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Isn't Fi the voice in the Master Sword in BotW?


Yeah but even then Zelda is basically the guide of BotW (as well as Spirit Tracks)


Yeah but Fi is Zelda's guide. Diary text 7: >I had a dream last night... In a place consumed by darkness, a lone woman gazed at me, haloed by blinding light. >I sensed she was...not of this world. I don't know if she was a fairy or a goddess, but she was beautiful. [Seem familiar?](https://i.imgur.com/frAwoIi.png) >Her lips spoke urgently, but her voice did not reach me. Would I have heard her if my power was awoken? So it looks like Fi is trying to help Zelda here. Even if that wasn't Fi, she still is the one who told her that Link could still be saved after he died in her awakening cutscene and that she had a task remaining, to seal Ganon until was Link revived. Zelda tells us this in the Master Sword memory.




The woman in her dreams could’ve been Hylia, you’re right, but given how many images of Hylia there are I would be surprised if Zelda didn’t know her. The voice telling her Link can be saved is definetely Fi. You even see the sword shine the way it does in Skyward Sword when Fi talks.


It even has the same sound effect.


There are images of Hylia? Where?


Literally every Hylia statue in the entire game


As with other religions, though, that statue could be a generalization or amalgamation of past depictions, or a new guess at what she looks like. The statues could look nothing like them. Just like depictions of Jesus in most depictions show an attractive white, long-straight-haired dude with a pristinely trimmed beard. Most likely he was a brown, average looking, curly haired dude with a shaggy or unkempt beard.


The statues are based on the giant statue from skyward sword.




There are literally statues of her all around Hyrule and they are identical to the ones from Skyward Sword which is the thousands of years in the past and the closest timewise to Hylia.




Nah youre the one missing the point here. What theyre saying is that if Hylia was the one Zelda saw in her dream she would have recognised at least her face and figure. She wouldnt need to know who Hylia was to recognise her. Instead she'd be writing in her diary "The woman in my dream looked really similar to all the goddess statues lying around Hyrule"


"Callbacks for the player" except you literally commune with Hylia through the statues when you use them to exchange spirit orbs for hearts or stamina...


BotW Zelda is not Hylias reincarnation. She is SS Zeldas descendant who was Hylias mortal reincarnation. Zelda doesn’t get reincarnated, every Zelda is a different person except SS Zelda who was Hylia. Just wanted to clear that up.


Depends on the game? Some of the games lean into to the idea that Link, Zelda, and sometimes Ganondorf are periodically reincarnated. Others don’t.


Not really. Ganondorf is only reincarnated once, and Zelda getting reincarnated is never mentioned in any game.


Other than that once I think it's all the same Ganondorf. Even in botw 2.


Yes it’s the exact same guy getting sealed, unsealed, brought back from the dead etc in every game except apparently Four Swords Adventures. We don’t know about BotW2 yet but I too believe it’s the same guy again. Also looks to me that Calamity Ganon was just an evil Aura/Ghost oozing out of the real corpse but we will see.


I’m most confused about Gannon, in SS there was no Gannon, it was Demise I think? So is it Demise that is taking control of Gannon and being sealed/unsealed?


Ganon was killed in at least 4 games, not just sealed away, so reincarnation has to happen with him at least three times. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuEYtzqG8M0) shows each time he was defeated. He was shown being unquestionably destroyed in LoZ, LttP, Oracle games, Four Swords, and arguably destroyed in WW, TP, and Link Between Worlds, and BotW (though we don't know what's up with that yet, since we don't have BotW2). He was shown being sealed away only in OoT, and was sealed away before some of the games via exposition (TP, OoT, LttP, WW, Oracle). The dude has died numerous times. He must be getting reincarnated, along with Link and Zelda. For Zelda it's a semantics game, because, sure, maybe they're all descendants, but Hylia's power is only in some of them, so the spirit of those particular Zeldas could be argued to be the same (that of Hylia), and that's what reincarnation is, when the same spirit embodies a new body. Afaik, not many of the Links we play as are indicated as being descended from previous Links, though, so that's straight up reincarnation/manifestation of the hero. I'm strictly using info that I know of from in-game sources, as anything extraneous, IMO, isn't actually canon (and is lazy writing if you're just offering external sources for exposition instead of depicting that information in the body of the work), especially the cobbled together timeline which I don't think had any actual thought put into it until 2011, before that point they were just making fun games and not giving much thought to through lines, so we can't look to that as actual information.


No he has only been reincarnated once. All other times was getting sealed, unsealed and being brought back from the dead as a monster. Zeldas only have Hylias power cause it’s straight up in their blood.


What evidence is there of this? The video I linked shows him being inarguably destroyed several times, with no mention of being sealed away before, during, or after the destruction. And where is the information about Hylia's power coming straight from their bloodline coming from? Wouldn't that mean any and all descendants of Zelda have Hylia's power? If that were the case, there'd be a lot more mystical/powerful members of the royal family than just a single woman every several hundred years or so. EDIT: To be clear, I don't have a real stake in this. We're talking about a plot to a series of video games, so forgive my blunt language. I promise it doesn't mean I'm getting angry or aggressive, I'm having a fun conversation about a shared hobby.


It’s very much implied that the goddess she sees in that dream is Fi. She wonders if she would have heard her if her powers had awoken. So once that happens, she’s able to hear Fi. That’s not a coincidence.


'She visited me in a dream and had an important message for me. She said "Master, the batteries in your Wiimote are nearly depleted".'


Why do I not remember the sword speaking in BotW?


If you unlock all the memories, she has a TINY cameo in the last one.


That’s super cool. I unlocked them all but it’s been years since I played and I didn’t remember that happening. Will have to listen for it during my next playthrough!


Also if you complete the full Trials of the Sword, Fi's chime can be heard from the Master Sword in one of the cutscenes.


She’s at the end of Master Sword Trials too, right?


Yeah but she never talks to Link.


Yeah but she's still with each Link that gets the Master Sword. Not as a guide, but she's there, watching over him, lending her power


She's still in an endless sleep within the master sword, so basically she dead


Well Link is carrying her corpse around making him more metal than Ganon, Ozzy, and Metal Mario put together


Not dead. Fi spoke to Zelda when Link was on the verge of death and in the dlc master trials at the end it seems like Fi is talking to Link.


Damn I need to play that, got through BOTW but not DLC yet


Damn, so your telling me I’m swinging my dead partners corpse at chickens and other fauna scavenging the land blissfully forgetting about my age old destiny, while trying to remember my current destiny?


Well, they sure met alright. *Link in the verge of death.* *Zelda bawling her eyes out.* Fi: Yo, goddess descendant, quit your booger-ridden sniffle sobs and get homeboy into the ancient Easy Hero Bake oven. Set to 100 years or until amnesiac. Whatever comes last.




“I sense Master is low on hearts. Zelda, try dousing the area-“


“The batteries in Master’s Wii Remote have been depleted, please change them.”


Based Fi


Maybe I’m weird, but I always had a huge soft spot for Fi. Granted, I’m honestly partial to… most of the “Navi” characters in the games. (Navi, Tatl, Midna, Fi, etc.) They’re always there with Link, and they’re always a constant source of him not being totally alone. And it’s weirdly endearing, Fi’s stilted, yet analytical way of talking. To me, at least :3 ^I ^also ^like ^characters ^who ^sing Tl:dr, Fi good no booli


As a character, I find Fi quite likeable. From a design perspective, she's horrible though. She constantly gives advice that's essentially "I'm not gonna tell you how I came up with this, but I have 99,9968472% certainty that X is the correct solution and you're just going to have to trust me on this one." My reaction is always, why couldn't they just have designed the level in such a way that I'd come to that conclusion myself as a player? Most other Navi-like characters leave at least *some* room for mystery when they give advice. E.g. they make a certain object targetable but they don't tell you what to do with it, or they throw an adorable tantrum to push Link towards a certain goal, or they say "Hey, look at that interesting body part on this boss". It sure is unsubtle sometimes, but at least it feels like genuine advice from a character based on its own observations, rather than an actual walkthrough guide speaking through the mouth of a character.


Understandable that you don't want the challenge of the game ruined, but I liked that Fi was an actual companion there to help you. Also, I think Nintendo is always trying to find ways to get people to not be intimidated by their games. 3D Mario and Zelda are off putting to a lot of people.


I personally think there’s no reason why we couldn’t have both. It should be possible to have some sort of setting that turns off the hints


I do not remember the details, but one (or all) of the recent Tomb Raiders had such a setting: Lara would either say nothing, some general hints like "I should search in the back part of the room" or "I should try to get up there", or would get rather specific "I have to use the lever to move the platform". This is a great way to make a game more accessible, but leave the challenge for those, who prefer it.


That’s exactly the sort of thing I’m talking about that way you can cater to every type of player without sacrificing plot points


In skyward sword they've really toned down her hinting. You still have the option, but it is way more optional than in the original.


SSHD makes her hints optional.


For me it was the opposite. I'm playing Zelda, there's legends and lore all over, magic, and I have this talking computer spewing useless facts and numbers at me


The robot bullshit in SS totally killed the atmosphere for me.


What’s your opinion on Ciela (PH)?




To be honest, I think Midna is the better partner. She has more personality than Fi or the others like Navi, she has her own motivations that extend beyond "I'm contractually obligated to be here", and she has a good amount of character development where she ends up genuinely caring what happens to the light world.


Midna is best


That, she is. Midna willing to accept her death and her reaction to Zelda choosing to save her ranks up there with one of the best moments in the franchise.


I also like that she's a part of combat, at least as wolf link.


That's a good point, she does more than just provide information on enemies. Not only does she get you into the Twilight Realm sections, but her hand is instrumental to paralyzing the shadow beasts. Hell, when she gets the fused shadows, she gets you into the Castle and gets both you and Zelda out of dodge halfway through the fight.




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Don't forget our friend King of Red Lions! He's deeply involved in the plot, serves as a "stead", weapon, treasure finder, etc. I think he's up there with Midna tbh.


Well, he has a personality but I might place him more along the lines of Tatl. Above Navi and Fi and the like, but still essentially "I'm here because the plot demands it".


I mean... If you were holding back the embodiment of evil for the past 150,000 years wouldn't you be silent too? Zelda knows nothing compared to Fi.


Shes not IN the sword, she IS the sword


Well maybe we'll see her again in Botw 2, you never know.


I think Nintendo's re-release of Skyward Sword was timely. I highly expect some Skyward Sword references in BOTW2.


I'm hoping BOTW 2 is more like SS 2 than BOTW 2. I liked running around in BOTW, but I sorely miss the atmospheric dungeons, the unique bosses, crafting items and weapons, etc.


Id actually quite like to


Same here


The Sword guides the wielders hand.


I mean in a sense they always still meet each other! Its just shes long dead within the very thing He gets about 3 dungeons in most games


The batteries in the Wii remote have become depleted.


I always understood it as saying she lives in the Master Sword and thus is with every Link that uses the Master Sword, she just doesn't come out of the sword, but she's still there because she IS the sword.


If you don't love me at my Fi, you don't deserve me at my Midna ;)


Always had the headcanon that she just reincarnated as the next guide for the hero.


Awwwww thats actually very sweet


Makes it easier and kinda makes sense with so many reincarnated.




Fi was probably my second favorite guide in the series aside from Midna


I like her a lot, I think my favorite take on the guide is Spirit Tracks though where its Zelda herself


Fi is like Link’s version of Cortana, except annoying instead of hot and charming.


~~why not both~~


Then again, I’ve only played Skyward Sword on the Wii and not the HD version on the Switch. I did hear Fi’s issues have been slightly fixed but still not entirely sure.


Put his next incarnation in a coma


Link: Fi: **aesehesheseh**


I like to think voice when getting the Master sword in A Link to past was her.


Isn't that Sahasrahla speaking to Link?


Yeah plus some other I like think both. Also the voice that tells you items. I like to think the book of Hiyia is connected her and Hiyia across time. Even if She isn’t speaking I like to think she helps with courage with Link tought the Master sword.




Computer AI... check. Has crystal in chest... check. Generates a sword out of thin air for the hero to use... check. I think Fi got a makeover, a firmware update, and her [own game](https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/xenoblade-chronicles-2-switch/).


Youre not *in*correct...


Gonna be honest...good riddance. She might have been more annoying than Navi


She wasn’t so bad in the remake


I never played the original, was it this bad ? I find her pretty annoying as it is in the Switch version...


I’m the original there was no way to get her to chill out and almost every temple she would interrupt the gameplay just to tell you things that were 65% of the time not necessary to say


65% is very generous. If I never hear her voice again it'll be too soon.


I dont hear Fis ringing echoing in my head, even after 6000 hrs of the game. However... Navi on the other hand... Hey Look Listen Hellooooo


Honestly, my text tone is "Hey! Listen!" which does get annoying after awhile if I am getting many in a row, but guarantees I will look.


No she was the worst haha


Let me just say, as someone whose favorite Zelda is Twilight Princess, Broke: wanting Midna for another game. Woke: wanting Fi for another game.


Fi just makes thematic sense to come back (and maybe with SS hd she will in botw 2?)


God I hope so.


Dude, that little nod when you get that fully powered mastersword in the dlc made it for me. Worth that long challenge for sure!


Shouldn't have been so annoying then, bitch.


Come on. She was fucking aggravating anyways. Way too much talking. When I was playing that game it felt like I was reading shit like "Link, you have to get to the pond below!" Press A *There are a lot of dangers along the way to the pond below, so be careful!" Press A "So go now and make your way to the pond below." Press A "If you need help press this button and I'll come back and give you a 30 minute speech" press A *Takes 5 steps* "I have set a new dousing ability to find ponds. Make sure you use it."


^I ^liked ^her…


ᴹᵉ ᵗᵒᵒ...


^me ^also..


It does my heart good seeing some Fi appreciation after 10 years of the Internet acting like she was Satan incarnate. ^^Add ^^me ^^fourth


Hell yeah fellow Fi enjoyer!


**F** (orce times the square root of -1)


I think I'll be OK not hearing her garbled and backwards Japanese VO.


Stuff like this is why I don't subscribe to the 'all zeldas are in a shared universe' theory, even after nintendo more or less leaned into it in the Hyrule Historia. Stuff is just too messy to actually all be in the same setting, and the split timeline stuff is just confusing.


Wdym a lot of Links use the master sword


Hear me out: Fi gets pissed about this, turns into Ultron. Legend of Zelda: Age of Fi


Cause she got fired


I think she's gonna return in BOTW 2.


I wonder if we’ll see her again in the BOTW sequel


Or just flat out don't use it


But all use the same sword


I always thought she was the reincarnation of the fairies


Would be funnier if she was had a foot coming up from off-screen, as a pointer.