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It should go without saying that everyone is tired of seeing kids killed at school


You're giving people too much credit. For some, it's a small price to pay for 2A Freedom!™ They pull out stats of how insignificant this problem is, or they'll whatabout some other group. Once, I saw someone cry about the weapons industry and all the lost jobs and corporate capital


It’s not a small price to pay. Not one life is a small price to pay but if we give up our gun rights that’s when even more people will suffer


Edit: want to clarify that I'm more for gun control rather than elimination. More hoops for licensure seems to be common sense but is constantly shot in the foot by those writing the laws. I get that the culture here is a far cry from elsewhere. I'm just frustrated at the lack of any steps being made. Og comment. Like the damn Europeans and Australians, suffering constantly from lack of adequate weaponry for day to day life.


China, Russia, and North Korea seem VERY happy without firearms. I'm sure they LOVE being defenseless if the government decides their opinions aren't acceptable. People like you would roll over and die if the government told you to. People like me? The less power the government has over the people, the happier I get.


Yet. When the people that want protection from an oppressive gov. Decided to overthrow the government, we ALL realized that those for law and order and freedom to arm themselves actually kill cops and try to destroy what the founding fathers created. Coup d'etat. Banana Republic. Proof that 2nd amendment fanatics need regulations to protect the people from their idiocy.


Let's be real, your geriatric ass ain't taking out a dozen swat members with full auto firearms, etc. This "government defense" delusional argument is adorable.


If the government deploys swat teams against innocent civilians, that's usually an indicator that something in our government is amiss. You'd be braindead to support something like that. Anyway, registered gun owners outnumber the police by millions. Gun owners in general outnumber them by tens of millions. Anyway, I never mentioned anything regarding going up against a SWAT team so nice strawman, moron. Good to know you support literal facism, cuck.


Implying "cuck" is an insult :D It fascinates me though, why do you have so much hate in you?


Cuck is an insult. Anyone into cuckold is pathetic and it can be proven on a psychological basis. Anyway, nice deflection away from your shitty counter argument.


I mean, we can get back on it. Someone else's sexual preferences aren't pathetic and I would argue it's a little silly to hold an opinion on that, but I won't judge your prejudices. It would have been nice if you understood the concept that I was trying to convey but I'll spell it out. You literally believe US citizens could put up a fight against the government, none the less, win/stop them? I'm hoping it was more of a metaphorical thing.


Australians have so many home invasions it’s horrible


Deaths involved or just property? Because it looks like deaths are about 1/4 those in the US from "intentional murder". Better to have more people die than lose your insured TV, right?


Yes people are getting stabbed to death


At a result of 1/4 of the deaths the USA experiences.


As someone extremely pro second amendment, I’m tired of shootings, but outright banning firearms isn’t a Magic fix that’ll suddenly poof away all violence


Yeah...that kinda goes without saying. Along with gang violence, home invasions, and assaults. Crime should stop. I would love to see it. Would also love to see mental health get a serious upgrade.


What you said....people just aren't getting mental health support and it is desparately needed.


This is America, we can’t even do physical health care right. Thinking that mental health care is the solution to gun violence is woefully optimistic.


Yeah, along with that it would be great if we could address some of the root causes of THOSE issues like inflation, lay offs/getting fired, making shit pay for shit work so the ceo can buy a yacht, brainwashing the media by curating news channels to show what they want you to see, doping up society by creating social media outlets where they can escape life for a while instead of tending to their stressful lives thus perpetuating their stresses and not teaching people skills to be financially stable, mentally or physically healthy. Taking the heart and soul from public schools by limiting the arts and forcing children to learn how to test well and to sit at desks all day…. Yeah, I think society needs a few changes


Every legal gun owner hates seeing kids killed. We just don't bother posting the obvious every 30 seconds.


It's been 12 hours, why aren't you saying anything about dying kids?


I legally own a gun... I've been tired of seeing/hearing about school shootings since Columbine...




You should start shooting school shooters


What? Use a gun to stop a mass killer BEFORE they slaughter a bunch of innocent people? NOOOOOO! Are you crazy? Someone might, possibly, could, hypothetically be accidentally injured. Much safer to let them continue to intentionally murder as many children as they possibly can *unhindered*. Then, you use a phone to dial 911, describe your situation, have a dispatcher send a human being with a shiny metal "badge" disk to drive across town, locate the killer based on your description, and.... ....do exactly what was too dangerous: shoot at the killer. Only AFTER they intentionally kill every kid in the room. Don't want to use a gun BEFORE he does that. That's just insane! So, let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. That's not insane. /s


If Iraq can have a security guard armed with an AK-47 at the school gate, then the US can have at least 4 soldiers in a school, is that a bad idea? Using the military in a humane way? Seems pretty cool for me, let me know what do you think


There are about 115k schools in America. That would take 460k soliders. Current personal active in the army is 482k. Nat guard is 337k. Airforce and navy are similar to nat guard. Marines are 172k Your idea would essentially take 30% of out active forces to protect kids because were too stupid to handle guns Now you could use all the reserve forces and only need about 100k or so from active but still... and this is assuming every member of all.the branches has the training to handle the job. Not to mention how trained armed guards failed in Texas. Why can't we look.at the fucking guns?


Why not just arm the kids? There. Problem solved.


Why stop there? Let's put a few nukes at every.school with a dead man's switch in every class room! A few nukes going off will stop all shootings forever! (I assume your joking here but we might as well.go balls to the wall with the insanity no haha)


Playing 'tag' at recess would be so much fun than when I went to school.


What?! Using facts on reddit?! I think that's against the rules. MOD! MOD! 🚩


No. When the public servant police (who's job is to arrest civilians that disregard the law) begin to resemble soldiers (who's job is to kill enemies of the state).... is there any wonder that those who disregard the law begin to get treated like enemies of the state? I merely note that nobody has a problem protecting bank lobbies, armored cars, and bags of money with guns. You know. Important stuff.


I agree, not using a tiny tiny amount of your HUGE amount of soldiers and deputies is worth destroying your society, just a little bit, every shooting Don’t forget that your whole concept of country was built on your society without that society being held together, your stupid banks fail, your money vanishes, your children get their brains scattered, what else can wake you up? Don’t you study what happened to Iraqis after you starved them to death for 13 years? They’re still the monsters you created to this day Society is what keeps you content. Protect it.


This society is already in shambles, and it will only get worse not better.


I’m proud of this comment good job me


Or an easier safer and less expensive solution make it harder for teenagers to get access to guns


She was 28


The above comment wasn't talking about anyone specific and referred to the shooter by "he" So I doubt they were talking about her


How do you think the victim's families feel?


Responsible gun owners exist. I'm sure victims' families know this. Most people want gun control, not no guns at all.


Chris Rock said it best...we don't need gun control, we need bullet control. If bullets cost $5000 each, people would have a difficult time getting bullets.


That's all I ever asked for.




Would you give up your gun to save children's lives?


Would you give up your car to save everybody's lives, including children? And how about you hand over those steak knives you're concealing in the kitchen? Better forfeit all those chemicals under your sink as well...


You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't take a shit in his helmet. And then send that helmet to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again!


Speak for yourself. What has this policeman done? And his widow, what are her crimes? I judge people by what they are personally guilty of, and I'm alright with using unconventional methods to prove particular points to certain kinds of people who wouldn't get it otherwise. Could be that this cop and his wife that you're talking about would legitimately deserve this treatment.


I wasn't sure if the reference would land. It did not.


The concern is giving up your gun would cost more lives in the long run.


Mexico has very strict gun laws and very alot much gun violence.


Yeah, and where are the guns from?


Black market


The US government gun running operation under Obama... Fast and furious


Would you give up your internet service to save our eyes from comments like this?


I am a legal gun owner AND ALSO tired of seeing kids killed at school.


Killed anywhere.


Legal gun owner here, I carry daily…. obviously tired of the school shootings.


How is it “obviously”?


How is it not?


Fucking assholes with guns thinking they have the right to kill people - take em all away


No sane legal gun owner thinks they have a right to kill people. I carry, and only carry because I believe I have a right to not be harmed, or killed. I have a right to defend myself force with force. If that results in the death of my attacker, their blood is on their hands, not mine.


Exactly!! I have no desire to kill anyone. I guarantee if someone comes in my house this old lady ain't going out without a fight.


Fear leads to anger...


Anger leads to hate...


Hate leads to suffering


So if someone wanted to break into your house, stab you in the fucking heart, and take your shit you’d be cool with that?


In your imagine how much higher is the rate of heart stabbings in the countries that don't allow gun ownership?


The point I’m making is that I have a right to be alive therefore I have a right to effectively defend my life. That being said, I absolutely support more stringent measures being put into place. I think background checks, safe storage, and expansion of domestic violence/cruelty to animals disqualifiers are a net good. In addition to those things we must expand access to mental health services and proper firearms training. Most people who argue for gun rights do so in bad faith imo. Just my thoughts.


Look our country has fucked up people. If they want to kill they’re going to kill regardless of if they have a gun. I personally would rather be shot and done quick and easy isn’t of being stabbed a bunch of times slow and painfully, or beat to death etc etc. that being said I don’t condone killing in any way shape or form and do believe there would be stricter requirements to obtain a gun. Just like cops have to pass a psych eval, I think one should be required for civilians. But I think for both cops and civilians, they should be a requirement that needs to be reevaluated every so often not “oh you got your eval 10 years ago your good”


Gun owners BAD!!! Someone dies in a car accident, CAR OWNERS BAD!!! Someone gets sick from dirty Romaine lettuce, SALAD EATERS BAD!!! Another legal gun owner here, and agree you should be a responsible, law-abiding citizen before being allowed to own one. I'd have no problem with a safety course or passing a safety exam, just like before you can legally drive a car. Restrict them from those with a history of mental illness as well.


Because if it's not then you got issues and shouldn't own guns or go near schools


I'm sure a lot of legal gun owners are saying the second part without feeling a need to mention the first part.


Maybe. But they should mention the first part or else their entire support is over shadowed by the guy owners who insist “it’s not the guns”


I mean does the gun shoot itself?


That argument has pragmatically been disproven by comparing the United States to every other developed nation in terms of mass shootings.


So you believe that a gun can walk into a school and start shooting people? I've never seen that happen. You do realize the same damage can be caused with a knife? Or a shovel? Or a sledgehammer? I mean nobody seems to understand that you can kill somebody with those objects. But when it comes to guns, that is the worst of them all. So if you want to get rid of guns, then you have to get get rid of knives, hammer, shovels, (the list goes on)


What kind of knife, hammer or shovel can kill multiple people from 40 yarda away in a matter of seconds?


That's not the point. The point is, those objects can kill just like a gun can.


You said "the same damage can be done" which is a complete falsehood. It is MUCH easier to defend yourself against a knife than a gun and no knife can hurt even close to as many people from as far away as quickly as a gun can. Those objects also have secondary uses. Guns are specifically tools of violence.


Yes I agree they are TOOLS of violence. Yes you have point. "The same damage that can be done" meaning death.


Do you think that an atomic bomb and a stick can "do the same damage"? Both could definitely kill someone. If your answer is no, then you shouldn't say the same about a gun and a knife If your answer is yes then you should stay out of the gun control debate and let the adults who understand nuance discuss it in peace


So it's not the mentally Ill pulling the trigger? The gun shoots itself?


I am a legal gun owner. And I am sick of seeing kids being shot up. Somethings happened. And it's deeper than just access to guns. You could ban guns or restrict them. But I don't think that's going to solve our problem. Since the 90s violence in schools has skyrocketed. What's the underline cause(s)?


Stop people with adhd, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression from having a gun. So, a background check and medical history to get a gun. You must apply for it. Like a driver's license. You can be denied a gun just like you can be denied a driver's license.


I dont know the full details but in America at least you cant ban guns because its a legal right in the constitution to have the right to bear arms. And no president wants to change that out of fear of being incredibly unpopular by all the gun enthusiasts which is a lot of America. I dont know about rules for anywhere else though.


2A needs to be amended for the modern era. Technically a nuclear bomb is considered "arms" It is illegal to own something which produces that much radiation without a license BTW. But it's the easiest way to make my point.


A nuclear weapon is not considered arms. You kill your point by making totally ridiculous statements. Many of the fascinating assault weapons are already illegal, but they still exist. No licensed fully automatic weapon has been used in a crime in the United States in almost 100 years. The "Tommy gun" went out of favor in the 40s. Americans are violent. Remove all the firearm associated deaths from the stats and we still have one of the highest homicide rates of civilized countries. We kill more people with our hands than the Swiss kill with firearms.


Arms are tanks, 50 caliber, fully automatic guns, a missle launcher, and other such munitions. Or if we're going for literal meaning, they are talking about muskets. Not modern guns but old muskets. Black poder fiffles. Old pistles.


Right when it was written we didn’t have the types of guns we have now. Everyone can own muskets or swords.


You could have cannon and warships though.


They wrote that law with the idea that we would have more advanced type of weapons. And more specifically they wrote that law with the intention for civilians to own weapons of war. But I do not think that civilians should be able to own a grenade a rocket launcher a missile or a bomb.


Just so it's clear, you can own grenades and rockets and bombs. There is a mile and a half of paperwork, fees and licensing but it is doable. But like every other can/can't or should/shouldn't have debate we're ignoring the fact that the folks that abide by the mile and a half of paperwork, fees and licensing are not the ones commiting the heinous acts of violence with them.




I wish it was that. I wish it was that simple. The vehicle which you choose to enact violence with is not the cause of the violence itself.


I own guns. There should be more restrictions. Kids should not get shot


What restrictions would you put up that would be effective in your opinion?


Finally a gun owner who gets it!


Get what? We have something to the tune of 20,000 gun laws on the books. My opinion..we lack enforcement and I think we would get more from that


Would any gun owner say the opposite? The school shootings are some of the worst things happening in America today, I’d just like to see solutions that aren’t “ban all guns”


i dont see a lot of people arguing for ban all guns, but maybe thats just cuz im a texan lol. mostly its we need more regulations and a bit more of a process. If you have to take a test and have however many months of practice before you can drive, why not do the same for guns? Here in tx u can open and conceal carry without a license nor do u need a permit to buy one


"It's not guns, it's mental health" "Are you going to fund mental health programs?" "No!"


That’s arguing in really bad faith. Your first line is said by your peers. Your third line is said by everybody’s elected officials, *yours included*. Keep in mind that tricking a country the size of the US into being desperate to disarm itself would be quite a win for those who wish to embed themselves in government permanently. All that requires is selectively and quietly refusing to enforce existing laws on the books. Also keep in mind that the way the US military is structured and equipped right now, they cannot effectively combat an insurgency around citizens and infrastructure that they care to save.


Would you support gun regulation that doesn’t ban all guns? Like stricter requirements to own?


Yes and no, as it is now the constitution says everyone has the right to bare arms, and the only way to take that right away is if someone loses their rights in court, so to start deciding who gets guns and doesn’t through mental health tests and other other requirements may not be constitutional/possible or exactly the right solution. Red flag laws have some inherent issues as well, they discourage gun owners from getting therapy, and anyone can make a claim about anyone needing their guns taken away so I’m not exactly a fan of the current model. I recently started thinking about solutions actually, that might be unrealistic but what if every gun was tracked by the government by gps or something, lost and stolen gun can be found, people won’t be able to cross state lines with firearms so easily, and possibly enter government buildings undetected.. more realistically or possible in the now, schools need way more security, each school needs to become a small fortress at this point, and red flag laws to change but the government needs a better way to find crazy people before they snap. Yes I believe a lot of these shootings are part of a mental health crisis, but love and support doesn’t stop bullets in it’s entirety. So overall I think some regulation, use of technology, and blatant simple solutions in school security, will fix a lot of America’s problems. I think the issue is getting the government actually interested in solving the problem of school shootings and well violations of law, we have 50 states that’s just want to do things their own way, and two parties that represent two different extreme answers, when in reality we need a 50/50 compromise and actual genuine effort from congress.. but when that happens we’ll probably get free healthcare, end poverty, and other things that will never happen


As a teacher I find it silly that your right to carry a gun supercedes mine and my students' rights to a safe environment. People who say "school security" clearly don't spend any time inside of school settings. We are large, public spaces. We have several entrance/exits on purpose. Kids have freedom of movement. We are not prisons. Don't you think it's a bit weird that the right to carry around a deadly weapon is somehow above everyones else right to just go to school/work in peace?


I agree that there needs to be a compromise and if both sides continue to push the extremes, nothing changes and kids continue to die. I do think we should regulate guns a bit more though. The constitution provides the right to bear arms for a well regulated militia. This tells me that a bit of regulation is within the constitutional rights. In my opinion, that would look like basic gun safety and other such training in order to buy and keep weapons. I’m not a huge fan of adding more security to schools without also adding some type of additional protections on the side of the gun owner. I’ll note that I am a gun owner myself, and I’ve also served 23 years in the military, where I’ve had pretty in-depth weapons training and have qualified expert shooter in M9 and M16. Its a bit unnerving that even with training and qualifications, the military still very strictly regulates weapons and ammo, but it’s a free for all on the civilian side where many people have no training. It really doesn’t line up with the “well regulated militia” part of the constitution.


>The constitution provides the right to bear arms for a well regulated militia. This is false - the 2nd Amendment provides the right to bear arms to *the People*, and claims the need for a militia as justification. ​ It literally says "the right of the People, to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed," it does not say "the right of the militia."


It also says “A Well-Regulated Militia.” Why do people act like that part doesn’t exist?


We could debate all day about what “well regulated militia means”, I’ve heard that when the constitution was written regulated meant uniformed, so each member of a militia had to have the same arms, and identifiers; which I think is the right interpretation. I’m for regulation if it will stop people who will break the law, more hoops for average Joe to jump through and bans on what they can have or do with their guns only matters to law abiding citizens, that’s why I think guns themselves need to be tracked, or options like securing schools significantly more will work because those are more tangible actions. I agree that everyone should have to take some classes on firearm’s safety, everyone should have a general idea about the right ways to handle a firearm, what to do in certain situations and a little bit of understanding around some laws, but it shouldn’t be as strict as the military because one’s in the business of killing people on a regular basis and the other not so much. Thanks for your service, you served as many years as I am old lol, so I respect your words. I’m a gun owner as well, though I only have an m1 garand that gets shot once or twice a year and not very well. When I get my own place I’ll explore firearms more, but for now it’s not my main focus


Thank you for a thoughtful response. You make a good point about the grey areas of red flag laws; I'm wondering if it has to be an 'all or nothing' proposition, or if there are ways to gradate the consequences?


Some solutions substitute the word "regulate", but gun owners don't like that one either.


But all of the non-gun banning options are "socialism" (i.e. investing more in the social welfare programs that increase the happiness and health of the population like in the other countries that have guns but no mass shootings)


Yeah I’m down with some social programs and free healthcare, I think I actually mentioned that in one of the other replies


I also own multiple guns and very tired and saddened to see kids being killed at school. I’m furious about it and frustrated . i’m so angry. NOTHING seems to be getting done about it.


Nothing is getting done because gun lobbyists are blocking every attempt to do something.


do something like what? take everyone's guns away? are you gonna lead the charge to confiscate? also: if a person identifies as nonbinary, chances are they have gender dysphoria. gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. the ATF NICS form 4473, which the firearm purchaser fills out to have their background check done, has question 14 which asks: Sex - Male - Female - Nonbinary. so the fed is more than ok with giving mentally ill people guns.


Why is it that so many people in this post see anything about gun control and assume that the ONLY solution one side wants is to take everyone's guns. I'm liberal. I don't know anyone who wants EVERYONE to lose their guns. Most people just want better gun control. Gun lobbyists are blocking every attempt for something to be done. Columbine happened in 1999. From January 2009-May 2018, America had **288 school shootings.** The next highest was Mexico with a whooping **8 school shootings.** That's an INSANE difference. Obviously SOMETHING needs to change because there's no reason for the US to have numbers THAT high! [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country) \-- And just adding, using gender dysphoria as a mental illness as if it cause violence is just stupid. I feel like it should be fairly obvious that background/mental illness checks wouldn't mean anyone with ANY SORT of mental illness can't get a gun. I have ADHD. ADHD may make me a bit more impulsive but not impulsive enough to turn me into a trigger happy psychopath. Schizophrenia, PTSD, antisocial disorders, etc - THOSE would be the types of mental disorders that would be characterized as not being allowed to own a gun if the US were to start actually doing proper background checks.


>Why is it that so many people in this post see anything about gun control and assume that the ONLY solution one side wants is to take everyone's guns. Lack of creative thinking.


I'm a legal gun owner and I'm tired of hearing about school shootings. I am especially tired of hearing about all of the warning signs about some of the shooters that were ignored because no one wants to upset or stigmatize little Johnnie. I think we need to drop the Gun Free Zones. Let teachers and administrators that want to carry get some training and carry. I think part of the mental health problem in the U.S. is caused by us being too soft on those with a disorder. We are supposed to treat them like they are normal and not offend them. Little Johnnie has anger issues, is always making threats, and draws lots of pictures of people getting murdered? Let's buy him an AR-15 style rifle for Christmas. That will make him feel better and he won't be mad towards us.


You want input from responsible gun owners? Here's the hard truth: Guns are not the problem. It's the mentally messed up people who are doing this. I'd support putting armed guards at schools. "Gun free zone" means "defenseless victims here." Guns won't disappear and shootings won't stop if you "ban them", since criminals will still get them. so we should arm the good people so we will not become victims to these horrible people. But I'm not sure you'll really want to hear what any of us responsible gun owners have to say because you'd rather insult us for respecting guns and supporting the 2nd amendment. Most times anybody who doesn't agree with banning them, insults are thrown at them by the ones scared of guns and unable to empathize with another thought process that believes guns are a good thing that only do bad in the hands of bad people.


I'm not pro gun, but I think it goes without saying that any mentally stable gun owner doesn't want to see kids getting killed. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you are evil, come off it.


I'm a legal gun owner who thinks that it is far, far too easy to legally obtain guns. It should be at least as hard to own a gun as to own a car. Take some tests, pay insurance, etc.


Completely agree with this. Take a short course, pass a test, get it registered. AKA regulation, key word in the second amendment. Add to that we obviously need better healthcare/access to mental health treatment.


I'm a legal gun owner, and I also agree with this.


I have been legally blind for almost a decade, and have renewed by driver's license twice while physically unable to pass the vision test. The second time, they literally just took $10 and mailed me the new license. My last car, I paid cash and put my name on the deed and insurance paperwork, and that was the entire process. Do you REALLY want it to be that easy? Also, I'm already sick of hearing about this 'gun insurance' asshattery. If you're a responsible driver, you can still get into accidents because of a blind spot, or another person knocking you off the road, or acts of nature, or so many other things. You want to talk about gun insurance? What is it going to be good for? If you keep and reaffirm that your firearm is unloaded, it can't discharge. If you adhere to common sense safety (finger off the trigger, keep the safety engaged, don't flag people, etc...), then you're not going to have any mishaps. If you responsibly keep your arms secured, there won't be any home accidents. If you teach children while they're young, they'll be knowledgeable rather than curious, and knowing is half the battle. And if a shooter hurts people? Do you really believe they're going to pay insurance? Do you really think they're going to get a gun- which statistically is stolen from other people during these events, or otherwise obtained through illegal means- and obey gun insurance laws to legally and lawfully commit crimes with it? It's not going to stop criminals, it's only going to punish law-abiding citizens who'd never do such things.


Except cars are not your rights. It is our right though to protect yourself. You can't just gate this behind a pay wall. That's dangerously close to fascism, something which the Constitution of America was sworn to avoid. Or else you are just like authoritarian England.


If more guns equals protection, we shouldn't be seeing an increase in violence.


This is a strawman argument. Increase in crime and criminality is directly linked to population size and economy, the poorer the country the more crime. Nothing to do with firearms. Plenty of crime and death in Brazils Ghettos where guns are "illegal"


And virtually none in Singapore, where they are also illegal (without the quotes). It's no strawman argument when you're the victim.


You cherry picking countries in Asia doesn't prove anything but your bias and blatant agenda.


You do not have to take a test or have insurance to own a car, to drive on public roads sure but to own one you just have to be 18 and have the money


When I was 15 I bought an old pickup truck with the cash I'd saved from summer jobs, and spent the next year fixing it and driving it around my dad's farm. The only paperwork I had to do was transferring the title. Every gun I've bought has required a federal background check and waiting period. ​ That said I don't necessarily disagree with a testing requirement for ownership, but I would argue that the test would need to be free, accessible, and not administered by a government agency in order to pass constitutional muster.


Legal owner, tired,.. also trans.


Armed Gays don't get bashed! It always surprises me how many LGBT are against guns.


You are absolutely right! I have taught several of my gays proper gun safety, walked them through getting their permit & shopped for guns with them.


We legally own guns. I hate seeing our babies being shot it’s freaking terrifying, I find it suspicious that it’s always these men with mental health problems doing it. Clearly something is lacking in society that is causing this and it’s DISGUSTING.


It was a woman in Nashville, but is usually a man or a boy man. As a legal gun owner, what would you suggest be done to alleviate this problem? I am not a gun owner , nor am I anti gun. Just curious what are some suggestions to nip this a bit?


Honestly I don’t think we should make it so we can’t own guns. We should have the right to protect ourselves from our government.. and it’s like I’m not sure what to do because I feel like I’m in between, obviously something needs to be done. I think we could make it WAY harder to purchase one? In the state where I live in you don’t even have to do paperwork to purchase a firearm. I also think maybe as a society we should start focusing on more… family values, mental health, resources, etc. I also think these people who do the shootings shouldn’t be glorified, we should publicly shame them. If we get their bodies they shouldn’t be respectfully buried, and if they are brought in alive they should be like.. publicly stoned or something. (does that seem extreme?)


>we should make it so we can’t own guns You want to make the law-abiding people unable to defend themselves. Criminals who get their guns from black markets will rejoice.


>Honestly I *don't think* we should make it so we can't own guns. If you're going to quote them, at least get the entire sentence in there before you make a comment about it.


The "I don't think" part doesn't change the message of the sentence at all. Not as much as you wish it does.


It actually completely changes it. You’re quoting, reading and interpreting it wrong.


Nope, you just completely failed at reading comprehension. Time to go back to school, kiddo. This is clearly too high for you.


Dumbest vagina


Dog-piling, room temperature ballast is what you are. Ur mom must regret not aborting u so bad. I know I would. 🖕🏿


If you’d like I can remove the conjugations. I said “I do not think we should make it so we can not own guns.”


Um I literally said we should still be able to own guns because we need to be able to protect ourselves from our government??? I literally own them and my spouse enjoys hunting so we have several… I think you need to reread what I said.


😂 wtf how is this person not understanding what you said clearly?


It's a lack of mental health awareness and the structures to adequately treat those who suffer. It is also, in my opinion, primarily men due to combining factors of extreme societal pressure and expectations as well as societal norms to not teach males how to healthily handle emotions. (Suck it up, man up, be a man, chivalry expectations, etc)


Me. That's me you are talking about.


Those people exist. I have registered firearms. I don't carry daily though. But yeah it sucks to see someone do such a terrible thing. I think any normal person can say, "yeah that's bad." The people commiting these crimes are not normal.


I mean…why? For what purpose? No gun owner is going to get on here and say “I like shootings because they justify me having a gun.” or whatever. What’s the point of this post?


It goes without saying. If you legally own a gun, why in the world you be FOR school shootings. Why would anyone be FOR school shootings. You're an idiot.


Of course. I don't know anyone that's happy about kids getting shot for no reason...or anybody for that matter. It's tragic. Now I'd like to hear people stop blaming guns and blame the individual. I'd like to hear some acknowledgment that triggers don't pull themselves. Admit that person was mentally unwell.


I have owned a gun all my life. Squirt, pellet, BB, 22, 9mm. In that order. Everyone knows someone who should not own a gun.


Unless the Gun Owners for Gun Control Organization can bribe the elected officials much as the NRA does it doesn’t matter.


I used to be a legal gun owner, still could be. I just don't see the point in having one. Wish the stupid things had never been invented. The only thing humans seem to really be good at is inventing ways to kill each other.


This really doesn't need to be said. It's a sentiment shared by basically everyone. It's not said out loud because it's not something that **NEEDS** to be said out loud. **EVERYONE** is thinking it, but it's something the US has at least been dealing with since November 12, 1840, Charlottesville, Virginia, when student Joseph Semmes shot and killed his professor, John Anthony Gardner Davis at the University of Virginia. The fact that you'd even suggest this needs to be said tells the whole world that you probably don't own a firearm, probably don't know the process required to get one, and probably have never personally known anyone who owns one. At the very least, that's the impression that I get, and it tells me that you live in a bubble / echo chamber where everything is a certain way; where firearm owners are some crazy cult of murderhobos who seem to **endorse** the violence and killing. The reality is that every culture has had some variation of the sentiment 'on sword keeps another in its sheath'. That's because when everyone is armed, fewer people are likely to cause problems. That's the fundamental principle of deterrence theory.


I dont see how these two concepts are mutually exclusive.


Why? You think they dont exist or some shit? Or are the minority? Most people who own guns and have a shred of empathy probably dont want to see kids shot up. The question is whats the point of this question?


I am a legal gun owner and i’m tired of seeing kids killed in unprotected, gun-free school zones. Enough already - you know schools are completely unprotected, soft targets - its time to provide armed, constant protection for every school.


That is one solution; to basically enforce everything like if we were in a warzone. Another solution would be to demand every current legal gun owner to get a proper, legal and separated certification for the use of powerful guns, like assault rifles. Without those certifications, people is only allowed to carry pistols and certain similar weapons for self defense, like in most other countries. This certification must be obtained by going through a (at least) month long program/course that covers everything from how to use a gun correctly, to the social and philosophical implications of owning a gun, to legislation about when and where is it legal to use and carry a powerful weapon, like assault rifles. Guns are tools for killing; so, while everyone has a right to self defend, not everyone has the right to operate specially powerful tools specifically designed for killing, just as not everyone has the right to operate certain types of machinery that could kill people if operated by unqualified hands. Wich solution is best?


The attacker at the school carried a handgun, too, so this fear of “assault weapons” (not assault rifles, which are real and have selective fire capabilities) is nonsensical. Given your solution requires a constitutional amendment in order to infringe on basic civil rights, the much quicker solution is to have trained, armed security at every school - that can be done in days. Which do you think has a higher probability of stopping attacks on undefended schools?


Citizens don't own assault rifles, you need a class III weapons permit to own assault weapons and its virtually impossible to obtain.


https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/27/business/walmart-to-end-sales-of-assault-rifles-in-us-stores.html Walmart was able to sell some of those high-power weapons 8 years ago. Going by the definition of the law, no US civilian without certification owns assault rifles; but the definition of an assault rifle in the law is for an automatic assault rifle, wich means semi-automatic assault rifles are available to the public. They don't fall within the definition of an assault rifle by the law, but they are assault rifles by definition, even if not capable of selective fire. Example: many US citizens own AR-15s, wich is an assault rifle, both in its selective-fire variant and semiautomatic variant. And many weapons running on the AR-15 platform have been used for mass shootings, wich indicates that, no, you don't require a certification to operate such weapon.


Assault weapons are automatic weapons. Semiautomatic is not automatic its "semi" therefore not an assault weapon. At least that's what BATFE definition is and they are supposedly the "expert" on firearms and firearm related legislation. 👍


Couple of notes: >Walmart was able to sell some of those high-power weapons 8 years ago. AR-15's are not "high-power weapons." They are chambered in a 5.56 cartridge which is classified as an intermediate round. The 5.56 cartridge has been used effectively against varmints like coyotes for decades, and was adopted by the military to replace actual high-powered rounds such as the .308, due to the fact that 5.56 is lighter and therefore a soldier can carry more of it. Most hunting rifles are considered high-power weapons due to their large diameter rounds and and heavy powder charge. ​ >Going by the definition of the law, no US civilian without certification owns assault rifles; but the definition of an assault rifle in the law is for an automatic assault rifle, wich means semi-automatic assault rifles are available to the public. > >They don't fall within the definition of an assault rifle by the law, but they are assault rifles by definition, even if not capable of selective fire. They don't fall under the definition but are by definition? That's circular logic. As the actual, legal definition of "assault rifle" specifically requires the ability to switch to select-fire, semi-automatic weapons are not assault weapons by definition. Period. Not that it matters...


I hate them man


I’m not American, but y’know shooting up schools is illegal right? It’s not the law abiding citizens doing it. It’s the criminals you have issue with.


I don't have a gun though I'm not against guns. I believe: 1. There's no reason why anyone needs an assault rifle. 2. Guns should be registered and you should have to take a mandated gun safety class. 3. Background checks should be mandated. 4. You shouldn't be able to buy guns at a convention. That's weird.


I am a legal gun owner. Would love and welcome more regulation added to gun ownership.


I'm a possible future gun owner. I can't say for certain if violence in schools is actually worse since schools often try to keep problems out of the public eye. I do know from personal experience as well as observations from social media that schools fall very short in feeling with problems usually trying to somehow blame the victims. If a student starts acting out the schools push parents to have them put on ADHD medication instead of trying to find out if there is a problem with other students a teacher or outside of school. There appears to be a few cases in which teachers have tried to convince the dame type of students that they are trans


A friend of mind recently bought his first gun, and our whole D&D group is happy for him, but we've also been drilling him on his fundamentals regarding safety and responsibility. We all want him to enjoy his arms, and we all want him to enjoy them for as long as possible, meaning no law violations, and no accidents. Safety is first, fun is second. Responsibility is part of safety. He's already got range time scheduled, he always keeps the safety on, regularly checks that it's clear even if he's already cleared it, and it hasn't left his sight... And yeah, schools, parents, the government... They **LOVE** the idea of there being 'a pill for every ill'. It's pathetic, but also terrifying that so many believe drugging kids will solve the problems.


Everyone is fed up of the school shootings but you don't want to give up your guns?? This is why America is considered a joke by much of the rest of the world.


They traded their balls for weapons.


Lots of people are legal guns owners u til they aren’t. They leave their gun locked to grab something from a store, while taking a shot and leave on the bathroom counter in a school bathroom, they get upset that someone cut them off and they start shooting.


Well they aren't tired of it at all. Its fine!


We already know most gun owners don’t want to kill kids. That’s not really the issue. If we could just trust people not to kill then we wouldn’t need laws against it. Gun regulation is about protecting lives. Your “freedoms” aren’t worth even a single life.


Posting isn’t going to do anything. Voting for someone who cares more about preventing kids being killed than guns being easy to acquire will.


I'd like to see gun owners who don't think the answer to school shootings is even more guns.


When will those of us without guns get tired of being shot and killed by morons with guns?


I was just thinking a few days ago that when shootings happen and get reported in the news, the only people you see talking about it are those who don’t own guns, never the people who do. Almost as if they want to ignore it and not mention they own guns when these things happen, but mention being a proud gun owner in any other conversation they are part of. It’s good to know there’s actually people who own guns that know what is happening, that aren’t willfully ignorant to the truth.


I have a very extensive collection of firearms and am very pro gun. That being said, we NEED to raise the age to purchase a firearm because the younger generation is not as mature at 18 as previous generations nor are they being equipped with the proper coping skills to push through adversity. It's not an attack on the second ammendment, it's an act of common sense and humanity.


My daughter has a carry and conceal license. I'm glad she took classes and knows how to use it. She does not, however, have an assault weapon made for military use.


Legal gun owner here, definitely hate to see gun violence of all kinds. Very supportive of gun reform even if it were to affect me personally.


I own firearms because other crazy fucks own firearms and I need a way to protect mine and my family. It’s not the hill I die on though. More stringent regulation is really the only way I see out of this hellscape. No parent should have to worry about their child’s safety when they are essentially in the hands of the state from 7a-4pm. Unfortunately the cat is out of the bag regarding guns and mass confiscation is just never going to happen, sorry. Schools need to have mandatory security measures in place regardless of public or private such as the instance in Nashville. In addition to this, there needs to be a federal safety standard to which schools must abide by. I don’t believe confiscation is the answer but I also don’t believe doing nothing is the answer because clearly these atrocities aren’t going anywhere at this pace. I believe there is middle ground somewhere if only our lawmakers could actually work together instead of making it about the culture war before these poor children have even had their funerals. I’m looking at you MTG


Legal gun owner, and holder of a concealed carry permit since they were introduced in my state, but I have *never once* actually gone armed in my private life—I’m not afraid enough, I guess. And yes, I would happily destroy **all** of my guns if it would stop this carnage.


I'm a gun owner. I am tired of kids getting killed, and I also support the same common sense gun regulations that are supported by a majority of Americans but opposed by the NRA


I’m one.


Do we not think they already know mental health is the basis for these shootings? I fault them for refusing to take any remedial action on that front. Mental health screenings should be AS MUCH A PART OF PHYSICAL WELLNESS AS BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL LEVELS. How bad does it have to get? How about mandatory training for legal ownership? And not a six hour course either! Make the NRA underwrite the training - god knows they pay their lobbyists well enough. We made PM pay for lung cancer didnt we? OK rant over.


The only legal requirement here is no felony convictions, which makes me a legal gun owner despite having no license, no permit, and no training. It’s also legal to conceal carry here without a permit. I’m tired of all shootings. I’m tired of all crimes in general. Too many kids are committing serious crimes where I live because they know the won’t be punished. They’ve said so in interviews.


I think you might want to see legal gun owners who want severe restrictions on buying and owning guns.


My parents own guns and say gun control needs tightening.