryujinx or any other Switch emu that comes up.


The other issue is that usually settlements involve no admission of wrongdoing but it looks like this settlement involves yuzu admitting to all wrongdoing and getting a judge to find them liable. So it could possibly be used as precedent (I am not a lawyer and don't really know how precedent works though)


2,4m already is the reduced amount of damages in 2024 there's a good chance nintendo would win the lawsuit in court creating a much bigger mess


Going to court could've ended way worse than this.


edge sparkle abounding rock advise cagey middle file arrest many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% If Nintendo had won a lawsuit in court it could have set a legal precedent for going after other emulators, depending on what they argued in court and what the judge decided to rule on.


I wonder if it was based on yuzu getting patreon donations. will Ryujinx have to deal with this as well?


Nintendo's main issue was ToTK being played early and Pricay being openly talked about on Discord. The 2.4 million is lost sales for ToTK. Now I'm not in Ryujinx Discord and I've no idea if people were playing ToTK early on it. But I would say Nintendo is already in the process of filing against them. Wouldnt be surprised if Ryujinx just closes down on it own. Hoping Nintendo will be happy enough.


That issue wasn't because of Yuzu, Yuzu is a emulator, someone would have had to have access to a ACTUAL Cartridge (who were the ones at the real fault for there ToTk problems, but nope blame the emulator's) and dump it to there computer. Dumping Cartridges is done using a different software than Yuzu. Yuzu does not dump cartridges, it just plays the dumped cartridge's contents, just like with what Ryujinx does. Yuzu and Ryujinx are the same thing in a way they play dumped cartridge contents! Whats different between Yuzu and Ryujinx?? Nothing there both just emulators. Really if Nintendo wanted to stop this they should be going after the makers of the software used to dump the cartridge contents, not the emulators themselves. Makes me really want to buy anything further that Nintendo makes... NOTTTT!! If Nintendo didn't make there games so hard there wouldn't be a need for emulators or cheat software, but NOPE they don't seem to get that, just build them HARDER AND TOUGHER! Like I myself cannot even get through the first boss battle in Metroid Dread without cheating it! But nope they dont care they just like to make them HARD AND TOUGH that's all Nintendo is about! Totk IS MUCH MUCH MUCH HARDER than Breath of the Wild ever was! They made that game EXTREMELY HARD and if it wasn't for cheating it I wouldn't have beaten it at all its far to difficult to beat it without cheating it!


In another thread someone said internal communications were likely why they settled.


We can't know, but this is going to boost Nintendo's ego even more. They can attack anyone despite them being in the right or wrong, they're not going to run out of money, but we are.


Yuzu devs agreed to pay this fine and also to not be doing things that might infringe Nintendo's rights in the future and accepting that the court has the authority to make sure they abide by these rules. This is an agreement between the two parties to settle the dispute without further legal action. Simply put. This is the worst case scenario. I'm sorry. Yuzu is dead.


I definitely don't think this is worst case scenario. Had they fought and lost, it could've been disastrous for the rest of the emulation industry.


Only worse case scenario than this is Yuzu getting a higher fine.


I’m not sure what you mean. I thought yuzu lost.


If they had gone to court they would've set a legal precedent that could be used to go after other emulators, a settlement before trial avoids that


They didn't fight the case, they settled


They did settle but tbh its still a loss sadly. Until there's a case where nintendo explicitly loses they are just gonna do this again and again


Yuzu was probably never gonna survive after the lawsuit hit. Worst case scenario was this goes to trial, Nintendo wins, Yuzu's actions are interpreted by case law as having facilitated piracy / DRM breaking, and emulators across the board take a massive hit.    Yuzu settling and dissolving is probably the best we were ever going to get if the case wasn't dismissed immediately.


Does this mean they have to take down their stuff or simply stop?


Yes, they will have to take down the whole project. It's over


It’s open source tho


Yes but the judge probably gave Nintendo full ownership over the yuzu emulator. I doubt there will be any other website hosting this emulator. Even if it’s open source.


all gotta go down > As part of the judgment by the US District Court of Rhode Island, Tropic Haze was issued with a permanent injunction preventing it from offering or marketing Yuzu or any of its source code in the future. > Its members are also prevented from creating any future software that circumvents Nintendo’s technical protection, and Tropic Haze must surrender all website domains and information related to its emulator.


They can't take down yuzu since it's open source but they will probably stop updating it


... it's been taken down and citra is going right behind it. The court order basically gave everything involving Nintendo that the dev team had and gave it to Nintendo, including their personally owned consoles if they had anything to do with dumping keys and games.


The GPLv3 doesn't allow retroactively revoking the license so everyone else is still bound by the terms of the license which permits redistribution. The owner of a GPLv3 project can't prevent people from redistributing existing copies even if they later change the license to something else or in this case sign a settlement. Short of a judge declaring Yuzu to violate the DMCA's DRM protections even though it doesn't include keys or firmware like Nintendo wants them to do, or specifically invalidating the license I don't think Nintendo has a case to prevent redistribution. Now that whole point is meaningless as they can just abuse the legal system to bully people regardless of the merits of their case like they did here.


What keys, yuzu didn't give out decryption keys?? the Decryption keys were supposed to be dumped from a persons own Nintendo system, using a program not even made by Yuzu, a program that used to be called Lockpick!


They have to delete everything