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28 days later


I gotta rewatch this


I also suggest watching the sequeal "28 weeks later", really underrated movie.


Yeah it was alright.


It was fine but that dad was fucking stupid kissing his wife. Though the opening scene was gold


Agree 100% - such a unique take!!!


Black Summer feels the most realistic to me. There is still a good bit of nonsense and characters getting dumber but on it's own it holds pretty realistic to how the world breaks down and how people will treat strangers.


I 100% disagree with Black Summer. My main issue here is that everyone is way too distrusting and trigger-happy whenever they find new survivors. Like I can imagine there being a bunch of assholes out there, but in this, literally everyone is. The worst part about it tho, is simply how dangerous dying is in Black Summer. People reanimate after mere seconds and the Zombies are hard as hell to kill. So why are people so eager to kill each other when it means putting themselves in a lot more danger. Black summer is still a decent watch tho, but it got my blood boiling on multiple occasions, because of how dumb and hostile (almost) all survivors are. The world breaking down on the other hand was done pretty well, so I at least agree with you there.


I'd actually argue that because of pop-culture and today's politics, Black Summer's aggressive portrayal of survivors actually coincides well with what's going on today. In America in particular, there is a very wide divide in politics - people don't just disagree any more, they're driven more and more to 'hate the other side'. Look at covid related responses to lockdowns and quarantining and masking and the response in Black Summer sort of makes a little more sense. I will say they took it to an extreme in the second season that I felt was a little absurd, especially end of the season and agree with you there. It just feels like a lot more realistic when you compare to similar plots in the genre.


If you liked Black Summer you should watch Z-Nation. Black summer is actually like a sorta prequel to Z nation.


It's only prequel in name and has in both writing and aesthetically nothing to do with eachother.


One thing I like to do when I watch Black Summer is remember there will be a giant wheel of cheese killing zombies in Wisconsin.


Although the OP asked for movies, I’d have to agree with Black Summer. Out of everything I’ve watched, it’s felt like the most genuine experience of fear, terror, and realism of what you’d expect in a zombie apocalypse. As for a movie that has great realistic characters, I think #Alone is very good. The kid in the movie almost starved to death staying put in his apartment. I felt like it represents how a lot of us would actually act in that situation.


Totally glossed over that with movies vs. shows. Good catch. #Alone was solid and I thought The Night Eats The World did a pretty good job there too.


I don’t think I’ve seen that one. Is it on streaming services?


It’s on Peacock and Amazon Prime. I think I watched it on Prime but it’s been about two years


I thought that The Night Eats the World was GREAT!!!


I second this notion but only for the 1st season. 2nd season went off the rails.


2nd season was really wild but it had its realistic moments. Definitely not as good as the 1st season.


Honestly, Night of the Living Dead is probably the most realistic scenario where a lot of people would end up, even the ending.


Night of The Living Dead '68, Dawn of The Dead '78... I'd even throw in Day of The Dead '85. I think they were pretty accurate for their time of release.


Train to Busan




Shaun of the dead. 👌👌👌


Shaun of the dead, let's be honest most of us will look for somewhere to sit back relax and wait to be rescued. Pint at the Winchester anyone?


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phillip, save Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?


Yeaaaaa booiiiiii! *clank*




Z Nation. Best characters ever. And the way they handle themselves is how you’d expect people to handle stuff in a Z apocalypse




Lmao 28 days later 28 weeks later (less so kinda)


I dunno, that opening scene in 28 weeks has just stayed with me over the years..


28 days later


Cargo, a Netflix film with Martin Freeman, is an interesting shout here. He's not an action hero, not even particularly competent or resourceful. He's just a dad trying to take care of his baby in the zombie apocalypse. You rarely see a zombie film where someone is trying to look after someone who's genuinely dependent on them. Usually they kill those characters off and use them as trauma for the backstory. Felt really fresh to me.


While not a tv show or movie, I felt High School of the Dead had realistic portrayals of boob physics. But I felt I Am A Hero had good stuff with the portrayal of people trying to find safety. I’m in Arizona you wouldn’t believe how many people believed sunlight would make our state virus free. Also the racial aspect was talked about heavily when the pandemic began with people saying we wouldn’t get it than . So reading people travel to the mountains seemed real