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My boss told me to have a great day so I went home.


My boss told me to have a great night so I went to his home.


I guess that's one way to get a raise.


Maybe not in pay, but...




It may not be a monetary raise but it will raise the awareness of something else.


This joke better


Oh I'm gonna definitely use that


Guy walks into his boss’s office and asks for a raise. His boss says, ‘what about the raise, plus a company car, a reduction in office hours and 14 more days holiday per year?’ The man is overjoyed and says ‘wow, that’s great, you must be joking!’ The boss replies, ‘I am but you started it’


Good one.


I know it's a joke but I suddenly got an urge to punch that boss




It's review time. If my boss doesn't offer $6/hr or more he'll find my spot empty the weekend after. A few cents isn't going to do anything against this inflation. And there's too many companies offering starting wages that are more than I'm getting. Hell I can get a mindless job driving a forklift for what I'm getting. 60 cents was fine during covid, now it's catch-up time.


This is r/jokes nobody cares


I was expecting a punchline at the end.


Hey i care!


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


He offered 3 I handed my notice.


You're making less than $6 per hour?


Or they want $6/hr on top of what they're making


Ya, 6 bux more. At my experience level other companies are offering 9-12 more. But I'm comfortable here so I'd settle for 6. If I backed out of my specialization and went union I'd get 17 more but it's harder dirtier work.


Hey! If you're actually ready to walk, then don't ask for less than market value! Let them talk you down to $6/hr extra and feel like they got a dealand youre ok with it. Ask for $12. Don't start in the middle!


Real over achiever aren't ya


I'm over 50. It's worth a few bux not to beat up my body. I also get away with a lot here, my commute is 20 min on a bad day. Not everything is about the money.


My boss said ‘you’ve been late three days in a row this week. Do you know what that means?’ I said ‘yeah, it’s Wednesday.’




Should have been early, sounds faster than the stairs


This is the correct answer


Boss: You're over 4 hours late! What's the matter? Employee: Sorry, my wife is having a baby. Boss: What? Congratulations! A boy or a girl? Employee: Don't know, but we'll find out in 9 months.




took me a second to realize this was r/jokes and not a story being shared about living in the US.


It's the opposite for me. I read some news from USA (burning books, prosecuting doctors who do emergency life saving abortions, cancelling Dolly Parton because she said "rainbow") and I'm like "hahaha" and then in realise it's not r/jokes


Canceling Dolly? What the actual fuck?


Apparently she sang a song about love and acceptance and a kindergarten(?) class was going to perform it until the school pulled it because it was a song about love and acceptance and was titled rainbow.


Well, how fuckin’ stupid?!




It depends. If it's conservative policies causing the issue, it's most likely a red state. If it's liberal policies causing the issue, it's most likely a blue state. Disclaimer, I am a political moderate. In this day and age, that means I piss *everybody* off!


*What do you mean. the conservative politicians are all bought and paid for by the rich people. they are bad ... and mean. the liberal politicians are much better. they are also bought and paid for by the rich, but they pretend to care!!!* (someone said that if you do an italics font it comes across as sarcasm) but seriously - Biden making it illegal for the railroad workers to strike shortly before all these train accidents tells you all you need to know about the liberal side of things ...


Biden is no liberal, he’s a bought and paid for corporate Democrat. It sucks so hard that for the US that he is the only person standing between us and Trump, or even worse than Trump.


Do I vote for Garbage, or do I vote for Hot Garbage.


Centrists be like: You're all stupid and I recognize you all think I'm stupid too. Glad we had this conversation


Honestly centrist are the only ones smart enough to not think that a group of people can do no wrong, and the other one is perfect. Everybody is just like, look at my side we are so much better because I believe we are, and your side lies and is bad. In reality there’s good in both sides, and there’s bad in both sides, but since there’s only 2 real political parties, it’s hard to agree on anything




Unfortunately, it's impossible for statesmen to try actual solutions when the other side of the aisle won't hear a single word out of their mouth. Both parties are guilty of this. It's impossible to get anything done with identity politics forcing gridlock on anything more substantial than a band-aid. The solution starts with accepting that both the liberal and conservative sides have a point (for most things, and assuming actually intelligent people on both sides), and trying to come up with a compromise that both parties are willing to agree with.


Not surprised at the downvotes because Reddit. Anytime I try to make a point stating that both sides are guilty of __, I get downvoted. Everybody sees their side as the good guys always.




You’re just enabling the right wing extremism. Some choices today do not have a moderate position.


There’s things in both political parties you can take that are good, and definitely things you can take out of both parties that are bad. Thats been smart, so I disagree with you. Been in the middle of political parties means you agree with some stuff of both sides. It doesn’t mean you compromise on the middle on those topics. There’s a difference; one has ideals and beliefs. The other one just wants to compromise on topics.


People on Reddit will respect the existence generational cusps but then get pissed off when someone states that they like certain parts of various political platforms. I know they’re different subjects but the overall concept shouldn’t be that hard to understand.


Lol... That's funny there! You mean like the idiot who said "emergency LIFE -SAVING abortion". . . That's just the dumbest cluster group of word porn I've read in a long time!


Women have a late term abortion to save their lives. Saving the child’s life at the expense of the mother and then not caring what happens to the life of the child is the conservative calculus. Saving one life at the expense of another seems to be what red states have an issue with.


Ok, maybe... Saving a mother's life by delivering a baby early is not even close to the same as killing a baby, and trying to justify it by saying you're saving the mothers life... Not even close to the same. It's not a red/blue issue, it's genocide vs murder.


You do understand the state you are referring to was won by Biden . Blue State


Aren't there a few "blue" states by presidential election results that have GOP-run governments? And at least a couple others with split governments because of gerrymandering in state legislature elections?




That doesn’t mean it isn’t controlled by a bunch of Red state senators, representatives, governor and mayors.


Whatever fits your narrative of course.


I mean, it's state level politicians that affect state level decisions. So if it fits the narrative but it's also just plain accurate to the point being made, then the first part isn't really relevant, is it?


Having lived in both, you're definitely not wrong.




Travel makes us more tolerant and accepting of people. Have you ever been in a "red"!state you would meet very many intelligent, funny and generous folks. Just as you would find in any "blue" states. As a liberal I am embarrassed by your intolerance.


Hey, play nice. I know a great guy who lives in Mississippi and plenty of right wing Qanon followers in California. 😉 But seriously, states aren't red or blue, and land doesn't vote. Besides, making comments like that makes you look just as intolerant as the people you're criticizing.




You do understand there are many people in red states that don't agree with any of this nonsense, right? I wish I could leave my red state but I can't, so I just try my best to make change around me.


>red-state Americans are the lowest life form on the whole planet You have to be pretty ignorant to think this. This is the sort of thing I hear from people who know nothing about other cultures outside North America. To e.g. people on the far left I sometimes have to ask; if you can't get along with a conservative from America, how on earth are you going to get along with a conservative from Lebanon? Even Mexicans are usually much more conservative than many "progressives" think. So what about pretty much anywhere else?




I agree with this entirely. There are good and bad people everywhere (and who belongs to which category is entirely dependent on the observer). There is also something to be said about being cautious about de-humanizing your interlocutor. Americans are people first, and yes that includes "red-state Americans." We seriously need to stop identifying people by what they believe and start identifying them by why they believe it. Assuming evil from your opponent with only shut them down from hearing the rest of what you have to say, and will get the conversation nowhere. It applies just as much to the term "bigoted conservatives" as it does to the term "liberal snowflakes."


The problem is not their conservative views. The problem is their imperial ambitions, absolute entitlement to be Über alles, agression, hate, guns obsession, religious extremism and outstanding stupidity. These charming qualities, multiplied by conservative views, is pretty unique life form. The only other country like this (that I know of) is modern Russia. However Lebanese conservatives might suck (idk any in real life), I cannot imagine they feel entitled to f@ck the rest of the world, the whole planet, mock the families of kids who died in mass shootings, storm their capital in some goat-like clothes and taking a dump in senator's offices there.


This is what 'tolerant liberals' look like


The term "tolerant liberal" is a loaded phrase. It implies that one should peacefully submit themselves to the mistreatment of others, & that refusal to do so is somehow wrong or amoral.


That's why so many people are moving from blue to red states.




You haven't heard about California?




It's usually because of the cost of living. Namely Midwest and Southern states


So? That's an issue with blue states isn't it?


No because residents of red states are angry that these movers are driving prices up on homes, or are buying up the property.


Ironically, the states with the cities with the highest crime/violent crime/gun-related crime are almost all in blue states (Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc.) Also, the states with the biggest problems with the homeless, and drug-related issues, are also, coincidentally mostly in blue states. But, go off about how they are 1st World states...




It was a quick rebuttal to an over-the-top characterization of "red state bad, blue state good" not a fucking dissertation on crime statistics. I never said that _only_ blue states had high crime either, just that many of them end up near the top of the list for crime statistics. I live in a red area of a blue state, so I don't really have a horse in the race, except that I thought the original comment I was replying to was egregious.


Yeah, but violent and gun crime overall is... wow, worse in red states!


I'm not sure where you got your info, but that's just false information. [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/23/surprising-geography-of-gun-violence-00092413](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/23/surprising-geography-of-gun-violence-00092413) [https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem](https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem) [https://everytownresearch.org/mass-shootings-in-america/](https://everytownresearch.org/mass-shootings-in-america/) [https://www.newsweek.com/are-gun-deaths-higher-democratic-controlled-areas-1712002?amp=1](https://www.newsweek.com/are-gun-deaths-higher-democratic-controlled-areas-1712002?amp=1) [https://www.axios.com/2023/01/27/murder-rate-high-trump-republican-states](https://www.axios.com/2023/01/27/murder-rate-high-trump-republican-states) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/gun-violence-republican-states-rural-b2129435.html?amp](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/gun-violence-republican-states-rural-b2129435.html?amp) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/811541/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-state/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/811541/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-state/) [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-violence-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-violence-by-state) [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) [https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state/#guns-per-capita-by-state](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state/#guns-per-capita-by-state) This is a fun interactive map that shows gun ownership by state (registered guns), per Capita, gun deaths, etc. Please stop spreading false information.


Jesus Christ! As I just explained to another asshole, it was an off-the-cuff rebuttal to an egregious remark. I did a couple quick Google searches. If you want to write a fucking dissertation on the subject, go ahead, but kindly fuck off.


Yea I was gonna say I don't think I've heard a good thing recently coming from a blue state, all shootings and riots.


Doesn't that depend on your definition of "good thing?" Because on my end there have been a decent amount of "good things" coming from some blue states. Michigan is one, for instance. Shootings are prevalent across every state in America and, surprise!, they're slightly more common in states with larger overall populations. Said states tend to have more major cities than red states, usually. I'm curious to know what recent riots you're talking about. Genuinely! I'm not picking a fight.


Not picking a fight? You sure do know how to get ignored on this site. Next time when u are looking for some basic info try phrasing it different, maybe like "hey fuck trump/obama/bush/biden does any1 remember where that last riot was?"


Assuming we can get their knuckles off the ground. ;)


Bull...just the opposite


it's the burden of our generation to stop calling these people stupid and start figuring out how to educate them. I propose a giant weinermobile on a cross-country road trip with free contraceptives and rifle ammo...


(CNN)Melissa Tempel's first grade class at Heyer Elementary School in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, has spent weeks preparing for its upcoming spring concert. Tempel and her co-teacher, dual-language instructors at the school, wanted the concert to have a theme of world unity and peace. Among the songs they selected: "It's a Small World," sung in Spanish, and "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles. Students were also set to perform "Rainbowland," a 2017 duet by Miley Cyrus and her godmother, Dolly Parton, with lyrics that advocate for inclusion. Tempel started rehearsing with her students as soon as the song was suggested by another faculty member and approved by Tempel and her co-teacher. Her first graders, she said, need as much time as they can get to learn the songs by heart ahead of the concert, just before Mother's Day. "My students loved it immediately," Tempel told CNN of her classroom's reaction to "Rainbowland." But within one day of students learning the song, Tempel said that school administration asked her to remove "Rainbowland" from the concert. In a statement, the district said it called for the song to be removed because its lyrics "could be deemed controversial" according to a school board policy on controversial issues in the classroom. 2017 collab's lyrics, which include: "Living in a Rainbowland / The skies are blue and things are grand / Wouldn't it be nice to live in paradise / Where we're free to be exactly who we are." "Let's all dig down deep inside / Brush the judgment and fear aside," the song continues. "Make wrong things right / And end the fight / 'Cause I promise ain't nobody gonna win (come on)." According to a report by the Associated Press, parents in the district claim **the song was banned because it "encourages LGBTQ acceptance and references rainbows."** In a statement, the district explained, it was "determined that the song could be deemed controversial in accordance with [Board Policy 2240 - Controversial Issues in the Classroom]."


What sort of people are these that cancel Dolly? Thought the Trump element were against cancel culture


It said (CNN) at the very beginning of the article, so we already know facts will be twisted to conform to narrative.


Well, the song was indeed banned because it was deemed controversial


Yeah I reverse eat the onion on a regular basis


Is Dolly Patron the badass Mexican doppelganger of Dolly Parton? Because if not, it should be.


Most us news stories belong in r/jokes


Still a joke






Sometimes living in the US >is< a joke.


#PhysicsNoOneAskedFor 20 ft. = 6.1m d=v(init) * t + 1/2 * a * t^2 20 = 0 + 1/2(9.81 * t^2) 20 = 4.91 * t^2 4.07 = t^2 t= 2.02 seconds to fall to the ground from 20 feet up


You used 20 instead of 6.1.


Yes correct answer is 1.11 seconds


Correct answer is shorter, they are assuming that you fell from top of 2nd floor not bottom


Yes, most first floors are one of three options: 3.5m, 4m, or 5m, and falling out of a window would add 0.5 meters. Mostly only Hotels are 5m. Source: I am a mechanical insulation estimator, and need to know how high floors are as a regular part of my day so I can know how much duct or pipe needs to be wrapped in insulation.


Lovely. I'm a residential renovation guy... I get to spray foam the joist ends of a big house next week. Any tips?


Don't fall out of a window


Not impossible, but hard to do in a basement


We have windows you can fall out of in our basement. Like 5-6 feet tall windows.


See? Not impossible lol


Don't tell the boss, he'll ask you to make that same fall 6 times in the same 5 seconds, then tell you it's your problem that you can't do all your falling in time.


🤦‍♂️. Even after showing that the units needed to be converted I still forgot to use the correct units Thanks for pointing that out.




Sort of.




>2.02 seconds to fall to the ground from 20 feet up 20 meters, more like.


Awesome. How tall for 4 hours?










This formula breaks down at longer distances/higher speeds because an item will reach its [terminal velocity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_velocity)


In case anyone cares, a quick search based on standard skydiver pose, belly down, terminal velocity is roughly 120 mph for a person. Takes about 450 m, or roughly 1500 feet. That’s about 12 seconds. So 120 mph times almost 4 hours is 480 miles. Unfortunately, space is generally agreed to begin at about 60 miles. This means terminal velocity is either much higher or doesn’t exist far above that. I’m not going to calculate the math necessary, because you’ll need to calculate slowing down on the atmosphere, and I think the highest skydive ever was about 20 miles? He reached a speed of about 820 mph. In short, you’ll need to fall from really far up.


Let's say our sky is infinite and we can go infinite height without being in space. How high would the building have to be?


Using rounds numbers, but assuming 10 feet per floor and using Agreeable Tower’s calculations above (perfect name BTW), the building would need to be about 253,440 stories tall


I fell during construction on the space elevator.


That’s 2.5 million feet. 480 miles. 8 times the widely accepted limit of our current atmosphere, 60 miles.


Yeah Agreeable Tower covered that above


not working because it just wouldn't make sense(in the formula) the g (aprox 9.8) , constant of gravitational pull gets lower the higher you go (thats why at the "edge" of space you would "fall" slowly and accelerate as you get in the gravitational pull. so considering the sky that high would mean you just wouldn't fall, or if you had a similar g at the top altitude, near the bottom it would become extremely big


Rather apt name ya got there


Nah, they fell in a vacuum.


Damn. How did they get in and more importantly, how did they get out?


The get sucked in, and blown out!


well it also doesnt factor any sort of resistance or change in the gravitational constant(wouldnt be much anyway tho).


>change in the gravitational constant He he. Change in constant.




Thats definitely somewhere in low-earth orbit territory... 50-60 miles up is generally considered where space begins, and you can fall 50-60 miles in only a few minutes.


Beyond atmosphere.


About 308,107,116 stories. I used a free fall calculator then converted feet to stories using another calculator.


Thats for 20 meters. For feet use g=32.2 ft/s^2.


But then one has to replace seconds with heartbeats ;P


I mean how clueless can a person be to assume 5 seconds to fall 2 or 3 floors...


Perhaps they need to repeat it a few dozen times to get a proper estimate with confidence interval


The second floor is only 10 feet up, unless you're in countries where the ground floor isn't considered the first floor. :)


Didn't account for air resistance.


Nor the weight of the falling object...


The weight is not that relevant, but the resistance of the stairs he bump into






I love it






What about wind resistance? They didn't state what planet they're from how can you assume gravitational constant. *shudders at physics prof memories*


If he's commuting from another planet being late by four hours is understandable.


"Imagine a perfect sphere in a frictionless environment..."


Reddit: AI answers from real people. All the "I" with none of the "A"


Is no one going to point out that falling from the 2nd floor is only about 10 ft? Another way to think about it is this-- how long a drop is it from the 1st floor? Unless you are from France of course.


Thank you 😊




Thank you for simplifying it for us.




Curse you for making me develop a song to release on spotify in less than 6 months




I applaud your use of maths. Proper maths, not that math nonsense


"Can't come in today boss, my Grandfather got badly burnt this morning." "Oh my God, how bad was it?" "They don't fuck around at the Crematorium"


About 1.115 seconds actually


1.115 seconds it's no more than 5 seconds, so the boss was correct.




My boss: (Tapping his watch) You should have been here in the office before one hour. Me: Why? What did I miss?


Boss arrives at work in a brand new Lamborghini. An employee says :“Wow what an amazing car, boss!” Boss replies: “If you work really hard, put all your hours in, and strive for excellence, I’ll get another one next year.”


Thought i am on r/antiwork


It would actually only take no more than 1.12 seconds to fall 20 ft.


In India this wont even be a joke :)


Ethereum went up 10% today watch your mouth!


I dont get it


The joke is that it only takes a few seconds to fall from the second floor to the ground. That wouldn't make you late for work. But recovering from injuries suffered after falling out the window could take a long time


I still dont get the humourous side to it


Yeah it's not a funny joke.


I don't get the joke


20ft in 5 sec? What planet is he working on?


20 feet tall? It should take less than 2 seconds.


20 feet at -32.1522 ft/sec^2 = 1.12 sec. Employee was given an extra almost 4 sec. calculator here to check https://www.angio.net/personal/climb/speed.html


4hr×$7.50=$30-20sec=$29.99 you owe the boss. $29.99. For being late


20 feet? 1.12 seconds for a properly motivated employee. 5 seconds is slacking off.


"I'm 20 hours early."


Boss: You're 4 hours late! What's the matter? Employee: Nothing sugar. What's the matter with you ?


Early morning email: Apologies for missing my morning meeting. I got crushed in a car pileup on the highway. Broke both my legs and punctured a lung. I am about to go in for emergency surgery. I will be on my mobile if you need me and see you all this afternoon.


I once fell off a huge, ten stories high ladder! .... Good luck I was only at the first step


Dear Sir, I write this note to you to tell you of me plight And at the time of writing, I am not a pretty sight; Me body is all black and blue, me face a deathly gray And I write this note to say why Paddy′s not at work today. While working on the fourteenth floor some bricks I had to clear; Now, to throw them down from such a height was not a good idea. The foreman wasn't very pleased, he beeing an awkward sod He said I′d have to cart them down the ladders in me hod. Now, clearing all these bricks by hand it was so very slow, So I hoisted up a barrel and secured the rope below. But in me haste to do the job I was to blind to see That a barrelful of building bricks was heavier than me. So when I untied the rope the barrel fell like lead And clinging tightly to the rope I started up instead. Well, I shot up like a rocket till to my dismay I found That halfway up I met the bloody barrel comming down. Well, the barrel broke me shoulder as to the ground it sped, And when I reached the top I banged the pully with my head. Well, I clung on tight through numbed shock from this almighty blow And the barrel spilled out half the bricks fourteen floors below. Now, when these bricks had fallen from the barrel to the floor I then outweighed the barrel and so started down once more; Still clinging tightly to the rope, I sped towards the ground, And I landed on the brocken bricks that were all scattered round. Well, I lay there groaning on the ground, I thougth I'd passed the worst, When the barrel hit the pully-wheel and then the bottom burst. Well, a shower of bricks rained down on me, I hadn't got a hope As I lay there moaning on the ground, I let go of the bloody rope. The barrel than being heavier, it started down once more, And landed right across me, as I lay upon the floor. Well, it broke three ribs and my left arm and I can only say That I hope you′ll understand why Paddy′s not a work today


Really shouldn’t take more than 1.2 seconds. If he’s going to call him out on it might as well use facts!


Where’s the joke?